
Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2013, 08:00:36 PM »
false flag crisis actors it's really all about katsung
Is the timing with the 1 year anniversary of the Newtown shooting mere coincidence?  Hmmmm  And not far from Columbine either....
Well, people are more depressed around Christmas.

We have tried the "limit the variety" approach and it didn't have any significant impact on gun violence by the time it expired.
Yep, I recall the cries of those who said the streets were going to erupt in warfare if the 94 AWB were to expire.  Heaven forbid they actually took the time to understand anything about said "assault weapons" and what that bill actually did as far as "banning" anything. ::)
Well, those people were dumb.  It's a slow build-up, not an all out warfare.

This 1 bothered me. I've always believed in gun rights, but I'm beginning to wonder now.
Ever heard the saying, "Those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it" (wording varies)?  Back in the 30's a certain political figure in Europe called for gun registration and control, followed by the attempted eradication of an entire religious/ethnic (whichever you prefer) group.  It wasn't a one-time isolated incident either.

Woah there bucko.
In 1919, Regulations on Weapons Ownership was passed which banned ALL GUNS AND AMMO!

Then in 1928 the communists and socialists forced the conservative party to enact the  Law on Firearms and Ammunition which allowed firearm possession with licenses.

Then in 1938, they enacted German Weapons Act which basically relaxed all restrictions on guns except hand guns.  Rifles and the like were basically open game.  Guns could be owned earlier (age 18 instead of 20).  The only real restriction were for Jews.


Not only did Mr.Hitler actually DECREASE gun restrictions (From the European enacted restrictions) BUT he only restricted it from the Jews, not everyone else.  If anything that meant that only Jews were bound by the Treaty of Versailles.

To put it into perspective:
If the government were to ban guns from all Democrats then it would be a lot like Nazi Germany.  But they aren't so it isn't.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Hoppy

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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2013, 08:45:38 PM »
There may be a 6 week cycle to this kind of event.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 08:49:35 PM by Hoppy »
God is real.

Offline Socker

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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2013, 06:12:26 AM »
My state is pretty much the model of pro gun support (probably pretty close to Texas) and I guess that influences me into supporting gun rights. I have no interest in having a gun of my own, but I honestly feel safer knowing a large percentage of adults have a gun.


Offline rooster

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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2013, 06:20:09 AM »
My state is pretty much the model of pro gun support (probably pretty close to Texas) and I guess that influences me into supporting gun rights. I have no interest in having a gun of my own, but I honestly feel safer knowing a large percentage of adults have a gun.

Offline Socker

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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2013, 06:24:06 AM »
Nope, SC. We're the stereotypical gun waving people with the confederate flag bumper stickers. At least some of us.


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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2013, 06:48:47 AM »
Nope, SC. We're the stereotypical gun waving people with the confederate flag bumper stickers. At least some of us.
So is TN.

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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2013, 07:07:39 AM »
I guess they're pretty much the same.

Yaakov ben Avraham

Re: Yet another one
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2013, 07:15:05 AM »
Yes, I lived in TN for 3 yrs. Clarksville. I hated it, except for Nashville. Nashville was big enough to have 4 synagogues & a whole shtetl. Outside of that, it was brutal being anything other than SBC. But the shtetl was great.


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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2013, 08:00:00 AM »
Yes, I lived in TN for 3 yrs. Clarksville. I hated it, except for Nashville. Nashville was big enough to have 4 synagogues & a whole shtetl. Outside of that, it was brutal being anything other than SBC. But the shtetl was great.
Yeah, Nashville is pretty diverse. It has the largest Kurdish population in America for example. I don't know how the Jewish population is though.

Offline model 29

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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2013, 07:26:04 AM »
Woah there bucko.
In 1919, Regulations on Weapons Ownership was passed which banned ALL GUNS AND AMMO!
So now you have an entire nation of with an un-known number gun owners with an un-known number of weapons.  How to deal with this?

Then in 1928 the communists and socialists forced the conservative party to enact the  Law on Firearms and Ammunition which allowed firearm possession with licenses.
Make owning them legal, but have people register them.  Now they can start compiling a list and know who owns what.

Then in 1938, they enacted German Weapons Act which basically relaxed all restrictions on guns except hand guns.  Rifles and the like were basically open game.  Guns could be owned earlier (age 18 instead of 20).  The only real restriction were for Jews.
Indeed.  Acquisition requirments were relaxed, but that only expanded to hunting permit holders, government workers, and NSDAP members, in addition to the central government, state, and railway officials.  Only those deemed trustworthy could get permits, and Jews were banned from manufacturing and transfers, but from what I've read, could still own them assuming they weren't already labeled as an 'enemy of the state', but in Nov of 1938, Jews were banned outright from possessing guns.

How did the government know which of the 'un-trustworthy' had guns?  With their registration records.


Not only did Mr.Hitler actually DECREASE gun restrictions (From the European enacted restrictions)
Not a bad way either to gain support and popularity by the people by standing up to foreign nations telling them what they can or can't do.

BUT he only restricted it from the Jews, not everyone else.  If anything that meant that only Jews were bound by the Treaty of Versailles.
And how well did that work out for the Jews and anyone else deemed un-fit, untrustworthy, enemy of state, etc.  Made rounding up that much easier anyway.

To put it into perspective:
If the government were to ban guns from all Democrats then it would be a lot like Nazi Germany.  But they aren't so it isn't.
Registration, who can't own a gun, or types of guns one can't own, are increasing here too.


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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2013, 12:48:53 PM »
Well, this article I found says a Harvard stufy found a negative correlation between gun onwership and murder rates - the less people that own guns in a nation, the higher the murder rate.


The muders included are not just gun murders, but all murders.  I think the correlation is there because people aren't going to attack someone if they think they'll get shot in the process. 

There are a lot of studies about it, and they all seem to have different results. For example, another study (please don't make me find it) showed that owning a gun makes you several times more likely to die a violent death. I suspect it probably depends a lot on who is offering the funding.

The problem with that logic, about deterrence, is that most murders don't happen on a whim. The thought "what if he has a gun?" rarely goes through the killer's head. Murder is, in most cases, an act of passion.
That's how far the horizon is, not how far you can see.

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Rama Set

Re: Yet another one
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2013, 12:58:53 PM »
I am not sure what that Harvard study is on about since all the largest Western Democracies have fewer guns and fewer murders than the US. It is probably not distinguishing between handguns, assault weapons and hunting weapons for one.

EDIT: Another point this study seems to ignore is that some of those countries, like France, have extremely right gun control hand in hand with high ownership.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 07:41:43 PM by Rama Set »


Offline Excelsior John

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Re: Yet another one
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2013, 10:44:04 PM »

When will America start to realise their attitude to guns and their gun culture needs tackling?
Ikr it is completeley idiotic that guns are legel all guns should be ilegel all guns do is KILL people. I blame the conservastupit rascists for these deaths
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Excelsior:...You are clearly a reasonable and intelligent person.

Saddam Hussein

Re: Yet another one
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2014, 04:45:29 AM »