
Offline Dr David Thork

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Black Lives Matter
« on: June 20, 2020, 08:35:11 PM »
... presumably ... to someone.

I have to wonder where this movement is going, how effective it is and what it wants? Usually, activists demand something. What BLM want is anyone's guess.

There have been a lot of narcissistic celebs trying to make it all about them.

The lady here claims she was told she couldn't have black skin or have braids. Presumably she has never heard of Beyonce or Tina Turner. Ooooooooorrrrrrr, she's a liar.

Perpetual race-baiter Raheem Sterling has been calling for equality.

I'd like equality with Raheem Sterling. He earns around £15.6m per year, plays football for a living, is invited to exclusive events and parties that I could never get into, has a garage full of luxury cars, a huge mansion, pays next to zero tax and can spend his money anywhere he likes and no one ever refuses to provide services and goods to him as that would be illegal. But somehow, Raheem is oppressed.  :'(

When I see people from other cultures ripping down statues and monuments from my culture whilst demanding their's is sacrosanct, it doesn't make me like them more. its not healing any racial divide. When they demand I kneel before them, or that their lives matter and seemingly mine doesn't, it doesn't make me think 'yeah, black people are having a rough time'. When I see them martyr a total piece of shit like George Floyd who is a serial offender and held a gun to a pregnant woman ... not really winning me over.

Black Lives Matter doesn't make me want to listen to the 'reasonable demands' of the black community. It makes me realise how many black people hate white people, resent everything about them, believe whites are born with the original sins of colonialism and slave ownership and that they are the problem and the world would be better off with out them. Black people are allowed to be openly racist and yet I don't have equality. I can't say those kinds of things. I don't have black privilege. And then I look at the absolute crap hole that is Africa and realise black people are full of shit.

Black people have every opportunity. No door is closed to them. They are given preferred treatment for jobs as companies desperately try to hire black people into senior positions, often positions they have no business occupying from a qualification/experience standpoint. Grade barriers are lowered to given them extra opportunities in education, at the expense of more talented white people who must miss out on a place to make room.

And yet they demand more. Their's, a community that commits more crime than any other community, then complains it has the highest incarceration rates. Complaining on one hand it has too much knife crime and demands action, and then complains bitterly about racism when that action is searching black people for knives. A community that outside of professional sports, rarely takes any exercise or eats properly, scream racism when it finds itself more susceptible to a global pandemic. Everything is always a white man's fault, and yet they love living in all the countries white people inhabit. They've no intention of going to Africa to live amongst other wonderful black people.

BLM doesn't make white people less racist. It shows us all the worst traits in blacks.

*clears throat in a glorious attempt to prove how unracist I am*
I have spoken to a few of my black friends about BLM. They say its embarrassing. Black people always playing the victim. And they also agreed black people should "leave white people's shit alone unless they want white people banning all the things black people like such as fried chicken and rap music" ... (my black friends have a sense of humour unlike the c*nts from BLM).

So there you have it. Black Lives Matter ... more than yours does. So spaketh the black community.
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Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2020, 09:53:04 PM »
Thork: know how we all think you're terrible?
Well, you have all the same rights as anyone else here.  We just smack your ass down faster than others because everyone knows your terrible. 

Thats what it means to be black in America.  Legally you're equal.  Doesn't mean we gotta treat you equally.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2020, 10:31:49 PM »
Everyone in America knows black people are terrible and that's why they get treated worse.

Thank you, resident nutter. Any sane people with a view?
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Offline ChrisTP

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2020, 11:29:52 PM »
I've said it before in another thread in a more long winded way but of course everyone has all the same rights but what allows people to move ahead and get far in life or not is how everyone else treats you. It's not about rights, it's about how people are treated based on something that can't be changed. It's sad that people have prejudgement suspicions and fears toward black people. That's the problem. I mean come on, the US had a black president so we know black people can still reach that height but when black people get the police called on them for doing nothing there's a problem.
Tom is wrong most of the time. Hardly big news, don't you think?


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2020, 11:42:38 PM »
but when black people get the police called on them for doing nothing there's a problem.

Cool story, bro.
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Offline Roundy

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2020, 12:31:34 AM »
Why do so many people on the Right take the absolute worst examples of something and prop them up as evidence that their side is correct? I mean, the intent is so transparent only the nitwits already on their side ever fall for it.

Ok, so some privileged celebrities have been trying to capitalize on the publicity. That means the whole movement must be a sham, case closed.  ::)
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Offline ChrisTP

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2020, 12:31:47 AM »
but when black people get the police called on them for doing nothing there's a problem.

Cool story, bro.
I'm not talking about criminals getting stopped, I'm talking about people being stopped for 'being black while doing this mundane thing' which sadly happens.

EDIT: example;

« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 12:36:01 AM by ChrisTP »
Tom is wrong most of the time. Hardly big news, don't you think?


Offline Roundy

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2020, 12:47:39 AM »
You don't even have to be a cop, really. Trayvon Martin was armed with nothing but a bag of Skittles and look what happened to him.

The guy who got away with murdering him meanwhile is making money now by signing bags of Skittles at Klan and skinhead rallies. Kind of undercuts the whole argument that race had nothing to do with it, but a man's gotta eat and I imagine being a notorious racist murderer might make life difficult for a person who refuses to lean into it.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 12:50:25 AM by Roundy »
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2020, 05:07:46 AM »
The lady here claims she was told she couldn't have black skin or have braids. Presumably she has never heard of Beyonce or Tina Turner. Ooooooooorrrrrrr, she's a liar.

Beyonce and Tina Turner had afros and beads, therefore no black singer could ever have been discouraged from having an afro and beads by the music industry? To put it another way, your argument is essentially that she claims to have been told something illogical, therefore she couldn't have been told it.

When I see people from other cultures ripping down statues and monuments from my culture

What are you talking about? The Confederate statues in America? They're not part of your culture. Given how those statues were all practically rolled out alongside Jim Crow laws, I question if they're genuinely part of anyone's culture.

When they demand I kneel before them

Who is demanding that white people kneel before them? Yeah, there are a couple of videos of white people kneeling in front of black people. They're ridiculous, but you're going to see some ridiculous people in every group of movement. I haven't seen anything suggesting that it's particularly widespread (as opposed to simply kneeling in protest, which I hope you'll agree is different), nor that black people are calling for white people to kneel to them.

or that their lives matter and seemingly mine doesn't

Who is saying that your life doesn't matter? ??? Where did that even come from?

When I see them martyr a total piece of shit like George Floyd who is a serial offender and held a gun to a pregnant woman

You don't have to have a positive opinion of Floyd to be outraged by what happened to him and demand better from the police. Who cares if people are making him out to be a martyr, anyway? He's not going to stand trial. He's not going to be back on the streets to take advantage of an unfairly earned good reputation or anything.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2020, 09:39:36 AM »
Why do so many people on the Right take the absolute worst examples of something and prop them up as evidence that their side is correct? I mean, the intent is so transparent only the nitwits already on their side ever fall for it.
I mean, that's hardly exclusive to one side. If a movement has a loud side that's easy to demonise, its opponents will try to make everyone in the movement guilty by association.

BLM? Whoa, rioters, looters, shit's on fire! Oh, and they think only black people deserve to live. How callous!
Gamergate? Bunch of misogynists carefully plotting how to eliminate women from the media.
Flat Earthers? All Trump supporters/ultra-socialists, every one of them, and some of them even hate Jews/are sponsored by the Jews!

Given how often this happens, and given the fact that people keep falling for it, I don't think you're right in dismissing it as something that only tricks nitwits.

Bonus points when you're given so much ammunition.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 09:45:03 AM by Pete Svarrior »
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Offline Roundy

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2020, 10:22:23 AM »
Why do so many people on the Right take the absolute worst examples of something and prop them up as evidence that their side is correct? I mean, the intent is so transparent only the nitwits already on their side ever fall for it.
I mean, that's hardly exclusive to one side. If a movement has a loud side that's easy to demonise, its opponents will try to make everyone in the movement guilty by association.

BLM? Whoa, rioters, looters, shit's on fire! Oh, and they think only black people deserve to live. How callous!
Gamergate? Bunch of misogynists carefully plotting how to eliminate women from the media.
Flat Earthers? All Trump supporters/ultra-socialists, every one of them, and some of them even hate Jews/are sponsored by the Jews!

Given how often this happens, and given the fact that people keep falling for it, I don't think you're right in dismissing it as something that only tricks nitwits.

Bonus points when you're given so much ammunition.


Nah. Liberals are always right so they don't need to do it. This is definitely something you only see from conservatives.
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
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Offline Roundy

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2020, 10:46:27 AM »
Ok, snarkiness aside, this really does seem like a tactic employed more often by the Right (I would never be so foolish as to argue that there aren't bad faith actors on both sides). This is what people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Laura Ingraham (not to mention our own resident Toddler) build their entire public existence around. Hannity often starts his show with some soundbite that encapsulates the worst the Left has to offer and amplifies it into something his viewers need to fear as an imminent threat. The NRA amplifies the voice of the severe minority on the Left that really does want to repeal the 2nd amendment and have their members shout about how the Democrats are trying to take away their guns anytime someone tries to pass reasonable legislation.

Do people on the Left do it too? I don't doubt it. But I don't think it's so prevalent on the Left. Feel free to provide lots of examples in trying to prove me wrong.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 10:48:39 AM by Roundy »
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2020, 10:49:26 AM »
I'm gonna take the lazy route. I don't really want to go watching through a bunch of The Young Turks to pick out specific examples.

I think you're right when you say it's employed more often by the right. Looking at Ad Fontes Media's media bias chart, there are obviously more unreliable media on the right, and it includes big names like Fox News. Meanwhile, the left-hand-side is full of "literally who?"

That said, I think it's also overly reductive to describe it as a problem that's exclusive to the right. I'd be quicker to describe it as a uniquely American problem, but then other Anglo countries are now starting to follow suit.

I suspect part of our disagreement might be in that we're exposed to different media. I see a lot of Occupy Democrats and the Daily Kos in my social circles, despite the fact that they're relatively small. I'm actually not sure why that is, but it certainly skews my view. My more passionate friends end up reposting shit that combines a photo of Trump with a Hitler quote while decrying right-wingers for being idiots who fall for fake news.
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Offline somerled

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2020, 10:54:21 AM »
The people who enslave other people are the problem . The rich greedy fuckin parasitic race enslave humanity regardless of colour . BLM and those opposing " far right" groups are used by the RGFPR to divide and conquer.

People just don't see the real enemy.



Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2020, 11:01:27 AM »
Picking out the extremism of the Left isn't hard to do when they are increasingly the party of rioters, criminals, and deviants who hate America.

But yes, they do it too. See the current violent race riots instigated by the Left over Geroge Floyd, where in reality few unarmed black men are killed each year out of the total 1000+ people killed by police a year, and usually at a number equal or less than unarmed white men. This is despite the known inequity of criminal activity by race.


Stats from last year:

(And most of these were justified killings. Only a few were accidents.)
« Last Edit: June 22, 2020, 03:51:52 PM by Tom Bishop »


Offline Roundy

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2020, 11:09:53 AM »
I'm gonna take the lazy route. I don't really want to go watching through a bunch of The Young Turks to pick out specific examples.

And if you had done that you would have been showing clips of the worst the Left has to offer, only proving my point...

I'm kidding of course, but as far as mainstream liberalism goes they really are the worst.

I think you're right when you say it's employed more often by the right. Looking at Ad Fontes Media's media bias chart, there are obviously more unreliable media on the right, and it includes big names like Fox News. Meanwhile, the left-hand-side is full of "literally who?"

That said, I think it's also overly reductive to describe it as a problem that's exclusive to the right. I'd be quicker to describe it as a uniquely American problem, but then other Anglo countries are now starting to follow suit.

I suspect part of our disagreement might be in that we're exposed to different media. I see a lot of Occupy Democrats and the Daily Kos in my social circles, despite the fact that they're relatively small. I'm actually not sure why that is, but it certainly skews my view. My more passionate friends end up reposting shit that combines a photo of Trump with a Hitler quote while decrying right-wingers for being idiots who fall for fake news.

A compromise, how nice. I think we agree more than we disagree on a lot of things tbh. We're not so different, you and I.

I will admit an occasional tendency to the reductive when arguing politics. I don't really see the world as black and white, I only come across that way sometimes.

Picking out the extremism of the Left isn't hard to do when they are the party of rioters, criminals, and deviants who hate America.

Someone else on the Right that regularly uses this tactic, thanks for posting and reminding us Tom.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 11:13:51 AM by Roundy »
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)

Offline somerled

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2020, 11:15:39 AM »
Picking out the extremism of the Left isn't hard to do when they are the party of rioters, criminals, and deviants who hate America.

But yes, they do it too. See the violent race riots instigated by the Left over Geroge Floyed, where in reality very few unarmed black men are killed each year, and usually at a number equal or less than unarmed white men.

The trouble I have Tom is that the American left is extremely right wing ha. Your politics over there are a mystery to me .


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2020, 11:32:50 AM »
Beyonce and Tina Turner had afros and beads, therefore no black singer could ever have been discouraged from having an afro and beads by the music industry? To put it another way, your argument is essentially that she claims to have been told something illogical, therefore she couldn't have been told it.
So do you think this may have been a throw away comment once that she has trawled to be relevant, or do you think many music insiders perpetually gave this incorrect advice to her?
Diana Ross
Lionel Richie
The Jackson 5
Jimi Hendrix
Steve Wonder
Bob Marley
Aretha Franklin

It is stupid to suggest black people can't make it in music if they look black. And yet her comments go unchallenged because they fit the narrative that black people face racism from everywhere.

When I see people from other cultures ripping down statues and monuments from my culture

What are you talking about? The Confederate statues in America? They're not part of your culture. Given how those statues were all practically rolled out alongside Jim Crow laws, I question if they're genuinely part of anyone's culture.
Unfortunately our left wing press in the UK are dead set on importing America's problems to the UK. This caused BLM riots over here despite us not having a history of slavery. Black people in the UK aren't descended from slaves. They are descended from immigrants who have been given every oportunity for a better life in the UK.
And most ridiculous
^They literally want to tear down statues of Winston Churchill because racism. Don't say it doesn't affect my culture when you have zero idea what is going on, on this side of the Atlantic. 

Who is demanding that white people kneel before them? Yeah, there are a couple of videos of white people kneeling in front of black people. They're ridiculous, but you're going to see some ridiculous people in every group of movement. I haven't seen anything suggesting that it's particularly widespread (as opposed to simply kneeling in protest, which I hope you'll agree is different), nor that black people are calling for white people to kneel to them.
Please observe British sports stars being made to kneel before every game. This is not optional. They must also bear the slogan Black Lives Matter across their backs.

Why does a sport I like have to be used as a vehicle for far-left activism?

Who is saying that your life doesn't matter? ??? Where did that even come from?
Claiming All Lives matter, is apparently racist.

You don't have to have a positive opinion of Floyd to be outraged by what happened to him and demand better from the police. Who cares if people are making him out to be a martyr, anyway? He's not going to stand trial. He's not going to be back on the streets to take advantage of an unfairly earned good reputation or anything.
My problem with the George Floyd policeman is that everyone is screaming about how he is a racist. Missing the much more serious accusation that he is a murderer. The fact this cop is a murderer is only second on the agenda. His crime of being racist is being held up as the serious crime. Not tipping your black pizza delivery boy is racist. Sitting further away on the bus from black people is racist. Being racist is not a crime. Murder is. And yet BLM want racism seen as worse than murder. Its a disgusting campaign using a death to pervert future justice.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 11:50:18 AM by Toddler Thork »
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Offline somerled

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2020, 01:39:59 PM »
It's not far left press advancing BLM - all I see is tptb and their mouthpiece media advancing this shit. Have to admit I've not read any Left wing press for a fair few years - what passes for it these days ?
     Football is also very shit imho . Money laundering scheme for the greedy criminals. Watch rugby league .
     Lilly livered liberalism isn't left wing .

Offline ChrisTP

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Re: Black Lives Matter
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2020, 02:38:44 PM »
@Thork regarding the footballers kneeling, it's kind of a throwaway gesture to make sure they don't come across as insensitive like how every company that's completely unrelated are sending out a statement along the lines of "we care about diversity and black lives matter to us too bla bla". It doesn't hurt anyone and it makes said companies look/feel good, plus it raises awareness I suppose. While I agree with the sentiment that black lives matter the ones that are rioting and causing a ruckus are just bored fools. Those guys are the ones that are damaging their own cause along with their towns. I don't think you should hate on the overall message that's trying to be put out. As Pete said, in every movement you'll get people damaging it from the inside, making the movement look bad. Like feminism where some women proclaim they're feminists because they hate men and proceed to be super toxic and ill informed. God forbid I have one or two people on facebook from school like that who occasionally post dumb, horrible stuff then tag a movement as justification for them being scum.
Tom is wrong most of the time. Hardly big news, don't you think?