That would be the Bronze Age, actually. & we're talking, presumably, about an adult child. One presumes that a literal non-adult human would not have aquired such low habits as regular drunkenness. If he has, I think the parents are more @ fault than the child. On a purely personal level, I believe that the Torah is entirely applicable in 21st Century life. HOWEVER, & this is a major caveat, I believe that Jewish law, whilst divine in origin & thus immutable, must be interpreted afresh for every age. You gave me 2 choices. Orthodoxy or Liberal Reform. Of course I choose Orthodoxy. But if Traditional Conservative (as opposed to Modern Conservative) is an option, then yes, I'll take it. There is still a literal belief in Maimonides' 13 Articles of Faith & the Scripture as Divine. There is simply understanding that circumstances change, & interpretations must as well in some cases.