The explanation for the
Moon Tilt Illusion in RE is an effect of perspective.
When viewing the Moon Tilt Illusion, the Moon will often be tilted upwards:
RE Theorists explain this as result of a perspective effect, as so:
Zoomed out:
The Moon will tilt upwards, like if standing in the middle of a long hallway, and seeing the edges of that hallway dip down when looking to the left and right:
We are standing in the middle of the hallway, and the Moon travels across the ceiling, pointing upwards or downwards in relation to our position. When it approaches us the Moon pointing upwards, and when it passes by and recedes from us, we see the Moon pointing downwards. In order to tilt upwards and downwards to perspective, or for any perspective changes, we must see different sides of the body.
As an object travels across the Hallway past us we must see different parts of it as it tilts, turns, and changes orientation to perspective. RE responds by saying that the Moon is physically tidally locked to the Earth, that the face is always pointing at us, and we are seeing perspective changes of the shadow upon the lunar surface as the Moon approaches and recedes from us.
Moon Phase DiagramIf we are seeing different sides of the light and dark part of the Moon point upwards and downwards due to perspective, the phases can be illustrated as in the below diagram.
An observer located at
E1 observes the Moon traveling between points M8, M1, and M2 due to its movement over time. The Moon tilts upwards to the left of the observer at M8, at a right angle overhead at M1, and downwards to the right of the observer at M2.
If this is true, and we are viewing different sides of the phases due to perspective changes, then it would suggest that observers at points
E8 and
E6 at the same moment in time should see different sides of the Full Moon (M7).
Yet, we know that all observers see a Full Moon at once. How can this be reconciled in the Round Earth theory of extreme perspective changes that is invoked to explain the Moon Tilt Illusion?