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Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2018, 12:55:44 PM »
I think that the FE'ers will say they're in on it.  The top 10% are part of the USA's elite, and I would assume that most likely they will say everyone in America's elite is in on it.

Offline jimbob

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Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2018, 06:41:59 PM »
I think that the FE'ers will say they're in on it.  The top 10% are part of the USA's elite, and I would assume that most likely they will say everyone in America's elite is in on it.
I did mention that my neighbour and Tim Peake and his wife Rebecca(the british astronaught) are friends (my neighbour actually out ranks Tim). He showed me the picture taken from the ISS window by Tim. Neither of them are in on the conspiracy so how did Tim spend around 6 months on the ISS in zero g without knowing he was on earth and it was all a charade? No one could have tricked him like that.

Offline Westprog

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Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2018, 11:52:20 PM »
We've heard this for literally decades. Aaany moment now, any second now, there will be tourists in space aplenty and that one guy will drag an asteroid into orbit and build a hotel on it. Oh yeah, and SpaceX will deliver BFR despite the fact that it's a logistical nightmare for reasons which have nothing to do with space travel. It's happening, guys, so, so soon!

Why don't we just wait until it actually starts happening, if it ever does?

I actually don't think space tourism will become within the grasp of the average person in my lifetime.
I've gone into more detail about this before but there are physical laws which make it tricky. Basically: F=ma
And we don't yet have an efficient enough away to generate enough F to make spaceflight cheap enough for your average Tom.
So yes, some of the excited talk about moon bases and hotels in space were a little optimistic, to say the least.
But the point of this thread was that space tourism is now a thing, yes it's only in the reach of the super-rich right now but it has happened.
So are all those people lying too? Are they all "in on it"?

The actual energy needed to bring a person into space is quite small. I believe it's of the order of a few gallons of petrol. However, the problem is that the fuel needs to be carried, and that needs fuel to carry it, which needs fuel to carry it... and most of the weight is the fuel, and the container for the fuel.

If you had an option like, say, a laser from a ground station providing the energy, it might be possible to get around this. But nobody is even working on this approach at present.

The other option is the space elevator, which relies on fairly exotic materials, though such materials have been mooted.

The point being that there's no fundamental principle that space travel needs to be hugely energy/fuel expensive. It certainly will be for the foreseeable future though.

I doubt if space tourism will be something commonly available in the next century. No matter - there's no reasonable way to deny that space travel happens.

Treep Ravisarras

Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2018, 12:04:46 PM »
It is perfectly possible that a handful of individuals made it to something remotely resembling an "orbit". While questionable, it does not inherently collide with FET.
That very flattering for anybody involved in conspiracy that they not recognised, but alas.

Your "handful of individuals" actually very large group involved in faking space travel.

it does not inherently collide with FET.
As I have said few times before seems many not real FE-ers on this forum. Little surprised you have fallen for this as well now? If we rationalize (dangerous thing) what is publicly being put out there by the billions of dollars, it obviously directly 'attacks' flat earth. We believe is fake nevertheless, but.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2018, 12:06:57 PM by Treep Ravisaras »


Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2018, 12:40:31 PM »
There are also proposals like the space fountain which do not involve the need for extremely exotic materials like those needed in a space elevator. Basically, massive objects are continually cycled in a loop to transfer the requisite force to support the structure, obviating the need for strong supportive materials.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2018, 01:27:24 AM »
There are too many unknowns to give an answer on this subject.

Offline Tontogary

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Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2018, 03:36:46 AM »
There are too many unknowns to give an answer on this subject.

Not really adding to the debate is it Tom? Typical evasive answer that does nothing for the discussion.

Is there too many unknowns for what answer?
Do you agree that there is a conspiracy?

Are there are too many unknowns to say if there is a conspiracy, or not a conspiracy?  or if space travel is possible, or imppossible? or If there are or not space tourists, or if they are or are not in on said conspiracy?

Surely the Wiki should be updated to reflect that, i.e. this subject is unknown, and cannot be confirmed?

Also, if you haven't heard of bronies before, that reflects poorly on your understanding of the world that surrounds you. It's practically impossible not to know about them.

Offline Westprog

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Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2018, 08:33:53 AM »
There are too many unknowns to give an answer on this subject.

Not really adding to the debate is it Tom? Typical evasive answer that does nothing for the discussion.

Is there too many unknowns for what answer?
Do you agree that there is a conspiracy?

Are there are too many unknowns to say if there is a conspiracy, or not a conspiracy?  or if space travel is possible, or imppossible? or If there are or not space tourists, or if they are or are not in on said conspiracy?

Surely the Wiki should be updated to reflect that, i.e. this subject is unknown, and cannot be confirmed?

It's the final retreating point when the weight of uncomfortable facts becomes too much. We're now in a situation where the space programme impacts on everybody's life, in a myriad of ways. We have people on Twitter, posting from space. We can meet astronauts, or people who've worked on some part of the space programme. OTOH, we never meet anyone or hear of anyone who has anything to do with the alternative explanations. We never hear from the people setting up the fake rockets, or the fake satellite TV. What we get are proofs that rockets are impossible, like this gem here

Note how many of the comments are supportive of this gibberish. When that's the evidence against, with the massive weight of evidence for, then a believer has no choice but to retreat into "we just don't know".


Offline AATW

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Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2018, 09:30:24 AM »
There are too many unknowns to give an answer on this subject.
Well, don't you think this is an important thing to research, then?
There's a list of people who have paid to go into space and spend time on the ISS, something you lot don't even believe exists.
It's not a long list because it is still out of the reach, financially, of "ordinary" people but there are still 7 people who have done it.
So either...

1) They are all lying.
2) They have all been tricked somehow
3) They actually have been to the ISS.

If it's 3 then, from your point of view, this is quite a significant discovery. Even if you still want to cling to a flat earth view somehow it would have to significantly change a lot of your beliefs.
You don't think this is worthy of some research - and yes yes, I know you don't have "funding", nor do I but it took me 5 minutes to find some YouTube video of the one lady on the list and find some footage of her in the ISS and discussing her experience.

This is like C. S. Lewis's quote about Christianity:
"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important"

You seem remarkably blase about something like space tourism which, if true, could completely shatter your world view.
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"

Offline Tontogary

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Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2018, 11:34:16 AM »
There are too many unknowns to give an answer on this subject.
Well, don't you think this is an important thing to research, then?
There's a list of people who have paid to go into space and spend time on the ISS, something you lot don't even believe exists.
It's not a long list because it is still out of the reach, financially, of "ordinary" people but there are still 7 people who have done it.
So either...

1) They are all lying.
2) They have all been tricked somehow
3) They actually have been to the ISS.

If it's 3 then, from your point of view, this is quite a significant discovery. Even if you still want to cling to a flat earth view somehow it would have to significantly change a lot of your beliefs.
You don't think this is worthy of some research - and yes yes, I know you don't have "funding", nor do I but it took me 5 minutes to find some YouTube video of the one lady on the list and find some footage of her in the ISS and discussing her experience.

This is like C. S. Lewis's quote about Christianity:
"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important"

You seem remarkably blase about something like space tourism which, if true, could completely shatter your world view.

The problem being, IF any research was done, and it turned up that it was possible to be on the ISS, then Toms own very beliefs would be shattered, therefore he will not do any research so as to avoid conflicting his own beliefs.

Classic ostrich, head in the sand, if i dont see it, it will go away.

I can understand in a way, it is uncomfortable to challenge ones own beliefs, but real Zetetic, as opposed to fake ones, would be desperate to clear up any confusion.
“Too many unknowns” is a very real incentive to do the research!

Also, if you haven't heard of bronies before, that reflects poorly on your understanding of the world that surrounds you. It's practically impossible not to know about them.

Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #30 on: May 03, 2018, 01:56:44 PM »
What we get are proofs that rockets are impossible, like this gem here

Note how many of the comments are supportive of this gibberish. When that's the evidence against, with the massive weight of evidence for, then a believer has no choice but to retreat into "we just don't know".
That was hilarious. "Fans need an atmosphere to work, and rockets thrust off their exhaust, therefore rockets can't produce thrust in a vacuum." Gee, it's almost like they're creating exhaust on the spot!
Recommended reading: We Have No Idea by Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson

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Offline TomInAustin

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Re: Space Tourists
« Reply #31 on: May 03, 2018, 03:16:09 PM »

It will only be a few more years before the rich will be going to space on a more regular basis.
We've heard this for literally decades. Aaany moment now, any second now, there will be tourists in space aplenty and that one guy will drag an asteroid into orbit and build a hotel on it. Oh yeah, and SpaceX will deliver BFR despite the fact that it's a logistical nightmare for reasons which have nothing to do with space travel. It's happening, guys, so, so soon!

Yes, we were supposed to have flying cars too.  With all the assholes texting and driving it's a good thing we don't.  That said, privatization of space is making huge strides as is the number of people that have big money to throw around.  A guy that has a hundred million dollar airplane is not going to think too much about spending a million to go to orbit.  Pete, you seem to be the thinker around here and I respect the way you debate.   I am curious what your thoughts would be when and if people start coming back with video and pics they took in orbit?  Could that convince you?
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?