Where have I claimed to know the height of the sun?
Rowbotham seemed to be pretty clear about it and you generally take his word as gospel.
Do you have doubts about his calculations on this? It's wildly different from the number given in the Wiki.
Why are you so hung up about the distance to the sun and recorded inconsistencies?
Are you aware of the sensitivities of such parallax experiments and the long history of the sun's inconsistent distance in RET? On the earth's distance from the sun Copernicus computed it as 3,391,200 miles, Kepler contradicted him with an estimate of 12,376,800 miles, while Newton had asserted that it did not matter whether it was 28 million or 54 million miles 'for either will do as well'.
The difference being, that since modern science has resolved the figure under a RE model, there is little discussion and debate. It was resolved pretty accurately when Enag was published, and any adjustment since then has been very minor as the accuracy of the observations and data have improved with the instruments and methods getting ever more accurate. Cassini was able in the 16th century to measure the distance to within 6% of todays figure, and that has been refined further and further. (Note i said refined not changed)
The FE has a couple of different figures, 700 as clearly stated in EnaG, and about 3,000, and no effort seems to be spent on trying to resolve the differences. One would imagine the Zetetic science council would at least discuss it, and try to present a uniform front. If it is determined that it is 700, and the stars at 1,000 then a lot of other theories are thrown into doubt, such as size of the sun, It makes astronomical observations a nonsense, as well as the movement of the planets and stars.
If it is 3,000 then the in disputing Enag in any way would be tearing down a sacred pillar of the movement!
RE believers do not have such quandaries, as nearly, if not all, modern mainstream accepted science backs up the theory, and refines the model, and helps us understand better what we see in our everyday experiences.
We are not organized to conduct research. There is no formal society of members. If you would like to help organize efforts, that would be great.
But you are organised enough to form a “council”, organised enough to create a website, post Wiki, moderate a forum, and refer to things in the plural ie “we” so either there is an organisation, or there is not.
There is a discussion board on “council” business, why not post the questions there and at least try to resolve the vast inconsistencies in your wiki, compared to EnaG and other publications? Questions are asked, and people are directed to the Wiki, fair enough, but then the wiki references works, such as EnaG, in one hand, and dismisses other parts of the same writings as in accurate.
If you are not organised enough to resolve some of the questions, or have a consistent reply to points posed, surely you are not in the position to use the the term “we” in any answer, as that implies that you speak for a body, and therefore represent them.
There are people who obviously go to some lengths to find Youtube videos and search the net to try to find “proof” of the FE, but the fundamental questions of a unified answer is not able to be provided, and yet by your own admission, have no interest in finding out or resolving the discrepancies in a Zetetic way!