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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2020, 11:24:25 AM »
I don’t recall lauding her record as AG just rebuffing Thonk’s ridiculous assertion that her only qualification is her skin colour and sex


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #41 on: August 12, 2020, 12:01:43 PM »
And Kamala Harris ... congratulations on being a black woman. Its the only qualification required to be Biden's VP. You are the token box ticker who is purely there because the Dems are obsessed with race, sex and victimhood.

She's got more qualifications than Trump.  If Trump is the low bar, she's in orbit.


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #42 on: August 12, 2020, 02:56:57 PM »
It looks to me like the democrats have given up this year. Biden is a waste of space.

Their campaign is a negative one. It isn't vote for Biden. It is vote against Trump. Those types of campaigns fail to bring out base support because the base isn't enthusiastic about its own candidate. I can't see the dems winning ... thank god.

And Kamala Harris ... congratulations on being a black woman. Its the only qualification required to be Biden's VP. You are the token box ticker who is purely there because the Dems are obsessed with race, sex and victimhood.

I'm not buying this argument against people for voting "against trump".

If someone is in power that is obviously a tyrant, guilty of treason, and other covered-up crimes, and you wanted them out of office, wouldn't the logical thing be to vote for their opponent? I mean, that's just common sense. You don't like someone, don't vote for them, and sometimes that means simply voting the other way - nothing wrong with that.

Trump is literally THAT terrible that so many Americans are going to settle for just "voting against trump". People might not be enthusiastic about getting Biden in office, but they are enthusiastic about getting Trump out of office.

That doesn't say anything negative about the voters, that says a hell of a lot about the POTUS.
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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2020, 03:12:24 PM »
I'm not buying this argument against people for voting "against trump".

And yet you then go on to say

Trump is literally THAT terrible that so many Americans are going to settle for just "voting against trump". People might not be enthusiastic about getting Biden in office, but they are enthusiastic about getting Trump out of office.

You just re-worded my exact statement that you refused to buy.  ::)

If someone is in power that is obviously a tyrant
Do you know what tyrant means? Is he having people murdered? Is there a secret police making his enemies disappear? Is torture a regular thing in the US? Is he confiscating land and businesses? Is he removing people's right to practise religion? Is he enslaving people or creating a genocide? Dems are so babyish. There is no nuance, just like a child. They just throw our idiotic terms like racist, tyrant, orange man bad. What a pampered child you are to think Trump is a tyrant. Try living under Idi Amin or Pol Pot.

guilty of treason
I must have missed this trial. Can you point me to the case where he was found guilty of treason. Because if you can't, he's innocent until proven guilty and just because you screech guilty like a peasant at a witch trial doesn't make it so.

, and other covered-up crimes,
How convenient. He's committed crimes, but just crimes he covered up so as I can't verify them ... but they happened, because you said so.  ::)

I really hope your lot don't get in. Just look how you all behave. Hollywood celebs, the mainstream media in the US, and the braying harpies that support the dems. Squealing and accusing people of crimes that never happened because you don't like a candidate. Its fine not to like a candidate, but yours is the dishonest party. The party that tells all the lies. The party that divides with identity politics. The party that is filled with awful left-wing extremists advocating to defund the police, burn books and pull down statues, nominates candidates based on the colour of their skin, believes in the original sin of white privilege ... its a shit show and such a basket case of a party shouldn't be anywhere near power. Trump is positively sophisticated compared to your lot. 5 more years please America. We don't want a senile puppet with a Marxists hand up his arse for a leader of the free world, thank you very much.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 03:28:21 PM by Toddler Thork »
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Offline timterroo

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #44 on: August 12, 2020, 03:17:33 PM »
I'm not buying this argument against people for voting "against trump".

And yet you then go on to say

Trump is literally THAT terrible that so many Americans are going to settle for just "voting against trump". People might not be enthusiastic about getting Biden in office, but they are enthusiastic about getting Trump out of office.

You just re-worded my exact statement that you refused to buy.  ::)

No worries, you simply mis-read my statement. Read it again, but more slowly this time.....

I said I wasn't buying your argument "AGAINST" people who .....

So what if they vote against Trump.... this is what I said.

If someone is in power that is obviously a tyrant
Do you know what tyrant means? Is he having people murdered? Is there a secret police making his enemies disappear? Is torture a regular thing in the US? Is he confiscating land and businesses? Is he removing people's right to practise religion? Is he enslaving people or creating a genocide? Dems are so babyish. There is no nuance, just like a child. They just throw our idiotic terms like racist, tyrant, orange man bad. What a pampered child you are to think Trump is a tyrant. Try living under Idi Amin or Pol Pot.

Tyrant means someone who rules with absolute power - I believe Trump has been quoted saying something like, "The president has all authority".

There is also a thing in this country called "The Patriot Act" which allows the government to take people away (make them disappear) if they feel they are a threat.

Is torture a regular thing in the US?

Have you heard of Guantanamo?

guilty of treason
I must have missed this trial. Can you point me to the case where he was found guilty of treason. Because if you can't, he's innocent until proven guilty and just because you screech guilty like a peasant at a witch trial doesn't make it so.

, and other covered-up crimes,
How convenient. He's committed crimes, but just crimes he covered up so as I can't verify them ... but they happened, because you said so.  ::)

I really hope your lot don't get in. Just look how you all behave. Hollywood celebs, the mainstream media in the US, and the braying harpies that support the dems. Squealing and accusing people of crimes that never happened because you don't like a candidate. Its fine not to like a candidate, but yours is the dishonest party. The party that tells all the lies. The party that divides with identity politics. The party that is filled with awful left-wing extremists advocating to defund the police, burn books and pull down statues, nominates candidates based on the colour of their skin, believes in the original sin of white privilege ... its a shit show and such a basket case of a party should be anywhere near power. Trump is positively sophisticated compared to your lot. 5 more years please America. We don't want a senile puppet with a Marxists hand up his arse for a leader of the free world, thank you very much.

Who knows what the hell Trump is really doing. This is the game he plays - divide, concur, and confuse. I have no proof of anything I have just accused him of, but does that really matter what I accuse him of? He has shown his inability to be president - that is what matters. He has shown that he does not have your interests at heart - that is what matters.

I don't know for sure that Trump has committed these crimes, but I know for sure he only cares about himself - this alone is enough for me to not vote for him.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 03:27:40 PM by timterroo »
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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2020, 03:50:20 PM »
I could discredit your entire post but its like shooting fish in a barrel at this point. We'll just cut to the chase.

Who knows what the hell Trump is really doing.
Well you just accused him of being a tyrant, a traitor and a criminal ... I'm hoping you know what he's been up to before you start accusing him of the worst possible things you can think of.

This is the game he plays - divide, concur, and confuse.
No, that would be the Democrat party. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, policed speech and thought, hate crimes. It is all about pitting people against each other based on inherent biological properties.

I have no proof of anything I have just accused him of
Wow. Just wow. And there is a motto for the Dems in this Presidential election. You summed it up in a sentence. That is the Democratic platform for the next election.

but does that really matter what I accuse him of?
Dunno. How would you feel about people libelling you? What if people said you were a peadophile on the internet. Would you like that? Is it civilised. Apparently it doesn't matter what people accuse you of and its fine even if they have no proof. Who looks like the awful weasel who would say anything to get their political way? You or Trump?

He has shown his inability to be president - that is what matters.
He's almost done 4 years. Where is the inability? He's still President.

He has shown that he does not have your interests at heart - that is what matters.
No, he doesn't. I'm British and as he said from his first day in office ... America First! He's got YOUR interests at heart. This is why he's trying to bring jobs back from China. Why he isn't starting wars so young men like you aren't coming back in body bags. Why he is trying to reduce illegal immigration to prevent crime and a collapse in wages for US citizens. If you had any perspective, you'd look at what he has ACTUALLY DONE and realise he's been a pretty good President, despite the dems trying to block progress at every turn. So he says dumb stuff some times. But his actions are those of a good President. He does the right thing 9 times out of 10. No Dem would get close to that. Too much corporate interest.

I don't know for sure that Trump has committed these crimes
then how about you stop accusing him of them. It is you that then looks like the morally devoid one. Not trump.

but I know for sure he only cares about himself
No, you don't know that either. Stop talking off the top of your head as though your unfounded statements are real.

this alone is enough for me to not vote for him.
No. You're a leftist. A narcissist. Its you first. Not America. You want people to say you are virtuous, and you will stand up for other people's rights. Not because you care about them. Because you want the virtue. You'll speak up for them, not because you care about their plight but because you want to wrestle the mic off them and make yourself the centre of attention. You want people to think you are brave standing up to a tyrant ... when you aren't in any danger at all because TRUMP ISN'T A TYRANT! You're a self-absorbed leftist baby ... and this is why you vote Dems. Its nothing to do with Trump in the slightest.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 04:08:28 PM by Toddler Thork »
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Offline timterroo

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2020, 04:20:02 PM »
Who knows what the hell Trump is really doing.
Well you just accused him of being a tyrant, a traitor and a criminal ... I'm hoping you know what he's been up to before you start accusing him of the worst possible things you can think of.

He has not been convicted of any crimes, so I can't say for sure what he's been up to. However, I did offer you proof that he runs the country like a tyrant. And he cries and whines when he realizes he isn't total authority. This happened when he didn't get his way about the wall, twitter, media, and now tik tok (although he may get his way here).

I have no proof of anything I have just accused him of
Wow. Just wow. And there is a motto for the Dems in this Presidential election. You summed it up in a sentence. That is the Democratic platform for the next election.

You see, the thing about being an American, is that it is my right to have opinions of people, and speak about it, regardless whether or not someone disagrees with me.

but does that really matter what I accuse him of?
Dunno. How would you feel about people libelling you? What if people said you were a peadophile on the internet. Would you like that? Is it civilised. Apparently it doesn't matter what people accuse you of and its fine even if they have no proof. Who looks like the awful weasel who would say anything to get their political way? You or Trump?

Oh poor f'ing Trump. Someone accuses him of awfulness, he can go cry in a corner for all I care - if accusations get him down, why the hell does he put himself in the spotlight? Are you kidding me??? Trump LOVES the attention he gets from people like me who call him out for his BS.

As I said, it is my right to say whatever the hell I want to about the president. 

He has shown his inability to be president - that is what matters.
He's almost done 5 years. Where is the inability? He's still President.

And yet he was impeached.

He has shown that he does not have your interests at heart - that is what matters.
No, he doesn't. I'm British

Don't be pedantic.

I don't know for sure that Trump has committed these crimes
then how about you stop accusing him of them. It is you that then looks like the morally devoid one. Not trump.

Riiiight. I'm calling out the POTUS for being a tyrant when he has demonstrated tyrant mentality publicly on more than one occasion, accusing him of crimes that have been well publicized and covered up by the POTUS asserting his tyrant mentality to block evidence from court, and you say I'm the one who is morally devoid? You don't know who the fuck I am, nor do you know what the fuck you're talking about.

but I know for sure he only cares about himself
No, you don't know that either. Stop talking off the top of your head as though your unfounded statements are real.

this alone is enough for me to not vote for him.
No. You're a leftist. A narcissist. Its you first. Not America. You want people to say you are virtuous, and you will stand up for other people's rights. Not because you care about them. Because you want the virtue. You'll speak up for them, not because you care about their plight but because you want to wrestle the mic off them and make yourself the centre of attention. You want people to think you are brave standing up to a tyrant ... when you aren't in any danger at all because TRUMP ISN'T A TYRANT! You're a self-absorbed leftist baby ... and this is why you vote Dems. Its nothing to do with Trump in the slightest.

Don't act like your some righteous moral being - I've seen your posts. You calling me a narcissist is laughable.

Furthermore, your opinions of me have nothing to do with Trump being an insufferable ego-maniac tyrant.
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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2020, 04:48:23 PM »
He has not been convicted of any crimes
But you accused him anyway.

However, I did offer you proof that he runs the country like a tyrant.
I'm still waiting for this proof. Please provide it.

And he cries and whines when he realizes he isn't total authority. This happened when he didn't get his way about the wall, twitter, media, and now tik tok (although he may get his way here).
OMG. A politician tried to get his manifesto promise done, was blocked by the opposition and then complained about that. Well stop the press. We have a monster on our hands!

You see, the thing about being an American, is that it is my right to have opinions of people, and speak about it, regardless whether or not someone disagrees with me.
The thing about being an American is the person you are trying to damage also has rights and your rights end where their rights begin.

Oh poor f'ing Trump. Someone accuses him of awfulness, he can go cry in a corner for all I care - if accusations get him down, why the hell does he put himself in the spotlight? Are you kidding me??? Trump LOVES the attention he gets from people like me who call him out for his BS.
All I see is your BS. Lie upon lie about things Trump never did such as commit treason or subject Americans to tyranny.

As I said, it is my right to say whatever the hell I want to about the president. 
And its my right to call you out on your BS.

And yet he was impeached.
The Senate acquitted Trump of these charges on February 5, 2020. So Dems all voted him guilty ... because just like you they don't care about the truth, only the result. Not one Republican agreed. It was a dark day for the Democrat party. Nio due process. Just might is right. Superior numbers found a man guilty. Just awful. Can't believe you'd want such people running the country.

He has shown that he does not have your interests at heart - that is what matters.
No, he doesn't. I'm British

Don't be pedantic.
You mean accurate. You're asking, don't bring facts into the discussion.

Riiiight. I'm calling out the POTUS for being a tyrant when he has demonstrated tyrant mentality
Tyrant mentality? Is that a thought crime? You are saying he hasn't actually been a tyrant ... but he said things you don't like and suspect might be a bit tyranty because you don't know what a tyrant is.  ::)

You don't know who the fuck I am, nor do you know what the fuck you're talking about.
Actually, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about and neither do you. Its just rhetoric. Utter twaddle. You've been indoctrinated by the leftists.

Don't act like your some righteous moral being - I've seen your posts. You calling me a narcissist is laughable.

Furthermore, your opinions of me have nothing to do with Trump being an insufferable ego-maniac tyrant.
You keep using that word tyrant, don't you? Despite admitting you have zero proof.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 04:51:44 PM by Toddler Thork »
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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #48 on: August 12, 2020, 05:01:37 PM »
Bullshit aside.....

Riiiight. I'm calling out the POTUS for being a tyrant when he has demonstrated tyrant mentality
Tyrant mentality? Is that a thought crime? You are saying he hasn't actually been a tyrant ... but he said things you don't like and suspect might be a bit tyranty because you don't know what a tyrant is.  ::)

You keep using that word tyrant, don't you? Despite admitting you have zero proof.

He is a tyrant. He has been restricted in his ability to act on this because of the American process - thank god.

He has shown his ability to be a tyrant in his first few months in office when he separated children from their parents because their parents didn't have the right to be in the country - the children, on the other hand were innocent, and they were immorally oppressed by the POTUS.

Along those same lines, Trump has called for "foreigners" to leave the country time and time again. He is doing it now with international students by sending them home if they can't otherwise be present for classes due to coronavirus - oppression.

Trump has taken rights from the American people when he used federal police officers to illegally remove citizens from expressing their constitutional rights.

This is all oppression.

Trump has made statements about his "total authority", truly believing that he is the be all, end all. He would exercise this delusion if he could.

The fact that Trump has been held accountable by the American process has prevented him from becoming full-fledged tyrant. That doesn't mean he isn't one, and wouldn't be one.

All of the above is more than rhetoric - these are the actions of one man.
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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #49 on: August 12, 2020, 05:17:33 PM »
He has shown his ability to be a tyrant in his first few months in office when he separated children from their parents because their parents didn't have the right to be in the country - the children, on the other hand were innocent, and they were immorally oppressed by the POTUS.
So people who broke the law were separated from their families? Yes, this happens in every country on earth. It is called prison.

Along those same lines, Trump has called for "foreigners" to leave the country time and time again. He is doing it now with international students by sending them home if they can't otherwise be present for classes due to coronavirus - oppression.
He doesn't represent foreigners. Foreigners don't vote. He represents Americans and American needs. And getting rid of criminals, illegal immigrants, trafficked people and terrorists is his job.

Trump has taken rights from the American people when he used federal police officers to illegally remove citizens from expressing their constitutional rights.
Citation please.

This is all oppression.
It is called maintaining law and order. Supporting a party that wants to defund the police, I guess you aren't going to be able to grasp that one. Seems you prefer anarchy and an unsafe society.

Trump has made statements about his "total authority", truly believing that he is the be all, end all. He would exercise this delusion if he could.
He is the most powerful man on earth. What is your point?

The fact that Trump has been held accountable by the American process has prevented him from becoming full-fledged tyrant.
That's like saying your father would be a peadophile if there weren't laws to prevent peadophilia.

That doesn't mean he isn't one, and wouldn't be one.
I guess your father is a peadophile, then.  ::)

All of the above is more than rhetoric - these are the actions of one man.
Its rhetoric.

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #50 on: August 21, 2020, 02:57:31 PM »
Joe Biden draws a crowd in Delaware - https://streamable.com/pl5llr

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #51 on: August 21, 2020, 03:15:13 PM »
Joe Biden draws a crowd in Delaware - https://streamable.com/pl5llr

Trump fans have to do something to distract themselves from the ongoing exposure of corruption and incompetence in his administration. Turns out cognitive dissonance is difficult to maintain when you pay attention to facts.

Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #52 on: August 21, 2020, 03:37:41 PM »
He has shown his ability to be a tyrant in his first few months in office when he separated children from their parents because their parents didn't have the right to be in the country - the children, on the other hand were innocent, and they were immorally oppressed by the POTUS.
To be more accurate, he separated some children from some people claiming to be the parents. Plus, adults who model illegal behavior should not do so in front of children.

Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #53 on: August 21, 2020, 03:43:02 PM »
Joe Biden draws a crowd in Delaware - https://streamable.com/pl5llr

Trump fans have to do something to distract themselves from the ongoing exposure of corruption and incompetence in his administration. Turns out cognitive dissonance is difficult to maintain when you pay attention to facts.
What ongoing exposure of what corruption?If you are referring to Steve Bannon, he isn't associated with the Trump Administration.


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #54 on: August 21, 2020, 03:53:38 PM »
Joe Biden draws a crowd in Delaware - https://streamable.com/pl5llr

Trump fans have to do something to distract themselves from the ongoing exposure of corruption and incompetence in his administration. Turns out cognitive dissonance is difficult to maintain when you pay attention to facts.
What ongoing exposure of what corruption?If you are referring to Steve Bannon, he isn't associated with the Trump Administration.

He was.  He was an advisor in the White House.  Literally privy to top secret information.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #55 on: August 21, 2020, 03:56:53 PM »
Joe Biden draws a crowd in Delaware - https://streamable.com/pl5llr

Trump fans have to do something to distract themselves from the ongoing exposure of corruption and incompetence in his administration. Turns out cognitive dissonance is difficult to maintain when you pay attention to facts.
What ongoing exposure of what corruption?

USPS anyone?
If you are referring to Steve Bannon, he isn't associated with the Trump Administration.

Not anymore, Total Lackey at least not directly. Bannon’s allegedly fraudulent organization has ties with DTJr though.


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #56 on: August 21, 2020, 03:59:44 PM »
"I hardly knew the guy..."

I don't know about you, but Trump seems to not know a whole lot of people that he hand picked to work directly for him.


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #57 on: August 21, 2020, 05:36:34 PM »
He was going to pick all the best people. Until he fired them or they left and they became incompetent idiots.
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2020, 02:44:08 AM »
It's important Joe Biden is given the best medical care known in the US. For Gods sake he was vice pres. , You ok joe?
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2020, 10:48:24 AM »
It's important Joe Biden is given the best medical care known in the US. For Gods sake he was vice pres. , You ok joe?

What? What does this pertain to?