Yes, but she is part of the current administration which people believe have caused their problems.
Then it should be no surprise that she lost.
With Trump we can look back and see that the country was in a better state.
Well that’s debatable.
I don’t think he handled Covid well - repeatedly denying the seriousness
Hold on there, you believe it was serious. People in general do not. People do not believe that Covid is serious. Most people stopped masking and stopped taking the boosters a long time ago, even when Covid was still allegedly running amok (and still is running amock depending on who you talk to). After doing this they saw that people were not dying in the streets and the world didn't end. Therefore people believe that Trump was in the right in denying its seriousness and do not count the questionable deaths with multiple comorbidities you claim under his watch.
Maybe you should look in the mirror and question yourself for being afraid of
a disease with a 99.95% survival rate that is hardly different than the flu. Once you realize that you were pretty dumb for following the herd and media hype, you will have all you need to know for why the liberal fav Kamala Harris lost the election by tremendous amount in contradiction to the leftist predictions, and which ultimately leads to why you guys are so prone to these types of delusions and falsities.
The real reason for your leftist error, of course, is that you value feelings over rational thought.