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Messages - Dr Van Nostrand

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 15, 2025, 04:07:50 PM »
How much did the NSA invest in looking at all of our personal data?

Yep, the NSA, the Chinese, the Russians and now Lex Luthor. These people digging around should be forced to buy our data from legitimate data brokers like everybody else does.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 15, 2025, 02:38:13 PM »
Fraud begets fraud and is connected to morality. If they are willing to steal money from the public then then there is a higher likelihood to cut corners on research and push out dangerous and questionable therapies. There is a greater danger in allowing fraud. The billions lost to government waste and fraud could be used to save lives elsewhere, such the homeless situation.

People lost around 40 - 50 billion dollars on meme coins in the last month. Just the money lost on meme coins from the Donald, Melania and their charlatan preacher would have fed a lot of homeless people. The good news is that being an incompetent buffoon, Trump couldn't execute a successful rug pull and the price collapsed before he sold. Only the devs that talked Trump into this stupid scam made money. We need to redefine fraud.

But it's all good, DOGE is spending millions of dollars a week rooting around in our personal data looking for fraud.

Technology & Information / Re: Ask Rushy about Bitcoins.
« on: February 15, 2025, 02:23:24 PM »

This clown has been getting a lot of coverage in the press over here.
There's zero chance that he will ever find the hard drive. If he ever did it would pretty likely be broken anyway.

This will be like the Treasure of Oak Island. For years to come, generations of people will spend millions of dollars digging through the garbage. Occasionally, they turn up a little piece of trash that could be from the same area and time frame which reignites the hunt. Eventually, it could be a reality TV show.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: The Science of Faith Healing
« on: February 07, 2025, 08:28:31 PM »
I hate televangelists that do these public faith healings because they're all fake. Someone once pointed out that at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes you see crutches left behind by those who were healed but you never see a prosthetic leg left behind.

But, there are some annoying studies that show a small but persistent evidence that there is something metaphysical, psychophysical to our health.

The power of placebo has been long documented but there have also been power of prayer studies (actual randomized, double blind) where patients who were prayed for show some statistical benefit from that prayer. Typically, these statistical successes are a very low percentage but high enough to defy random chance.

As much as I would like to poo-poo Tom's post, the fact is that there is a small set of findings that indicate there is something more to ourselves than our bodies. The body of evidence is small but statistically real, it won't go away even after being challenged by years of study and still can't be explained.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 07, 2025, 12:59:00 PM »
Bitch away, LD, bitch away...


This is the real Trumpian Manifesto. At its core, it's a juvenile eagerness to upset, hurt, or otherwise oppress the people they hate. Conservatives don't vote in their own best interests; they vote in whatever they think will be the worst interests of the people they hate. They'd rather ensure everyone, including themselves, are miserable rather than be happy and risk the people they hate being happy too. The cruelty is the point. I am not happy and it is your fault.

Another demonstration of how Trumpism works. Stomp out the truth and substitute whatever you want.

It's not just that Trumpians are hateful people but that hate is being used to play them. Big strong Trumputin will protect you from the liberal DEI groomers trying to change your child's gender.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 06, 2025, 02:03:47 PM »
Your objections are moot.

The order is signed.

I don't care about anything else you want to bring up.

The Trumpian Manifesto

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 06, 2025, 01:10:59 PM »
You are certainly allowed to think the EO means whatever you think it means.

Anybody is.

I am under the impression it means nothing else than what it was announced to be.

People who were born with a penis can no longer compete in sports with biological women. Any sports organization or school allowing this activity will no longer receive funding from the federal government.

That is all.

Not a big deal there are people who would disagree with this "common sense" EO.

Happens all the time.

What about people that are born with a large clitoris and a small penis? What about people with both sperm and eggs?
You and Trump have no business in other people's pants.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 06, 2025, 12:33:40 PM »
Yes, it's an EO that says Gender Identity doesn't exist and if you have eggs, you must act like a girl and present as a girl in society.
Where does the EO specifically state "gender identity," does not exist?

Which other human sex would have eggs?

Trump said that only male and female will be recognized, genetically intersex people with or without eggs will not be recognized.

Claiming that intersex people don't exist is an important part of their agenda. If intersex people do exist that would mean that there could be a biological component to homosexuality instead of a personal choice. This would compromise the Republican theory of homosexuality that they use to get their ignorant, redneck followers worked into a froth.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 05, 2025, 08:46:21 PM »
Oh yes, how silly of me...I just imagined all of the city takeovers and the lockdowns... ::)

Seriously, what are you talking about?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 05, 2025, 06:02:27 PM »
LD raises an interesting point and one I have been thinking about.

When you examine the whole last two years, that is when things really started to ramp up (with lockdowns and the rest of the fucking bullshit, like full-blown takeovers of cities by persons who really, truly, have no need to exist. It was allowed to continue for ??? Maybe it was Trump all along and just a big dog and pony show.

That's just your perception.

All this Fox garbage about 'liberal cities in flames' is bullshit fed to idiots who want to believe it..

No cops were killed in the Minneapolis riots and Trump was going to send in federal troops. His army of Appalachian orcs attacks our capital, ransacks the building, injures and kills cops but he calls them 'heroes' and wants let them out of prison so they can attack us again.

In other news, the orange idiot just let Lex Luthor and his henchmen into the government computers.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 01, 2025, 01:00:34 PM »

It also appears that the pilot was a trump-hating transsexual. Individuals with gender dysphoria have a very high suicide rate:

This unresearched, knee-jerk response is a classic demonstration of the Trump/Putin indoctrination going on in America.

Angry, self-entitled Americans are being conditioned by the Murdoch oligarchy that despite having cheaper gasoline, more food and more jobs than any other country on the planet, their lives suck and it's all because of DEI homosexual immigrant liberal socialist hordes.
So Americans go running into the strong, safe arms of the mighty Trumputin for protection.

This is what Russia did in Venezuela. They flood the public media with disinformation and get the ignorant population to elect a bunch of corrupt, pro-Russia polticians who change the constitution so they stay in power.
Trump supports Russian expansion in Europe, has filled his staff with pro-Russia freaks (like Gabbard and Noems), and is one Supreme Court nomination from absolute criminal immunity.

Putin is pleased. Russia got their money's worth for the millions of dollars spent on this election.


Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 31, 2025, 12:22:02 PM »
Trump has a plan to fix it. He's going to reduce fed agencies like the FAA by half. That should prevent incidents like this.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 30, 2025, 04:02:13 PM »
Again, my post had nothing to do with the level of education about anyone.

Plenty of uneducated persons capable of quite a lot of good, quality work.

The issue is illegal immigration.

And as I wrote, the persons supporting illegal immigration are simply human traffickers, taking advantage of other humans.

Uncaring despots.

As usual, replies don't examine the issue within the scope of the point made.

I am glad the Kavorka outed itself.

Every American supports illegal immigration by purchasing food. Their dollars are the fuel powering the system.

Maybe like 'dolphin safe' tuna, Americans should shop for 'illegal immigrant free' foods.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 30, 2025, 12:09:31 PM »
I've been a manager that has hired and fired a lot of people over the years.

Here's the harsh truth.
If you can be out performed at your job by an uneducated, non-English speaking person who will work for half your wage, you are fired. You have no place on the team and it's stupid to think the economy will carry you along it's back. You will be replaced.

Lots of luck trying to get spoiled, white Americans to actually work picking vegetables and shoveling animal guts in the slaughter houses.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 30, 2025, 01:47:35 AM »
Yeah, fuck Trump.  Honestly, all those federal workers should just go on strike.  Lets see how well Trump runs the governemnt without the people doing the actual work.
Check me if I'm wrong, but Trump is trying to get rid of these people so that he can put his own loyalists in those positions to run the government his way.

It's a repeat of his first term.  The difference is that now there are no normal Republicans left. Mitt Romney took the last remaining half quark of integrity. All the military men of honor who led the troops defending this nation wouldn't lie for Trump so they bailed.

All that's left is Trumpian sycophants who gave up their own values in exchange for a place of power in the Putin / Trump world oligarchy.

MAGA needs to go fuck itself.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 26, 2025, 02:41:37 PM »

Anything illegal is an enemy to any country.

That is why we have laws.

To maintain the country within the form citizens want.

Spoken like a true Soviet.

Lots of things are illegal in Russia like dissent in the press. In China, it's illegal to draw a cartoon of the President. Their countries has lots of enemies.
It's the form they want, it's the form that you, Trump and Putin want for the US.

Technology & Information / Re: Autonomous weapons systems
« on: January 25, 2025, 02:13:23 PM »
I did not bring up autonomous weapons systems within the context of "Terminators."

You fucking "imagined," I did, much like all of your other goddamn contributions in this forum since you joined.

You are a dishonest and illegitimate presence in this forum, just like Pete and many others have pointed out to you on many occasions.

Where did I state the word "Terminators," within the OP or any other place within the thread, except in this reply.

As to whether there is or is not "anything to report," I called YOU (yes, YOU) a liar.

That is against the forum rules (unless it is objectively true).

So, if you believe you are posting honest assessments regarding the current abilities of AI and self-replicating machines (within the context of autonomous weapons systems operation and functionality), then you would need to report me for violating the rules of the forum.

Jesus, quit fucking lying and offer a legitimate opinion about the OP or GTFO here.

My completely legit response came as a result of your hyperbolic goings on about AI and self-replicating machines.

Maybe you should type your responses in all caps and use more curse words. It won't help your point but you might feel better, maybe relieve some anger.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 24, 2025, 09:04:20 PM »
The EO states that for the purposes of the federal workplace there are two genders.

A person can believe what they want to believe.

They will lose no protections in regard to personhood.

1.7 percent of persons worldwide - approximately 153,000,000 people, 5.5 million in the US.

Children born as intersex and their families will no longer be offered medical options to deal with the condition.

Fact: There are three biological genders.
Fact: Trump is an idiot.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 24, 2025, 08:19:48 PM »
The EO in question removes nothing in regard to workplace protections for anyone. It outlines how the employer (in this case federal agencies) view issues of sexuality and gender.

Trump said there are two genders. As usual, he's an idiot that is completely wrong, talking about something that he has no knowledge of and took no time to research.
There are dozens of intersex variants that are clearly defined morphologically and genetically.

Trump says they don't exist but they are walking around this planet right now. A lot of them are shooting the finger at Trump.

Technology & Information / Re: Autonomous weapons systems
« on: January 24, 2025, 12:41:02 AM »
Actually, if you want to be paranoid about self replicating machines, you need to gear up for the grey goo.

Long before shiny Terminator robots coming stomping around with machine guns, nanobots the size of a large bacteria, built from silicone and quartz crystals layered with complex metallic folds will be designed by AI to create medical chemicals from raw materials. At first these robots are fed organic molecules to manufacture hormones, proteins and even flesh.
Eventually, a nanobot built from a few simple molecules like a virus, will be designed to self replicate and will get spilled in a lab. It's built to consume any atom on the first third of the Periodic Table. There will we all kinds of screaming and suffering as it rips through everything around it like a spreading grey goo until it consumes the whole planet. 

It will totally suck but it will be over quickly.

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