I love how for some people 'Social Justice Warrior' has become some sort of slur.
Virtually everyone who uses the phrase means it as an insult. And the fact that it is so universally accepted as a genuine insult across the Internet is strong evidence that the "no we're the real victims here" argument Blanko and the GamerGate supporters are pushing is ridiculous.
It's not surprising given how much of a joke many of them are. The term itself is silly. Using the word 'warrior' to describe someone behind a keyboard has always been a kind of humorous insult.
That's true, but when it comes to SJWs, it's the "social justice" part that seems to get mocked the most, not the "warrior" part. On r/tumblrinaction, for example, most of the posts are basically just "lol this guy says we shouldn't make fun of fat people, what a fucking loser!" and the like.