I don’t really understand all this executive order stuff. Why can a US President unilaterally decide policy, impose tariffs, pardon people, decide about DEI policies, halt refugee programmes etc.
If it was left to Congress they would just argue about it and have a hard time getting the required votes and essentially do nothing. If you argue enough it can often result in a split in the consensus. In debates there is a psychological factor to balance out issues. In the past there have been issues with the media doing things like interviewing a doctor on a medical issue and then interviewing a crystal healing practitioner about the 'alternative' opinion, implying that there are two equal sides. If you do that enough you give undue legitimacy and the public will eventually think that there really are two sides.
Allowing the US President great freedom to act, react, and dictate policy is partly why the US is the richest and most powerful country on earth. This is also why the English Crown has lost an incredible amount of world power after the Monarchy decided to stop governing directly and leave most things to democracy. They gave away too much to democracy. You do need an active governing king, but you need the ability to vote for that king.
The founders of the United States were highly educated, studied history closely, and designed the US Constitution based specifically on the failed direct democracy experiments of Ancient Greece, and the failed direct monarchies in France and elsewhere, with the correct balance. Most other countries just know that democracy is desirable and are recklessly slapping elements together.