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Messages - Pete Svarrior

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Science & Alternative Science / Re: Solar Roadways
« on: June 08, 2014, 03:40:09 AM »
Couldn't we just like.. Put solar panels everywhere else first? Why does it have to be roads?
Because a loud and obnoxious video says we should, and it would be like freakin' TRON.

Do not underestimate the power of dumb hype.

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Email Address Phishing
« on: June 08, 2014, 03:32:10 AM »
If I can make some future suggestions as to avoid needlessly scaring yourself and everyone else in the future:

A phishing link will (almost) never point to the same domain space as the web service it pretends to be, especially if the service we're talking about is as big as Google. Usually, a careful inspection of the link will let you properly identify it. When in doubt, look at the BBCode of the post and check the URL in question. If it's distinctly different from what you'd expect (e.g. instead of then yes, you're looking at a phishing scam.

The fact that you clicked on it and got taken elsewhere is sadly both unverifiable and inconclusive. It could mean a problem on our end or yours. However, since we have very frequent backups of everything posted here, I think it's safe to say that something dodgy happened on your end.

Technology & Information / Re: Ask Rushy about Bitcoins.
« on: June 07, 2014, 04:11:05 PM »
You probably need a fairly stable currency to do this.
Well, more stable than Bitcoin, that's for sure.

Technology & Information / Re: Ask Rushy about Bitcoins.
« on: June 07, 2014, 03:03:32 PM »
Currency traders need to work with millions of dollars to make any potential profit worth the effort.
That's inconsistent with reality. Local currency exchange points are very common in Poland (because of how much the Polish enjoy job tourism, mostly). They need to freeze a few dozen thousand dollars to get things going, but it's a fairly safe business after that.

Technology & Information / Re: C++
« on: June 04, 2014, 08:21:52 PM »
Why are you writing C++ with that kind of attitude?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: "Empirical" Evidence
« on: June 04, 2014, 06:23:10 PM »
You are saying you dont care if a REer is right, you will dismiss them out of hand.  Got it.
No, I'm saying that if you come to the Flat Earth Society and say "the Earth is round, trust <someone> on that one" (and make it the central point of your argument that <someone> said this), you're not going to convince anyone. This will happen regardless of the actual shape of the Earth. You're entering a group with a certain belief, telling them their belief is wrong, and demanding that they take your word for it.

Similarly, if you enter a mosque and say "Jesus Christ is our lord and saviour, trust the Pope on that", you're probably not going to end up converting anyone. It doesn't matter whether or not the view you're advocating is correct, people who are opposed to it to begin with won't be convinced just because someone they don't view as an authority has said so.

It's a very biased approach and a double standard, but it's essentially universal to humanity.

Assuming you're not a creationist, would you believe creation science just because Ken Ham says it's true? He's very experienced and spent a lot of time working on it. I presume the answer is "no", because you have your own (in your view: better) reasons to believe he's wrong. It would be stupid of me to harp on you for that, because my entire argument was "lol trust Ken Ham plz".

It takes more than a demand that we trust someone to change one's fundamental views. We won't "dismiss [other views] out of hand", but we won't believe them just because you say that sometimes it's necessary to trust others. That'd be insane.

Technology & Information / Re: C++
« on: June 04, 2014, 06:17:58 PM »
Basically, what I want to do is take the output from my code and format it on a png file. halp.
It seems like you already found a library that does that. Now you just need to stop whining that computers are hard and start actually using it.

As for figuring out how to link libraries in Visual Studio - I haven't worked with VS in ages, so I can't really guide you, but I just gave you all the keywords you need for your Google search to work.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: "Empirical" Evidence
« on: June 04, 2014, 06:05:27 PM »
But you guys do it -all- the time.  Look at the value you place in the Bedford Level experiement.
No, we don't. We don't invade mainstream science forums and bother everyone with BLE.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: "Empirical" Evidence
« on: June 04, 2014, 04:06:28 PM »
Quite simply, my point is that empirical evidence is not necessarily the best way to determine the shape of the earth.  Sometimes you need to trust the experiences of others.
Walking into the Flat Earth Society and telling us to trust other people's experience on the shape of the Earth would be like walking into a church filled with creationists and telling them to trust scientists on the matter of evolution (or vice-versa, going to a university and trying to convince the biology professors there that evolution is a hoax and they should trust creation science instead). It doesn't matter how right you think you are, or even how right you actually are, it simply won't work.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: Solar Roadways
« on: June 03, 2014, 07:46:00 PM »
Start adding all that together and it starts looking like the cost of the solar roadways.
Yeah, no.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: "Empirical" Evidence
« on: June 03, 2014, 04:06:33 PM »
Why would it be disallowed? It'll just crash and burn anyway - it's a self-solving problem.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: Solar Roadways
« on: June 03, 2014, 02:50:49 AM »
It doesn't have to convert solid ice to water, it only has to be warm enough to keep the ice from forming.
Snow forms long before it touches the ground. It does have to be able to melt it.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: Solar Roadways
« on: June 03, 2014, 01:15:15 AM »
Which would be spread out over a long, long time (decades, maybe), and would hopefully save enough to be worth it in the end.
It wouldn't save anything. The costs of maintenance would be ludicrous.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: Solar Roadways
« on: June 03, 2014, 12:47:53 AM »
Are you guys all really arguing that the entire project would be too much all at once?
No, we're arguing that the project is completely infeasible. One of the many lines of reasoning is that the entire project would cost several times the US' yearly budget.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: Solar Roadways
« on: June 02, 2014, 09:12:38 PM »
Enter Thunderf00t.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Atheism vs. religion
« on: June 02, 2014, 09:08:09 PM »
So God is a masochist and likes to inflict pain and displeasure on himself?
Nah, the only ones receiving pain and displeasure here are the people he specifically designed to be disobedient; for disobedience.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Maths
« on: June 02, 2014, 03:13:12 AM »
Even if your claim is true, the resulting calculation should be subject to further review and critique.
I agree. I suggest you get right on it and use the old site's search feature (assuming it still works). Meanwhile, unless you start making some actual points and stop trying to waste my time by demanding that I do your busywork, I think I'm done with this thread. The OP has been addressed, and your derailment is neither entertaining nor stimulating.

Also, I'm a bit disappointed. You forgot to thank me in that last post. Are you starting to break character?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Maths
« on: June 02, 2014, 02:09:00 AM »
Your admission that you won't be doing (or can't do) these calculation is what I expected.
But the calculation has already been done. What about this confuses you?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Maths
« on: June 02, 2014, 01:02:38 AM »
I'm not too bothered about going through that again.
I'll look forward to your attempt.
I apologise, I should have taken your reading comprehension into account when formulating my answer. What I said was that I won't be repeating these calculations. Looking forward to the result would be a waste of your time.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Maths
« on: June 01, 2014, 11:40:52 PM »
How is that irrelevant? I never said you had to choose one of mine. Since when do you choose to answer questions about only models that you subscribe to anyway? Are you just dodging difficult questions again?
I didn't say I only answer questions about models I subscribe to. I said that models you had me choose from in your blog post are not subscribed to.

I do agree, BTW, now that you've made you criticism clearer, I should have chosen "affect".
I'm glad. :)

Let's try the OP another way: Given GR and its supporting theories and that the FE uses the UA to provide g in many cases, how much energy would the UA need to have accelerated the FE at approximately 9.8 m/s/s for a billion years? Then for the following day? How does that compare the the observed energy (excluding any inferred from the UA) in the FE? At your option you may round to one significant digit. Please show all your reasoning, math, references, and anything else that might help us understand the result. Thanks.
I'm fairly sure we've done this in the past. The numbers were astronomically large and suggested that this energy would be completely unprecedented anywhere else. I'm not too bothered about going through that again.

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