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Messages - Roundy

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Arts & Entertainment / Re: Just Watched
« on: December 28, 2013, 04:24:47 AM »
It should have been one movie, but they recognized the opportunity to sucker loads of fanboys who can't wait to spend their money on anything LOTR, and stretched it out to the point where it's just ridiculous.  I mean, seriously.  It was a simple, short book with some entertaining vignettes and a spectacular climactic battle.  They could have done it so easily in one movie and it could have been great.

So much of the first movie was filler.  I imagine this one is the same. I mean stretching 300 pages into 8 hours.  Give me a fucking break.

I don't see how they could turn it into a single movie. 2 movies maybe, but not 1. Too much crap happens, you would have to jump directly from event to event in order to fit it all in, leaving no time for anything else.

I'd prefer 3 bloated movies to 1 awful one.

So I imagine you must have really hated the original LOTR trilogy since they crammed so much into a single trilogy.  I mean, given that it's five fucking times as long as The Hobbit in print but about the same length on screen.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Just Watched
« on: December 28, 2013, 04:17:21 AM »
It should have been one movie, but they recognized the opportunity to sucker loads of fanboys who can't wait to spend their money on anything LOTR, and stretched it out to the point where it's just ridiculous.  I mean, seriously.  It was a simple, short book with some entertaining vignettes and a spectacular climactic battle.  They could have done it so easily in one movie and it could have been great.

So much of the first movie was filler.  I imagine this one is the same. I mean stretching 300 pages into 8 hours.  Give me a fucking break.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 28, 2013, 03:35:31 AM »
The Torah is either true or it is not . Your choice is a bit binary, really.

Um... no, that's not the case at all.  It is not in any way outside the realm of reason or logic that parts of the Torah are true and parts aren't.  Otherwise we can apply that exact same reasoning to the New Testament as well, which I'm sure you recognize is pretty problematic to your argument.  In fact it is the norm for folk stories (which is all the Torah is really) to contain a kernel of truth.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Questions for the FAQ
« on: December 25, 2013, 05:35:06 PM »
Might I suggest a slightly different format?

The FAQ is a bunch of one-liner questions. And the answer is a direct hyperlink from that question to where we store the answers which may have diagrams etc.

Then it's easy to scan down the questions to see if yours is there. You don't need to wade down 6 pages of tl;dr + we can swap questions in and out easily as we get bored of them. We'd only need to upload an answer into the wiki or wherever and then make a one-line question to it when done. The wiki lends itself to giving that info better that a forum post can.

I like Thork's idea, since it was my idea a few years ago.  It was ignored then, of course.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:57:30 PM »
I'm certain the Exodus story is 100%, literally true.  So certain that I'm sure Yaakov can point to some source outside of the Old Testament confirming that the Egyptians ever kept the Israelis as slaves.  I'm sure loads of archaeological evidence has been dug up supporting that scenario.

Right Yaakov?  Do you have anything?

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Official Sports Thread
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:51:18 PM »
Except for the Minnesota game the Eagles haven't let anyone score more than 21 points on them in ages.
They also haven't faced any playoff caliber offenses in ages, outside of the Bears.

We just beat Arizona too.  True, they may not make the playoffs, but if they miss it will be by only a hair.  And a lot of those really heavy-hitting offenses out there don't have the best defenses.

San Francisco would violate Philadelphia.  Fact.  Great running attack, real weapons in the passing game and a great all-around defense. A team that can run on Philly is going to have a big advantage since they can control time of possession better and not get their defense as tired out playing against that fast-paced Philly attack.

I have to disagree at least a little bit.  You seem to be suggesting that the Eagles have a poor rush defense and that is not the case.  They just held Forte to 29 yards (I mean, come on, great running attack, real weapons in the passing game... hello, Chicago?).  They haven't allowed a running back to make over 100 yards since Week 9 against Oakland, who we slaughtered 49-20 (and between RBs and QB they gained over 200 yards rushing against us... sounds like they had a good day on the ground).

Obviously I can only point to games that the Eagles have actually played... I can't say they did this against SF or that against Seattle because they didn't play them, and I won't argue with the obvious fact that they were given an easier schedule than most of this year's playoff teams because of their record last year.  But the Eagles have just been so dominant lately.  They've been very efficient in all three phases of the game.

I'm not coming out and saying that the Eagles are definitely going to the Superbowl but I think they have a great shot at it.  A better shot than most people are willing to give them.  And I'd rather they need to sneak in as a dark horse rather than being considered the team to beat because the latter scenario just always scares me... those teams are unexpectedly taken out (by teams like the Eagles have this year) all the time.

And now I will look like an absolute ass if the Eagles are taken out by the Cowboys this week.  Oh well.  Let me enjoy my team while they're having success.  ;D

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Official Sports Thread
« on: December 25, 2013, 06:40:06 AM »
Except for the Minnesota game the Eagles haven't let anyone score more than 21 points on them in ages.
They also haven't faced any playoff caliber offenses in ages, outside of the Bears.

We just beat Arizona too.  True, they may not make the playoffs, but if they miss it will be by only a hair.  And a lot of those really heavy-hitting offenses out there don't have the best defenses.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Official Sports Thread
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:57:27 AM »
No, the fact that the Eagles defense is complete shit is what unveiled them. The Vikings run outdated schemes, and had no business winning that game. Seriously, I'm still not sure what the fuck happened. I just don't see the Eagles D having the talent to stop any team with decent receivers (49'ers with Crabtree back, Seahawks with Harvin back, Broncos with Welker back, etc)

However, the Bears have an incredible WR duo and the Eagles shit on them. I didn't watch the game, so hey, maybe I'm totally wrong.

Except for the Minnesota game the Eagles haven't let anyone score more than 21 points on them in ages.  That Vikings game was an aberration, plain and simple, but you know that if we hadn't let you guys have a short field on every fucking possession, or if McCoy had been given the ball more than 8 times, the result would have been vastly different.  I agree with you that the Vikings had no business winning that game, but I still blame coaching more than anything else.  Which is why I think that may be the Eagles' Achilles heel in the postseason.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Official Sports Thread
« on: December 24, 2013, 11:42:07 PM »
The Panthers at home are a little scary, as is Seattle at home if we both happen to make it to the NFC Championship, but I think the Eagles have a great shot to play dark horse and beat them both.  They have been explosive.  They've been averaging close to 35 points in the second half of the season.  That's more than the Broncos over the same span.  If they make it to the playoffs it will be as a 7-1 team in the second half of the season.  I'm telling you, dark horse.  They have the talent in all three phases of the game.  The only thing that might hold them back is Kelly's inexperience in the NFL, which I think brutally unveiled its face in that game against the Vikings.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Official Sports Thread
« on: December 24, 2013, 10:54:26 PM »
Don't be surprised if the Eagles slip into the Superbowl. 

You need to make it to the playoffs first ;)

As far as I'm concerned this game this weekend is a playoff game.

I would never put it past the Cowboys to upset us and get in themselves.  But it's just one of four we need to win to get there.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Official Sports Thread
« on: December 24, 2013, 09:38:41 PM »
Don't be surprised if the Eagles slip into the Superbowl.  Seriously, nobody in the NFC is playing better right now.

Also, I can't imagine either the Broncos or the Patriots losing this weekend.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Gateway Musicians
« on: December 24, 2013, 06:05:12 AM »
Without The Clash's London Calling I may never have gotten over my opinion of punk music as nothing more than repetitive and amateurish; I now consider it my favorite genre of music.

London Calling is arguably more post-punk than punk itself.  I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I think it refers to the music being somewhat more complex and varied in its influences than traditional punk.

I can understand that, but if that's a thing it must be a relatively new one.  I've always heard it referred to as punk.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Star Trek
« on: December 24, 2013, 02:47:44 AM »
I'd have to strongly disagree. My three favourite episodes are two from TOS (The Cage and Miri) and one from TNG (The Inner Light).

Oh, yeah.  "The Inner Light" is my favorite Star Trek episode of all.  "City on the Edge of Forever" is my favorite TOS episode.

Moved to S&AS because that's kind of the sort of topic this subforum was intended for.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Official Sports Thread
« on: December 24, 2013, 01:46:01 AM »
With Romo out I give Dallas a shot at beating Philly.

Ha!  That's kind what I thought... without Romo in there who can we count on to choke when it really matters?  But really their defense should do that job for us.  It is awful.  They won't be able to keep up.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 21, 2013, 04:32:35 AM »
Yaakov, do you actually understand what a troll is...

lol, I think Yaakov understands what a troll is, sadaam.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: RET riddle
« on: December 21, 2013, 03:23:29 AM »
The correct answer is south.  ::)

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Duck Dynasty Controversy
« on: December 21, 2013, 02:53:20 AM »
Is Lord Dave trolling?  ???

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Duck Dynasty Controversy
« on: December 20, 2013, 06:33:05 AM »
Can I just ask why anyone would take a show called "Duck Dynasty" seriously?

I'm not sure anyone actually does.

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