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Messages - Tom Bishop

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 08, 2025, 06:43:27 PM »
The pendulum is beyond its apex and is definitely swinging to the other direction now. The Left may never fully recover.

Science & Alternative Science / The Science of Faith Healing
« on: February 07, 2025, 06:11:07 PM »
I came across a book at my local alternative science book peddler titled "Where Science Meets Spirit: The Formula for Miracles". This book was purportedly written by an MIT-trained engineer who developed a life-altering muscular sickness, which kept him in constant pain and prevented him from working. He began trying every traditional and non-traditional healing protocol without success, finally reaching the bottom of the barrel in his desperation: Faith Healing. He found a practitioner and Faith Healing apparently helped his issues dramatically. He even proceeded to change careers in pursuit of this practice and now helps others, with many interesting testimonials and anecdotes shared in the book.

The procedure can be simplified as thus: If you have a pain, all you need to do is touch near where it hurts and tell the pain to go away. The pain will then go away and you feel better. Some suggest that it is helpful to command that the pain dispel and leave, and to tell it that you have the right to live your own life. This process will need to be repeated when the pain recurs, which results in the pain becoming less and less prominent until full healing is achieved.

Other elements of the protocol appear to be related to convincing yourself that you are ready to heal, which is a necessary component. Surprisingly, none of what is described appears to directly deal with faith in the religious sense at all. Faith appears to refer to the faith that it will work despite not knowing how it can work. My own interpretation is that this is the placebo effect. The placebo effect is a known curiosity where if someone thinks that a false pill will heal them, somehow it does help them. The placebo effect is pretty much equivalent to how faith healing is described in this work, since a non-active pill apparently results in healing based on the faith of the patient.

The author of the book describes that he believes that something metaphysical is occurring, and there are apparently a number of spiritual interpretations. However, I tend to believe that placebo effect and faith healing anecdotes can be described with known concepts. We know that the body is able to clear out its diseases naturally. There is no disease that which kills 100% of the people it infects, or makes all people chronically ill, and many recover on their own from the same disease, which proves that there is a possible physical self recovery process in the bodily machinery. Once you choose to heal your mind, your body physiology can then relax the the countless stressed tissues and components in your body, allowing plumbing and connections to work better with a more normal state and flush out the disease. The body may also be able to utilize water and nutrition more efficiently to create what is necessary to heal.

The connection between good psychology and good health has been recognized throughout history. Ancient Buddhists describe that a healthy mind creates a healthy body. It is not necessarily to know exactly how the placebo effect and faith healing works, only that there are enough accumulated anecdotes that there may be something there. Faith healing practitioners have refined their techniques over the years, and now offer an array of engaging courses and programs to prepare the mind and compel the action of the placebo effect for our own benefit.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 06, 2025, 11:01:19 PM »
Quote from: Lord Dave
But I think the sports agencies and such should determine that, not the president.

As Action80 stated, Trump isn't banning sports agencies from doing what they want with trans people. There can still be an organization that competes trans people against biological women. He is simply removing federal funding from organizations who want to do that, since it violates equal opportunity regulations.

    Moreover, under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (Title IX), educational institutions receiving Federal funds cannot deny women an equal opportunity to participate in sports. As some Federal courts have recognized, “ignoring fundamental biological truths between the two sexes deprives women and girls of meaningful access to educational facilities.”  Tennessee v. Cardona, 24-cv-00072 at 73 (E.D. Ky. 2024). See also Kansas v. U.S. Dept. of Education, 24-cv-04041 at 23 (D. Kan. 2024) (highlighting “Congress’ goals of protecting biological women in education”).

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs receiving Federal financial assistance. The word sex refers to sexual biology, not social gender.

If someone somewhere wants to run an organization that does it, it does not appear to be banned. Just don't expect to be associated with federal tax dollars.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 06, 2025, 09:38:02 AM »
But does that insulate the president from impeachment?  There is the notion that you can't (or, at least, shouldn't) enforce the law by breaking the law.

Impeachment is an internal process that provides the label of "impeached", and it is not clear that Congress can actually take the next step and use it to enforce an order to remove a President, considering that in practice they can't actually enforce anything they order if the executive branch disagrees.

If I am a military general and I am reading that Congressional orders and laws can and are often ignored by the President as regular practice, and that the President has the power to overthrow Congress at will without fear of arrest, it would be clear to me that the ultimate power is with the President and not Congress. The removal order is going into the trash.

Quote from: markjo
The courts don't make laws at all.  They interpret laws to determine if they are valid and if they apply to individual cases.  Congress makes the laws and the executive branch enforces those laws.

The courts do create laws, which is how "right to privacy" turned into "abortion for all". This knowledge is at our fingertips. We can simply ask our friend Google AI.

> do the courts create laws

Google AI: Yes, courts create law in the United States, but they do so by interpreting existing laws and the Constitution. This process is called judicial review.

Quote from: honk
That's a dubious piece of hyperbole, but even if we assume it to be true, there's an easy answer - because the Supreme Court, the body representing the judicial branch of government, chose to allow him to. They didn't have to. They could have - and, needless to say, absolutely should have - ruled against him, and if they had, Trump couldn't have done anything about it, just as Biden couldn't do anything about them ruling in Trump's favor. Like Congress, the Supreme Court has a number of ways to check Trump's power, and also like Congress, they're refusing to use them.

The main reason that the President can be interpreted to be above the law is because the founders of the United States
didn't create anything truly original and just fixed what was there, which is the logical thing to do when something is broken. They adopted large parts of the the English system of government and gave the President the powers and role of the King, with modification that it was an elected King. In traditional and medieval monarchies the King embodies the law. The law flows through the monarch and spreads over his realm. The King could not break the law because he was the law.

Similar language that the US President embodies the law is apparent, and in 246 years of practice the President has been able to ignore and nullify orders and laws issued by the courts and Congress, demonstrating that he is genuinely above the law.

As far as can be determined most civilizations concluded that the Earth was flat, even those who were highly adept at astronomy and astronomical prediction such as the Babylonians. The Greeks were the first to speculate on a round earth. It is not a view which appeared organically in any other civilization.

See this quote from

“ Although we condemn flat-Earth thinking as an example of foolish ignorance, a spherical Earth is actually counterintuitive. It’s such a radical idea that it has been ‘discovered’ only once, in Athens after 400 BCE. The concept of the Earth being round didn’t appear in any other civilisation. India and the Islamic world learnt it from the Greeks, while China had to wait until the Jesuits arrived in the 16th century and turned the Chinese view of the Universe upside down. ” —Historian of science Dr. James Hannam, author of "God’s Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science" (bio, source)

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 05, 2025, 02:01:15 PM »
Since the President is clearly above the powers of other branches a more accurate statement is that he provides the permission for his actions. The President is the check against the other branches, not vice-versa. You guys have that backwards.

Another example is the recent "TikTok ban". It was passed legally by Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court. TikTok went offline for a while and then it was brought back online by internet telecommunication companies after declarations from Trump. Trump issued statements and an EO that he will put the orders for the TikTok ban on pause and not uphold it, demonstrating that he is above those powers and can simply ignore the orders.

The best Congress can do is impeach him and give him that label, but whether they have the power to actually forcefully remove him against his will is in debate since it has never been done and the President has an encompassing enforcement power that nullifies other branches. In fact, the article I posted a couple of posts back says that he can overturn or overthrow Congress in his official capacity without fear of arrest. It is interesting to speculate about the limits of the President's vast power, but it is nonetheless very clear that he is incredibly powerful in likeness to a king.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 05, 2025, 07:26:38 AM »
And yet he wasn't able to freeze funds.  The courts stopped him.

The President can respect that decision, or not. Since the President is responsible for enforcing the order, he can simply tell his law enforcers not to enforce it.

There are numerous examples of the executive branch declining to enforce laws and orders, such as the declining to enforce and prosecute marijuana laws. The executive branch said that they won't enforce it, with the result that people now take it and grow it at will and treat it as legal. This is a well known example of the executive giving the finger to the courts, and a demonstration that he is above the laws.

This is also why the President has unlimited pardon power. If a judge issues an order that someone is to be imprisoned or fined, the President can choose not to enforce it and let the person go free. Here we have an example that has been exercised many times in the past that the President can ignore direct court orders, beyond just ignoring laws. He is truly above the courts.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 05, 2025, 05:50:57 AM »
Okay, there's a lot of wildly incorrect stuff being posted here. No, the president is not a king

Then why does the President have the power to assassinate US Citizens at will?

See: The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially

    The Supreme Court today ruled that presidents are entitled to “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for official acts, then contended that pressuring the vice president and the Department of Justice to overthrow the government was an “official act,” then said that talking to advisers or making public statements are “official acts” as well, and then determined that evidence of what presidents say and do cannot be used against them to establish that their acts are “unofficial.”

If the US President can murder a US Citizen then he obviously has great king-like power. The president is at the seat of power which executes justice, and the Supreme Court has ruled that he is therefore above the law, just as a king is. If he breaks some law in actions, it doesn't matter. Since he himself is responsible for enforcing the law, the laws do not apply to him.

The President is the country's Commander in Chief, and is an executor of justice above the law, very similar to the role of a medieval king. The courts can make laws, but they don't apply to him. The courts are therefore inferior entities meant for normal citizens, not the President who is superior.

You guys will have a tough time doing anything against Donald Trump, so it's probably best to quit whining about it.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 05, 2025, 01:19:55 AM »
Quote from: AATW
I would have thought that it's pretty self evident that laws which affect the citizens of an entire country should be made by a group rather than an individual.

Actually it is self evident to me that experts and politicians endlessly argue with each other. If you argue and create division then you get nothing done. The US Congress and the UK Parliament are regularly criticized for this. Luckily for America Congress's power is limited we have an attentive commander named Donald Trump who has the power to get many things done.

The US President has a system which has invested trillions in giving him the best in foreign and domestic intelligence. The President has access to top strategists, the top experts, has his own staff and departments which make recommendations for executive actions for specific sectors, and it is laughable to characterize the President's actions as the result of a single person. Trump did not solely come up with the dozens of Executive Orders he has signed so far.

Instead of whining about Trump and stating falsities you should focus on your own country.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 04, 2025, 04:25:25 PM »
I guess you're talking about a referendum. I have no issue with the idea that those should be used sparingly, and they mostly are. The Brexit thing was a dumpster fire - whatever side of that debate people are on, it was not a decision arrived at by a well educated and informed population who knew and understood all the issues involved. Which is why you have a government.

I don't see any proof that representative experts are better. Those experts are one one side or the other. There is no such thing as an expert impartial to politics. In your case you have too many liberal 'experts'. If experts are needed any lawyer or politician has the ability to cite experts. They are not actually directly needed to make decisions in government.

In the case of Brexit, that happened to be a good thing. The public removed itself from burdensome regulations and monetary obligations. It's not UK's responsibility to support other countries, and neither is it America's responsibility to support you. Get your own military and stop begging me like a vagrant.

Quote from: AATW
But you have a government, not a king or emperor. Were you happy with the last 4 years of Biden as an "elected king"? That worked well, did it? You need some checks and balances and that's why you have a government.

The fact that the four years of incompetence has ended shows that the system works. Other countries are not as dynamic and have permanent incompetence. America has an ability to shift radically and dynamically, while the UK is too obsessed with democracy to see its pitfalls. The UK Monarch still refuses to take a commanding lead to bring his nation to greatness, which is why you can't and won't get anything done.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 04, 2025, 11:53:55 AM »
Quote from: AATW
But they still have to go through the process and allow parliament to debate things before anything becomes law. I can see that your system is more efficient but the trade-off is the President can do things unilaterally which doesn't feel right in a democracy.

It is possible to have too much democracy. Learn more history. The Ancient Greeks experimented with direct democracy and failed. They were asking its people to vote on and decide directly on questions such as "Should we go to war with Sparta?" with disastrous results. A King is needed to act as the commander, but it needs to be an elected king. In the US this elected king is called the President.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 03, 2025, 05:33:11 PM »
I don’t really understand all this executive order stuff. Why can a US President unilaterally decide policy, impose tariffs, pardon people, decide about DEI policies, halt refugee programmes etc.

If it was left to Congress they would just argue about it and have a hard time getting the required votes and essentially do nothing. If you argue enough it can often result in a split in the consensus. In debates there is a psychological factor to balance out issues. In the past there have been issues with the media doing things like interviewing a doctor on a medical issue and then interviewing a crystal healing practitioner about the 'alternative' opinion, implying that there are two equal sides. If you do that enough you give undue legitimacy and the public will eventually think that there really are two sides.

Allowing the US President great freedom to act, react, and dictate policy is partly why the US is the richest and most powerful country on earth. This is also why the English Crown has lost an incredible amount of world power after the Monarchy decided to stop governing directly and leave most things to democracy. They gave away too much to democracy. You do need an active governing king, but you need the ability to vote for that king.

The founders of the United States were highly educated, studied history closely, and designed the US Constitution based specifically on the failed direct democracy experiments of Ancient Greece, and the failed direct monarchies in France and elsewhere, with the correct balance. Most other countries just know that democracy is desirable and are recklessly slapping elements together.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Solar Eclipse of Aug 12, 2026
« on: February 03, 2025, 04:12:47 PM »
It still has the same problem. If the Moon's shadow is traveling at that steep of an angle then there should be steep Southward or Northward vertical shadow movement in all eclipse shadow paths. Yet we see many with relatively horizontal Eastwards paths for the same duration.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 31, 2025, 11:11:00 PM »
This is just a matter of Trump being right and me being wrong. President Trump is among the first to get the full details and suggested it was DEI related, but didn't specify which DEI category that would be.

Q: “Are you saying this crash was somehow caused as the result of diversity hiring? And what evidence have you seen to support these claims?”

TRUMP: “It just could have been. We have a high standard. We’ve had a much higher standard than anybody else. And there are things where you have to go by brainpower. You have to go by psychological quality, and psychological quality is a very important element of it. These are various, very powerful tests that we put to use. And they were terminated by Biden. And Biden went by a standard that seeks the exact opposite. So we don’t know. But we do know that you had two planes at the same level. You had a helicopter and a plane. That shouldn’t have happened. And, we’ll see. We’re going to look into that, and we’re going to see. But certainly for an air traffic controller, we want the brightest, the smartest, the sharpest. We want somebody that’s psychologically superior. And that’s what we’re going to have.”

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 31, 2025, 09:46:46 PM »
Yes, that doesn't appear to be the pilot. Apparently the pilot was an unidentified woman who was undergoing flight instruction. Close enough.

Defense officials, who were not authorized to speak publicly, told NPR that the instructor pilot, now believed to be Chief Warrant Officer Eaves, had 1,000 hours of flight time, which is considered experienced. The co-pilot, whose name is being withheld, had 500 hours, which is considered normal.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 31, 2025, 07:44:19 PM »
Likely a suicide

The helicopter makes a beeline for the plane and attempts no evasive maneuvers whatsoever

The helicopter pilot was off-route and above its restricted altitude:


The outlet again spoke with insiders that said the Sikorsky H-60 Black Hawk helicopter was not on its approved route and flying higher than it should have been.

Approval had been given for the helicopter to fly no higher than 200 feet along the east side of the Potomac River, where it would have avoided the passenger jet.

The pilot of the helicopter confirmed sight of the American Airlines flight and was told to stick to their predetermined route and go behind the plane.

Sources said the pilot did not stick to the path however and was a half-mile off course as well as being at an altitude above 300 feet.

A senior Army official told The Times that the pilot of the Black Hawk had flown the route before and was well aware of the tight altitude restrictions and routes.

As the jet approached the runway, those onboard had asked air traffic control to change their runway, according to an FAA report.

The plane, a Bombardier CRJ700, had been cleared to touch down on Runway 1, the main airport thoroughfare, but the controller then asked the pilot to land on Runway 33.

It also appears that the pilot was a trump-hating transsexual. Individuals with gender dysphoria have a very high suicide rate:

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 27, 2025, 04:54:08 AM »
I'm still not sure what you guys are really bawwing about. All of this is great. Dr. Phil and Tom Homan are now on the mean streets of Chicago arresting illegals and making America safer.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Solar Eclipse of Aug 12, 2026
« on: January 26, 2025, 09:43:15 PM »
Quote from: flannel jesus
Those two pictures clearly have nothing to do with each other. You're presenting them like one is how a globe represents the paths of eclipse and the other is how it's presented on a flat earth, but those maps very clearly, to anyone who looks closely, aren't displaying the same paths as each other. Those aren't the same eclipse paths displayed two different ways. Those are two entirely different maps with two sets of entirely different paths. There's no point comparing those pictures except to fool people too lazy to look at the details.

Show a like for like comparison of the paths and it will be worth looking at.

The eclipses repeat themselves every 18 years, shifted in longitude, so this not really that relevant that the time span is not the same.

Here is the Oppolzer eclipse map for 2008 to 2030, which includes the 2026 path over Greenland. Browsing through the collection of maps in the site's directory the eclipse paths are, as expected, symmetrical arcs.

why don't the other shadow paths exhibit this behavior?

If this was expected inherent geometry then we should see the eclipses all move vertically like that, moving Northward or Southward at a rapid pace.

Because not all eclipses happen under the same conditions. That seems almost so obvious it's not worth saying.

And of course some of the other shadows do look similar. That's quite clearly not the only one with a heavy north south direction.

They do happen under the same geometrical conditions within the Earth-Moon system. According to what you claimed earlier, the Southward and Northward movement is caused by the Moon going down or up this ramp of its inclined tilt over the lunar month. As you also pointed out, due to the circular nature of the Moon's orbit, it would be moving faster on a Northward or Southward trajectory closer to the intersection with the earth center/ecliptic, painted below in red. But this is not what we see.

If the 2026 Greenland path is a gauge for the rapid vertical movement, it is certainly not increasing further down. According to what you have suggested is happening we should see the steep vertical movement all over the place in all eclipses.

None of this is seen with consistency and is therefore insufficient as an argument.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Solar Eclipse of Aug 12, 2026
« on: January 26, 2025, 04:11:03 AM »
I've circled the 2026 eclipse over Greenland on the RE "Fifty years of solar eclipses" image above. If the shadow path is moving Southwards so fast that the eclipse goes almost straight downwards over a period of one and a half hours, why don't the other shadow paths exhibit this behavior?

If this was expected inherent geometry then we should see the eclipses all move vertically like that, moving Northward or Southward at a rapid pace.

It is clearly a bogus explanation that the Southwards trajectory of the Moon over the period of a Lunar Month causes this behavior. Many of the other eclipses travel relatively horizontal for long stretches of time. The one in 2031 is even traveling both Southwards and then Northwards at different times of its duration.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Solar Eclipse of Aug 12, 2026
« on: January 26, 2025, 12:50:39 AM »
Sandokan made a decent argument in this thread here on that the Bessel and derivatives are actually using a FE North Azimuthal projection or something similar which amounts to the same projection when put together.

We've pointed out in the past that when the eclipse path are mapped out on the Northern Azimuthal projection that the twisted paths on the RE globe coincidentally turn into symmetrical arcs.

Solar Eclipse Path Comparison

It is of interest that on the globe the paths of the Solar Eclipse look rather odd:


On the Flat Earth map the paths appear to be symmetrical arcs:

From A Text-Book of Astronomy by George C. Comstock (p.113)

  “ Fig. 36.—Central eclipses for the first two decades of the twentieth century. Oppolzer.

Future eclipses.—An eclipse map of a different kind is shown in Fig. 36, which represents the shadow paths of [pg. 114] all the central eclipses of the sun, visible during the period 1900-1918 A. D., in those parts of the earth north of the south temperate zone. Each continuous black line shows the path of the shadow in a total eclipse, from its beginning, at sunrise, at the western end of the line to its end, sunset, at the eastern end, the little circle near the middle of the line showing the place at which the eclipse was total at noon. The broken lines represent similar data for the annular eclipses. This map is one of a series prepared by the Austrian astronomer, Oppolzer, showing the path of every such eclipse from the year 1200 B. C. [pg. 115] to 2160 A. D., a period of more than three thousand years. ”

In the thread linked above Sandokhan argues that Oppolzer actually used the Besselian Elements in his derivation of his maps, and I am inclined to agree.

However, regardless of method of creation, considering that the North centered map is the only map which makes symmetrical arcs and other variants such as the RE version or the Mercator version have a spaghetti of different shadow directions, it suggests that the earth is flat and a Northern centered map is correct for at least for the Northern Hemiplane area.

The coincidence cannot be simply dismissed as random, and suggests a geometric importance.

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