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Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2018, 02:05:01 AM »
By the way, have they taken your house away yet or are you waiting for $5000 bitcoin?

Could you rephrase this into a point?

Rushy, Thork is a pro at losing a house. He is projecting on you because he hopes you will join his club of failure.

Let it go, Thork, it was a long time ago...

Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2018, 02:12:28 AM »
Ripple isn't a blockchain or cryptocurrency, Thork. You might be thinking of XRP, which isn't anything like those others you listed because it's a centralized transaction scheme. There's two different ledgers that Ripple (the company) keeps track of. There's Ripple, the system used by banks, and XRP, the open source system centralized to their verification servers.

It's a common mistake, but it's important to point out that neither Ripple nor XRP are decentralized blockchain services.

this is true... I think. Ripple Labs is separate from xrp im pretty sure.  Nice point tho-  It reminds me of something.

A virtual chain copy runs on a lot of blockchain systems i think.
Which Im not terribly interested in specifically, but it made me think about it differently.
That it can be mirrored. Linked to other processes.... networks....

Blockstak has done some pretty incredible things on an already working blockchain. . domain names.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 03:30:53 AM by Avante Vandaleur »

Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2018, 05:01:45 AM »
Regardless- anything that is to be great, must become great. It has to start somewhere.
Most network currencies start with an announcement on bitcointalk's forum for altcoins, but as this network is for the Flat Earth community, I believe it should start within the Flat Earth community. This may cause discord within cryptocurrency circles and forums..though as Flat Earthers, we are not strangers to criticism. 

Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2018, 03:11:53 AM »
Removing the dollar
Replacing with dividend

Flat Earth Network Dividend


Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2018, 03:45:47 AM »
The primary problem with authenticated, encrypted communication is it requires the sharing of keys over an assumed-secure channel. This is where a PKI comes in. While you can certainly get encrypted communication between the holders of any given public keys, you cannot verify that the provided public keys belong to a person's real identity without a face-to-face interaction.

For example, let's say I want to send a secure message to Tom Bishop telling him that "rockets work in space." Now I'm simply going to fetch his public key off a blockchain/server/newspaper and send over an encrypted AES key (using RSA-OAEP, or we can negotiate the key with any Diffie-Hellman variant), where the message is signed by my private key. Then I'll encrypt all of my communication with him using something like AES-GCM. Tom can use the same symmetric key to send messages back to me. What's the problem with this scheme? Blockchain by its nature is somewhat anonymous. There is nothing tying someone's real name to a public key. So junker, for example, could simply put a public key on the chain in Tom's name. Then I would be sending my communication to junker, who would forward it along to Tom while eavesdropping and modifying everything.

Without a PKI, public key cryptography like that used in blockchain is useless for authenticated, encrypted communication.

Again, your argument that the PoW wouldn't be subject to a 51% attack once you get enough users is bunk. Regardless of the PoW algorithm used, there are probably at least 1000x more Round Earth people in the world as Flat Earth people. This necessarily means that they have many times the computational power as Flat Earth people, even if they aren't able to cheat with ASICs / FPGAs. You're going to find that it's very hard to make an algorithm GPU-resistant, as the algorithm needs to incorporate some math problem in NP, which means that there is always parallelized guess-and-check; many GPUs have a rather complete instruction set.


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Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2018, 03:48:28 AM »
Sounds to me like Guest is quite the scammer.

Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2018, 05:31:14 AM »
Sounds to me like Guest is quite the scammer.
your actions are actually resembling those of a spammer, quite close. . some consider such, a troll. 

I just think your funny. 

and interested in the project.  ;)

The primary problem with authenticated, encrypted communication is it requires the sharing of keys over an assumed-secure channel. This is where a PKI comes in. While you can certainly get encrypted communication between the holders of any given public keys, you cannot verify that the provided public keys belong to a person's real identity without a face-to-face interaction.

For example, let's say I want to send a secure message to Tom Bishop telling him that "rockets work in space." Now I'm simply going to fetch his public key off a blockchain/server/newspaper and send over an encrypted AES key (using RSA-OAEP, or we can negotiate the key with any Diffie-Hellman variant), where the message is signed by my private key. Then I'll encrypt all of my communication with him using something like AES-GCM. Tom can use the same symmetric key to send messages back to me. What's the problem with this scheme? Blockchain by its nature is somewhat anonymous. There is nothing tying someone's real name to a public key. So junker, for example, could simply put a public key on the chain in Tom's name. Then I would be sending my communication to junker, who would forward it along to Tom while eavesdropping and modifying everything.

Without a PKI, public key cryptography like that used in blockchain is useless for authenticated, encrypted communication.

Again, your argument that the PoW wouldn't be subject to a 51% attack once you get enough users is bunk. Regardless of the PoW algorithm used, there are probably at least 1000x more Round Earth people in the world as Flat Earth people. This necessarily means that they have many times the computational power as Flat Earth people, even if they aren't able to cheat with ASICs / FPGAs. You're going to find that it's very hard to make an algorithm GPU-resistant, as the algorithm needs to incorporate some math problem in NP, which means that there is always parallelized guess-and-check; many GPUs have a rather complete instruction set.

My man. You got the right headspace for this, no doubt. I was meaning to send you a link to the progress Blockstak has been making.  Its interestingly boring.. in a great way.  I do understand what you mean. Trust but Verify, has turned into Dont Trust, Verify. and on the current trajectory - as far as any over the wire transmission goes- Trust will (or perhaps already should've in the scope of guerilla comms) completely disappear, leaving only Verify.

Which, of course, leads me to believe you are persuading me to take this project somewhere that isn't being monitored by the government.

Or maybe you got me too far into the future already.

Either way- i dig it. 

« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 08:10:03 AM by Avante Vandaleur »

Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2018, 06:18:28 AM »
Ball earthers certainly outnumber FlatEarthers, in said scenario that would be to say that every round earther would not only have a computer and network intelligence, but also have it armed & ready for use in a concentrated & orchestrated oppositional mass network attack. Not to say that it "couldn't" happen...
But if it did...a network can shut down, make necessary adjustments, and reboot v2.whatever
Resistance would only fan the flames to burn hotter & stronger.  I dont fear it, sir.  I welcome it.

Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2018, 01:21:20 AM »
1. We don't need a currency, we're the Flat Earth Society, not the Flat Earth Central Bank.

2. This website already supports encrypted file sharing, encrypted messaging, and voting features. Why should we use a blockchain to do what this website already does more efficiently?

3. Blockchains are just databases. Very inefficient, decentralized databases. This website is a very efficient centralized database (which has many dozens of backups!). Replacing it with a blockchain would be meaningless.

sorry but I just couldn't help ---

You are one of the biggest supporters of bitcoin on this forum, and yet all of your objections to this project were denouncing blockchain. i understand the post,  i just dont understand how bitcoin is a champion while the blockchain is useless...
« Last Edit: July 18, 2018, 01:31:54 AM by Avante Vandaleur »


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Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2018, 05:41:35 AM »
1. We don't need a currency, we're the Flat Earth Society, not the Flat Earth Central Bank.

2. This website already supports encrypted file sharing, encrypted messaging, and voting features. Why should we use a blockchain to do what this website already does more efficiently?

3. Blockchains are just databases. Very inefficient, decentralized databases. This website is a very efficient centralized database (which has many dozens of backups!). Replacing it with a blockchain would be meaningless.

sorry but I just couldn't help ---

You are one of the biggest supporters of bitcoin on this forum, and yet all of your objections to this project were denouncing blockchain. i understand the post,  i just dont understand how bitcoin a champion while the blockchain is useless...
Learn to read:
He is saying that blockchains suck at running a forum.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2018, 10:04:19 AM »
1. We don't need a currency, we're the Flat Earth Society, not the Flat Earth Central Bank.

2. This website already supports encrypted file sharing, encrypted messaging, and voting features. Why should we use a blockchain to do what this website already does more efficiently?

3. Blockchains are just databases. Very inefficient, decentralized databases. This website is a very efficient centralized database (which has many dozens of backups!). Replacing it with a blockchain would be meaningless.

sorry but I just couldn't help ---

You are one of the biggest supporters of bitcoin on this forum, and yet all of your objections to this project were denouncing blockchain. i understand the post,  i just dont understand how bitcoin a champion while the blockchain is useless...
Learn to read:
He is saying that blockchains suck at running a forum.

Learn to read? really? thats ...
perhaps reading is the best suggestion...  i never mentioned anything about a ffahahaha  forum
what the f.. forum? blockchain. brilliant.

Being argumentative is not the same thing as intelligence.
is flat earth society where people come to die to debate?
is flat earth - death to you people?

first 5 pages of google results for flat earth are debate, FES #1 hit.
LONG row to hoe, gentlemen. wherever ye be.


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Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2018, 04:35:41 PM »
I don't think you're selling your idea to us anytime soon. Work on your elevator pitch, then come back.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume


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Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2018, 04:48:37 PM »
hmm....... Interesting.
You just made my list, buddy.  >:(
this world does not have room for another mind as intelligent as yours.

Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2018, 05:51:42 PM »
I don't think you're selling your idea to us anytime soon. Work on your elevator pitch, then come back.

you are mistaken sir.
a) I am selling nothing.
b) I am giving you notice to participate and benefit at your own behest.
c) I will not leave to return.


Online Pete Svarrior

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Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2018, 08:02:00 AM »
a) I am selling nothing.
I was not using the word "sell" in reference to a monetary transaction. The word "sell" can also mean "to persuade someone that an idea or plan is a good one and likely to be successful". I do not think it is in any way controversial to say you haven't sold the idea to us, as of yet.

b) I am giving you notice to participate and benefit at your own behest.
Your notice has been received, catalogued, and indexed. And no one is falling for it. Not unless you improve your plan, or improve your pitch to make it more convincing.

c) I will not leave to return.
Uh... okay.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2018, 08:09:28 AM by Pete Svarrior »
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume

Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #35 on: March 17, 2018, 02:15:06 PM »
you know what you guys, [ FEND ] would actually be perfectly suited for a forum database-  well,  for this forum anyway...

See, those records preserved would be a great way to go back and see all of the comments that are erased & pruned from public eye. :-X

More importantly, it would enable us as a Flat Earth community to do more than just debate,

...but actually VOTE on these various differences of opinionated things-   and then form an ideaology that is representative of the entire Flat Earth community.

Better known as  -getting our shit together.

that should be enough to have this msg nominated for pruning

Thank you for everything you do, Flat Earth Society.  :-*


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Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralised P2P Blockchain
« Reply #36 on: March 18, 2018, 02:10:02 AM »
Why does it need a currency pegged to it to do that?
Why do we need to put in all that development time just to back forum posts that no one cares about?
Why can't we just vote using the current voting features?

This is like needing a bike to get to work and then buying a Lamborghini Aventador. Which is fine, if you can afford it.
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Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralized P2P Blockchain
« Reply #37 on: March 18, 2018, 12:37:21 PM »
@Baby Thork,

the forum history blockchain was a joke, a great example of how depending on a single centralised system to benefit anyone but the owners of the system, is just folly.

the difference it makes, is the difference between





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Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralized P2P Blockchain
« Reply #38 on: March 18, 2018, 12:56:51 PM »
So what. Who cares where the forum lives?
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Re: [FEND] Flat Earth Network Decentralized P2P Blockchain
« Reply #39 on: March 19, 2018, 04:50:32 AM »
So what. Who cares where the forum lives?
I don't.

I never did.

I just needed confirmation on where the veil begins.