Rama Set

Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #720 on: February 03, 2021, 03:19:01 PM »
Arizona is not over yet.

Quit writing as if the concept of help is something with which you are familiar.

Lol, even if this weren’t completely delusional and objectively false it would have any effect on the election.
Arizona isn't over yet.

Awww, we broke Lackey. Can someone fix him?


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #721 on: February 03, 2021, 03:46:01 PM »
Arizona is not over yet.

Quit writing as if the concept of help is something with which you are familiar.

Arizona ratified the results on Dec 1st.  Mike Pence accepted them on Jan 6th.  Biden was declared President on Jan 20th.

Last I checked, he's still there and Trump is pouting in Florida.

It certainly looks over to me.

The latest activity I can see is when the Arizona Supreme Court dismissed one of Trump's lawsuit on Jan 5th.

Are you aware of an existing lawsuit in pending Arizona?  Please provide a source, I'd be curious to watch yet another bogus Trump lawsuit get thrown out.

You lost. Get over it.
I lost nothing.

Arizona audit isn't over.

Lets imagine the best possible case.  Arizona performs yet another audit, and somehow determines that they counted all wrong and Biden lost Arizona.

Trump still lost the election, Biden won by far more electoral votes than needed.  He could lose Arizona's and still comfortably be ahead.

It's over.  Even if this fantasy were to happen, it wouldn't change the election.

Trump is a loser, you lost, deal with it.


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #722 on: February 03, 2021, 04:09:24 PM »
Remember when Lackey and Bishop and all republicans were saying that? "You lost, get over it."

Guess they can't take their own advice.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #723 on: February 03, 2021, 04:17:26 PM »
Lets imagine the best possible case.  Arizona performs yet another audit, and somehow determines that they counted all wrong and Biden lost Arizona.
Spoiler: That isn't going to happen.

But let's say it does, Tom, lackey et all will then just say "Aha! See?!" and demand full audits in all the other states (only the ones Trump lost of course, the ones he won were clearly correct).
I wonder what the next excuse will be when these audits are done.
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #724 on: February 03, 2021, 04:47:00 PM »
But let's say it does, Tom, lackey et all will then just say "Aha! See?!" and demand full audits in all the other states (only the ones Trump lost of course, the ones he won were clearly correct).
I mean, if voter fraud was proved and credibly attributed to the Biden campaign, he'd probably get impeached or "convinced" to resign. I suspect that might be their endgame at this point, even if it's extremely unlike to come to fruition.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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If we are not speculating then we must assume


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #725 on: February 03, 2021, 05:02:01 PM »
Remember when Lackey and Bishop and all republicans were saying that? "You lost, get over it."

Guess they can't take their own advice.

Right-wing extremists aren't very good at following their own advice, or facing reality.  That's what drives them to that extreme in the first place, they can't handle the idea that they are responsible in any way for anything that happens to them. Every problem has to be some other persons fault, as they are perfect.

In their minds, Trump won simply because they can't imagine it might have been their fault.  Like the rioters that were charged, and it turns out they didn't even vote!  Gee, maybe that had something to do with your guy not getting enough votes, eh?


Offline AATW

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #726 on: February 03, 2021, 05:26:18 PM »
But let's say it does, Tom, lackey et all will then just say "Aha! See?!" and demand full audits in all the other states (only the ones Trump lost of course, the ones he won were clearly correct).
I mean, if voter fraud was proved and credibly attributed to the Biden campaign, he'd probably get impeached or "convinced" to resign. I suspect that might be their endgame at this point, even if it's extremely unlike to come to fruition.
Sure. And if that is proven then Biden should be ousted (and God-alone knows what happens then, surely Trump doesn't just get reinstalled?).
Trouble is the people who believe in all this election fraud guff have been hopping from one false hope to the next for 3 months.
This is just the latest one. You'd think it would be the last but it probably won't be.
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #727 on: February 03, 2021, 05:36:57 PM »
Remember when Lackey and Bishop and all republicans were saying that? "You lost, get over it."

Guess they can't take their own advice.

You did lose. Trump won and you Democrats cheated.

Rama Set

Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #728 on: February 03, 2021, 05:40:02 PM »
Remember when Lackey and Bishop and all republicans were saying that? "You lost, get over it."

Guess they can't take their own advice.

You did lose. Trump won and you Democrats cheated.

Remember when Lackey and Bishop and all republicans were saying that? "You lost, get over it."

Guess they can't take their own advice.

Offline Action80

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #729 on: February 03, 2021, 05:44:48 PM »
Arizona is not over yet.

Quit writing as if the concept of help is something with which you are familiar.

Arizona ratified the results on Dec 1st.  Mike Pence accepted them on Jan 6th.  Biden was declared President on Jan 20th.

Last I checked, he's still there and Trump is pouting in Florida.

It certainly looks over to me.

The latest activity I can see is when the Arizona Supreme Court dismissed one of Trump's lawsuit on Jan 5th.

Are you aware of an existing lawsuit in pending Arizona?  Please provide a source, I'd be curious to watch yet another bogus Trump lawsuit get thrown out.

You lost. Get over it.
I lost nothing.

Arizona audit isn't over.

Lets imagine the best possible case.  Arizona performs yet another audit, and somehow determines that they counted all wrong and Biden lost Arizona.

Trump still lost the election, Biden won by far more electoral votes than needed.  He could lose Arizona's and still comfortably be ahead.

It's over.  Even if this fantasy were to happen, it wouldn't change the election.

Trump is a loser, you lost, deal with it.
I didn't lose anything. You keep writing that as if I was competing for something. I wasn't.

Your best possible case is completely off. Arizona is running an audit, not will run an audit. That audit comes up with errors, then other results will likely be called into question.
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #730 on: February 03, 2021, 05:49:20 PM »
I remember when Trump talked about millions of "illegal votes" set up this whole commission to investigate then had to disband it when they couldn't find anything.
How embarrassing :)

Wrong. After the 2016 election Trump attempted an audit of the election he won because he suspected fraud. The mostly democrat states refused to participate and it was eventually closed.


"The Democrats, both on and off the commission, made very clear that they were not interested in determining the scope and extent of voter fraud and, indeed, they were trying to stop the commission in its tracks," Kobach said. "The Democrats lost their opportunity, lost their seat at the table, by stonewalling."

States refused to cooperate and participate in an audit of their elections.

Rama Set

Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #731 on: February 03, 2021, 05:56:44 PM »
Arizona is not over yet.

Quit writing as if the concept of help is something with which you are familiar.

Arizona ratified the results on Dec 1st.  Mike Pence accepted them on Jan 6th.  Biden was declared President on Jan 20th.

Last I checked, he's still there and Trump is pouting in Florida.

It certainly looks over to me.

The latest activity I can see is when the Arizona Supreme Court dismissed one of Trump's lawsuit on Jan 5th.

Are you aware of an existing lawsuit in pending Arizona?  Please provide a source, I'd be curious to watch yet another bogus Trump lawsuit get thrown out.

You lost. Get over it.
I lost nothing.

Arizona audit isn't over.

Lets imagine the best possible case.  Arizona performs yet another audit, and somehow determines that they counted all wrong and Biden lost Arizona.

Trump still lost the election, Biden won by far more electoral votes than needed.  He could lose Arizona's and still comfortably be ahead.

It's over.  Even if this fantasy were to happen, it wouldn't change the election.

Trump is a loser, you lost, deal with it.
I didn't lose anything. You keep writing that as if I was competing for something. I wasn't.

Your best possible case is completely off. Arizona is running an audit, not will run an audit. That audit comes up with errors, then other results will likely be called into question.

I expect as usual, you are completely wrong. The audit will go the way of every other audit this election: there might be a few minor elements to correct but no widespread fraud will be found. Unless, just maybe, sharpiegate was the plan all along and they missed it the first time!


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #732 on: February 03, 2021, 06:01:59 PM »
audit will go the way of every other audit this election

Nope. The court ordered and vetted the antrim machine audit, the only machine audit to occur, and found damning results.


"We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified."

The audit also found that the logs were missing:

"Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03 pm on November 4, 2020 are
missing. This means that all security logs for the day after the election, on
election day, and prior to election day are gone. Security logs are very important
to an audit trail, forensics, and for detecting advanced persistent threats and
outside attacks, especially on systems with outdated system files. These logs
would contain domain controls, authentication failures, error codes, times users
logged on and off, network connections to file servers between file accesses,
internet connections, times, and data transfers. Other server logs before
November 4, 2020 are present; therefore, there is no reasonable explanation for
the security logs to be missing."

The auditors also said that there was evidence showing that the counts were flipped -

In Savannah, Georgia Machine Audit the court appointed expert from the Antrim county audit says Georgia tabulation machines were sending data to Germany and China - https://streamable.com/cad03h | Source 2

An Arizona audit found enough fraud to flip election, per Rep Paul Gosar:


Arizona Supervisors then refused to comply with further subpoenas.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 10:20:12 PM by Tom Bishop »

Offline Action80

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #733 on: February 03, 2021, 06:03:48 PM »
Arizona is not over yet.

Quit writing as if the concept of help is something with which you are familiar.

Arizona ratified the results on Dec 1st.  Mike Pence accepted them on Jan 6th.  Biden was declared President on Jan 20th.

Last I checked, he's still there and Trump is pouting in Florida.

It certainly looks over to me.

The latest activity I can see is when the Arizona Supreme Court dismissed one of Trump's lawsuit on Jan 5th.

Are you aware of an existing lawsuit in pending Arizona?  Please provide a source, I'd be curious to watch yet another bogus Trump lawsuit get thrown out.

You lost. Get over it.
I lost nothing.

Arizona audit isn't over.

Lets imagine the best possible case.  Arizona performs yet another audit, and somehow determines that they counted all wrong and Biden lost Arizona.

Trump still lost the election, Biden won by far more electoral votes than needed.  He could lose Arizona's and still comfortably be ahead.

It's over.  Even if this fantasy were to happen, it wouldn't change the election.

Trump is a loser, you lost, deal with it.
I didn't lose anything. You keep writing that as if I was competing for something. I wasn't.

Your best possible case is completely off. Arizona is running an audit, not will run an audit. That audit comes up with errors, then other results will likely be called into question.

I expect as usual, you are completely wrong. The audit will go the way of every other audit this election: there might be a few minor elements to correct but no widespread fraud will be found. Unless, just maybe, sharpiegate was the plan all along and they missed it the first time!
Completely wrong about what?

Arizona is running an audit.

And your wordsmithing concerning widespread is just farcical.

Widespread was never the claim.

Fraud is generally targeted and easily abetted.
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #734 on: February 03, 2021, 06:06:27 PM »
I lost nothing.

Arizona audit isn't over.

Lets imagine the best possible case.  Arizona performs yet another audit, and somehow determines that they counted all wrong and Biden lost Arizona.

Trump still lost the election, Biden won by far more electoral votes than needed.  He could lose Arizona's and still comfortably be ahead.

It's over.  Even if this fantasy were to happen, it wouldn't change the election.

Trump is a loser, you lost, deal with it.
I didn't lose anything. You keep writing that as if I was competing for something. I wasn't.

Your best possible case is completely off. Arizona is running an audit, not will run an audit. That audit comes up with errors, then other results will likely be called into question.

So far no audits have shown any cheating. The worst that was found was in PA where three dead people voted... for Trump. Hah.

I would laugh all day if Arizona does find cheating, and it's by Trump voters which gives Biden even more votes.  Keep em comin.

Now that's what I'd call the best possible outcome.

You lost.  Q is a liar.  Trump isn't coming back.  You will need to find another messiah.


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #735 on: February 03, 2021, 06:11:20 PM »
I remember when Trump talked about millions of "illegal votes" set up this whole commission to investigate then had to disband it when they couldn't find anything.
How embarrassing :)

Wrong. After the 2016 election Trump attempted an audit of the election he won because he suspected fraud. The mostly democrat states refused to participate and it was eventually closed.


Mostly Democratic states?  Come on, that's a desperate amount of spin.

Out of 50 states, 45 refused to just hand over all the personal details of all of their residents to a partisan hack of a committee with no safeguards on what would happen to that data.

That's not 'mostly Democratic'.  That's almost every one of them.  I'm glad I don't live in one of the 5 that did, who knows what happened to all that private data.


They found no large scale fraud because there was no large scale fraud.

Rama Set

Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #736 on: February 03, 2021, 06:13:50 PM »
No one has ever disputed that instances of fraud have occured. There have been multiple instances committed by both Biden and Trump voters. So what? What we are talking about is overturning a certified result. That cannot be done with a few small instances, only widespread fraud. This is all evident.

Similarly, Tom shifting the goal posts from election audits to machine audits is obviously missing the point. Regardless of what you think may have happened with machine voting in Antrim county, a recount of hand marked ballots matched the certified results, which matched the canvass. There hasn’t been any evidence of tampering with tens of thousands of hand marked ballots just bawwing about machines in an audit that appears to be sketchy at best. That isn’t evidence of election fraud. Fraud being plausible still isn’t the same as fraud being probable.


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #737 on: February 03, 2021, 06:19:56 PM »
At the end of December PA Lawmakers declared that the results of the election were premature and in error.

Mathematician Bobby Pitton from the Arizona hearing says 200,000 Pennsylvania ballots were modified after election and that there are further issues with a sampling of 100,000 Arizona Ballots


He was censored on Twitter - https://thebl.com/politics/twitter-bans-expert-witness-for-certifying-fraudulent-arizona-results-cant-refute-it-so-he-is-silenced.html
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 06:45:27 PM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #738 on: February 03, 2021, 06:21:58 PM »
I remember when Trump talked about millions of "illegal votes" set up this whole commission to investigate then had to disband it when they couldn't find anything.
How embarrassing :)

Wrong. After the 2016 election Trump attempted an audit of the election he won because he suspected fraud. The mostly democrat states refused to participate and it was eventually closed.


Mostly Democratic states?  Come on, that's a desperate amount of spin.

Out of 50 states, 45 refused to just hand over all the personal details of all of their residents to a partisan hack of a committee with no safeguards on what would happen to that data.

That argument doesn't work for you either. This is admitting that the states refused to participate. This is different than the lie saying that the committee didn't find anything.

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Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« Reply #739 on: February 03, 2021, 06:30:47 PM »
No one has ever disputed that instances of fraud have occured. There have been multiple instances committed by both Biden and Trump voters. So what? What we are talking about is overturning a certified result. That cannot be done with a few small instances, only widespread fraud. This is all evident.

Similarly, Tom shifting the goal posts from election audits to machine audits is obviously missing the point. Regardless of what you think may have happened with machine voting in Antrim county, a recount of hand marked ballots matched the certified results, which matched the canvass. There hasn’t been any evidence of tampering with tens of thousands of hand marked ballots just bawwing about machines in an audit that appears to be sketchy at best. That isn’t evidence of election fraud. Fraud being plausible still isn’t the same as fraud being probable.
This is wrong.

You have no clue.

Fraud is targeted and abetted.
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.