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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #40 on: February 24, 2018, 06:41:32 PM »
Has anyone suggested banning bullets?
Like the sale of bullets, not the manufacture or possession?  So you can make your own bullets for your guns, but not buy them at the gun shop or online?

Seems like it'll be an easy way to "Let them keep their guns" while making killers work way harder to actually use said gun.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2018, 06:36:43 PM »
Has anyone suggested banning bullets?
Like the sale of bullets, not the manufacture or possession?  So you can make your own bullets for your guns, but not buy them at the gun shop or online?

Seems like it'll be an easy way to "Let them keep their guns" while making killers work way harder to actually use said gun.
Or just create an ammunition black market. But if you want citizens buying from Mexican cartels, this would be a great way to implement it.
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Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2018, 06:59:26 PM »
Has anyone suggested banning bullets?
Like the sale of bullets, not the manufacture or possession?  So you can make your own bullets for your guns, but not buy them at the gun shop or online?

Seems like it'll be an easy way to "Let them keep their guns" while making killers work way harder to actually use said gun.
Or just create an ammunition black market. But if you want citizens buying from Mexican cartels, this would be a great way to implement it.

Sure.  But smuggling bullets is way harder than drugs. 
1. They're metal.
2. They're not something you can divide and hide in a book or your stomach.
3. They're heavy and trugging them through the desert is not fun for the cost it would give you.  I mean, who would pay $500 per bullet?
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Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2018, 07:08:46 PM »

1. So what?
2. I could certainly hide them in a boat, train or car though.
3. I'd just line the chassis of my car with them. good luck metal detecting that. Why am I walking through the dessert? Did you ban vehicles as well?

As for $500 a bullet, where did you get this? They already get the no-tax discount advantage, by being contraband. Now all I need is a corrupt arms dealer and some organised criminals. Making ammo is quite easy. Making guns, much harder.

There is only one way to stop gun crime in America. You have to get rid of #2A. If you don't do that, forget anything else.

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Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2018, 07:35:24 PM »

1. So what?
Metal detectors, X-rays, etc...

2. I could certainly hide them in a boat, train or car though.
Sure.  I mean, it's not like boats, cars, and trains between the two countries aren't searched for drugs, which are much easier to conceal and require a far smaller amount to be profitable.  I mean, how much money would you need to make just to pay for the cost of shipping?  How many bullets would you need to sell?

3. I'd just line the chassis of my car with them. good luck metal detecting that. Why am I walking through the dessert? Did you ban vehicles as well?
Sure, you could.  Drug runners probably do it all the time.  But how many bullets could it hold?  2, 3 thousand?  Current price of an AR-15 bullet is about $0.41/bullet.  So you could, potentially, get like 2 grand for the lot. (inflated prices and what-not) How much of a profit is that?  Would it even be worth it?

As for $500 a bullet, where did you get this? They already get the no-tax discount advantage, by being contraband. Now all I need is a corrupt arms dealer and some organised criminals. Making ammo is quite easy. Making guns, much harder.
Oh I just pulled a random number based on the cost of illegal drugs.  Not sure what the price would be but you'd have to make a good profit for it to be worth it.

As for vehicles... have you ever SEEN our southern border?  Most of it is a desert filled with impassable terrain, monitored by helicopters.  It's not easy and alot of illegals are forced to make the journey on foot.  And die.

I mean, you could make it a few times but eventually you'll get caught.  And vehicles are way easier to track in the desert than people.

There is only one way to stop gun crime in America. You have to get rid of #2A. If you don't do that, forget anything else.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #45 on: February 26, 2018, 11:51:37 PM »
surely a Militia wouldn't normally just be based out of someone's house?

I know of several that are.


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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #46 on: February 27, 2018, 12:26:38 AM »
Why are we not also discussing better security at schools as in depth as the gun issue?  I feel like that also would be a change more people can get behind. 
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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #47 on: February 27, 2018, 03:04:13 AM »
surely a Militia wouldn't normally just be based out of someone's house?

I know of several that are.

Of course you do...


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #48 on: February 27, 2018, 05:25:06 AM »
Why are we not also discussing better security at schools as in depth as the gun issue?  I feel like that also would be a change more people can get behind.

Because money.
The NRA doesn't want people who have guns already to defend the kids because then they wouldn't get kick backs from the massive gun orders if teachers got armed.

Also, there was a cop at parkland.  He didn't go in.
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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2018, 01:42:22 PM »
Why are we not also discussing better security at schools as in depth as the gun issue?  I feel like that also would be a change more people can get behind.

Because money.
The NRA doesn't want people who have guns already to defend the kids because then they wouldn't get kick backs from the massive gun orders if teachers got armed.

Also, there was a cop at parkland.  He didn't go in.
What are you talking about? The NRA only does what is best for Americans. Lots and lots of guns!
You just made my list, buddy.  >:(
this world does not have room for another mind as intelligent as yours.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2018, 07:05:55 AM »
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #51 on: March 10, 2018, 12:30:19 PM »
I think America should do it in baby steps. Eat away at gun laws.


1) How is it in America you can't buy a beer until you are 21, but you can buy a semi-automatic machine gun? That makes no sense. I'd up the age of gun ownership to 21. This would make it way harder for kids to shoot other kids. You can't be expelled from a college and go buy a gun. You aren't old enough.

Seems like Florida liked that idea.
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Offline Luke 22:35-38

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #52 on: March 11, 2018, 08:56:56 PM »
Holy shit, Trump is (maybe) bowing to pressure!


Watch the video.  Even the NRA, on Fox News, agrees with addition regulations for bump stocks!

Banning bump stocks won't do anything. You can make your own from supplies from Home Depot.

I am aware.
Doesn't mean it isn't a step.  I can only hope its used as a springboard to other bans.

And you just validated my concerns as to why I'm not in favor of the ban. If you succeed with this, you won't be happy until you're three miles down the road.
I won't be happy until kids can go to school without having to worry they'll be shot at.

And if you feel your guns are more important than that, then you don't deserve a future.

I too want kids to go to school without worried about being shot. And I also value kids more tgan guns. However neither of those attributes means I'm going to support everything that you propose. Because I don't want kids shot is why I advocate for allowing staff to be trained and armed if they want. Because I value kids over firearms is the reason why I to abolish gun free zones especially gun free zones with no way of enforcing it like metal detectors.
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Offline Luke 22:35-38

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #53 on: March 11, 2018, 09:03:21 PM »
I do wonder how one could be considered to be sane and well-adjusted whilst owning 100,000 guns...

Surely a sane, well-adjusted person needs only the guns that they require. Let's say that they're an enthusiastic hunter and range shooter who lives in an area beset by home invasions and muggings, he'll need a couple of rifles or shotguns for hunting his prey (Preferably locked away without ammo) and a range of guns which can be safely stored at the range. Say a handgun for personal defence and a shotgun for home defence.

Does anyone realistically need any more weapons than that? If you're hoarding guns in your house I'd question just how well-adjusted you are anyway.

What if he just likes collecting them and the vast majority of his 100,000 guns are between 80-200 years old?  If you want to talk about need then really you don't need a parking lot full of cars either. We can all get by with a Prius or if you have a family a station wagon.
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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #54 on: March 11, 2018, 09:16:35 PM »
Has anyone suggested banning bullets?

Ha ha ha ha  :D
That's a famous Chris Rock routine.

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Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #55 on: March 11, 2018, 09:26:10 PM »
Holy shit, Trump is (maybe) bowing to pressure!


Watch the video.  Even the NRA, on Fox News, agrees with addition regulations for bump stocks!

Banning bump stocks won't do anything. You can make your own from supplies from Home Depot.

I am aware.
Doesn't mean it isn't a step.  I can only hope its used as a springboard to other bans.

And you just validated my concerns as to why I'm not in favor of the ban. If you succeed with this, you won't be happy until you're three miles down the road.
I won't be happy until kids can go to school without having to worry they'll be shot at.

And if you feel your guns are more important than that, then you don't deserve a future.

I too want kids to go to school without worried about being shot. And I also value kids more tgan guns. However neither of those attributes means I'm going to support everything that you propose. Because I don't want kids shot is why I advocate for allowing staff to be trained and armed if they want. Because I value kids over firearms is the reason why I to abolish gun free zones especially gun free zones with no way of enforcing it like metal detectors.
But even if every teacher got a gun, was certified, and was the best damn shot in the world, it wouldn't stop a mass shooting from starting.  Kids WILL die because someone is gonna be first and only AFTER the first shot is fired and the first person killed will the alarm (hopefully) get sounded.
I mean, hell, if you know the teachers are armed, aim for them first then go for the kids.
Or do it when the halls are crowded so the helpful teachers can't shoot back.

I worked at a school district whose high school had about 1,200 students. Every 45 mintues classes changed.  Every ring of that bell had 1,200 students walking through crowded halls.  And with an AR, ya don't even need to aim. 

The best solution is to stop it before it starts, not after.

I mean, Florida just signed a bill into law that did it.  The funny thing is, is that the teacher needs a huge amount of certification, drug tests, psych eval, etc... to do it.  But if I'm just some guy, I don't need all that to get a gun.  Kinda odd, isn't it?  That a normal person, who is likely to want to kill students, don't need to be checked, but the "good guy with a gun" teacher at the school does.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Cain

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #56 on: March 12, 2018, 04:36:28 PM »
Holy shit, Trump is (maybe) bowing to pressure!


Watch the video.  Even the NRA, on Fox News, agrees with addition regulations for bump stocks!

Banning bump stocks won't do anything. You can make your own from supplies from Home Depot.

I am aware.
Doesn't mean it isn't a step.  I can only hope its used as a springboard to other bans.

And you just validated my concerns as to why I'm not in favor of the ban. If you succeed with this, you won't be happy until you're three miles down the road.
I won't be happy until kids can go to school without having to worry they'll be shot at.

And if you feel your guns are more important than that, then you don't deserve a future.

I too want kids to go to school without worried about being shot. And I also value kids more tgan guns. However neither of those attributes means I'm going to support everything that you propose. Because I don't want kids shot is why I advocate for allowing staff to be trained and armed if they want. Because I value kids over firearms is the reason why I to abolish gun free zones especially gun free zones with no way of enforcing it like metal detectors.
But even if every teacher got a gun, was certified, and was the best damn shot in the world, it wouldn't stop a mass shooting from starting.  Kids WILL die because someone is gonna be first and only AFTER the first shot is fired and the first person killed will the alarm (hopefully) get sounded.
I mean, hell, if you know the teachers are armed, aim for them first then go for the kids.
Or do it when the halls are crowded so the helpful teachers can't shoot back.

I worked at a school district whose high school had about 1,200 students. Every 45 mintues classes changed.  Every ring of that bell had 1,200 students walking through crowded halls.  And with an AR, ya don't even need to aim. 

The best solution is to stop it before it starts, not after.

I mean, Florida just signed a bill into law that did it.  The funny thing is, is that the teacher needs a huge amount of certification, drug tests, psych eval, etc... to do it.  But if I'm just some guy, I don't need all that to get a gun.  Kinda odd, isn't it?  That a normal person, who is likely to want to kill students, don't need to be checked, but the "good guy with a gun" teacher at the school does.
My thoughts exactly. Wouldn't less bullets typically result in less casualties?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2018, 01:02:53 PM by TheLordBarst »
You just made my list, buddy.  >:(
this world does not have room for another mind as intelligent as yours.


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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #57 on: March 15, 2018, 07:30:02 PM »
Apparently, even God himself is trying to show people how stupid this idea is:


Basically, a well trained teacher was doing a gun safety course in class and the gun went off into the ceiling.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Luke 22:35-38

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #58 on: March 22, 2018, 10:26:49 AM »
Holy shit, Trump is (maybe) bowing to pressure!


Watch the video.  Even the NRA, on Fox News, agrees with addition regulations for bump stocks!

Banning bump stocks won't do anything. You can make your own from supplies from Home Depot.

I am aware.
Doesn't mean it isn't a step.  I can only hope its used as a springboard to other bans.

And you just validated my concerns as to why I'm not in favor of the ban. If you succeed with this, you won't be happy until you're three miles down the road.
I won't be happy until kids can go to school without having to worry they'll be shot at.

And if you feel your guns are more important than that, then you don't deserve a future.

I too want kids to go to school without worried about being shot. And I also value kids more tgan guns. However neither of those attributes means I'm going to support everything that you propose. Because I don't want kids shot is why I advocate for allowing staff to be trained and armed if they want. Because I value kids over firearms is the reason why I to abolish gun free zones especially gun free zones with no way of enforcing it like metal detectors.
But even if every teacher got a gun, was certified, and was the best damn shot in the world, it wouldn't stop a mass shooting from starting.  Kids WILL die because someone is gonna be first and only AFTER the first shot is fired and the first person killed will the alarm (hopefully) get sounded.

it's still far better than having 17 dead.

I mean, hell, if you know the teachers are armed, aim for them first then go for the kids.

That only works if you know which teachers are armed and there's only one of them. if only ten teachers are armed then the other 9 will have a heads up and plan accordingly. These shooters aren't Navy SEAL operators.

Or do it when the halls are crowded so the helpful teachers can't shoot back.

People will either duck, run back into the classrooms, or run away from the shooter. If the teacher hold in place and wait for the crowd to pass then he can engage him.

I worked at a school district whose high school had about 1,200 students. Every 45 mintues classes changed.  Every ring of that bell had 1,200 students walking through crowded halls.  And with an AR, ya don't even need to aim. 

The best solution is to stop it before it starts, not after.

I agree that we need to stop it before it starts.
I mean, Florida just signed a bill into law that did it.  The funny thing is, is that the teacher needs a huge amount of certification, drug tests, psych eval, etc... to do it.  But if I'm just some guy, I don't need all that to get a gun.  Kinda odd, isn't it?  That a normal person, who is likely to want to kill students, don't need to be checked, but the "good guy with a gun" teacher at the school does.

Raising the age won't stop either this shooting or others. For one the average age of mass shooters is 34. Second, One of the Columbine shooters wasn't even old enough to vote.
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Offline Luke 22:35-38

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Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« Reply #59 on: March 22, 2018, 10:28:27 AM »
Apparently, even God himself is trying to show people how stupid this idea is:


Basically, a well trained teacher was doing a gun safety course in class and the gun went off into the ceiling.

I kinda find the story rather suspect. But going with the story, that is one example and certainly doesn't represent the majority. In fact, CCW holders are more law abiding than police officers.
Isaiah 40:22 "It is he that sitteth upon the CIRCLE of the earth"

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