There is lots of footage on YouTube to demonstrate the fakery. The way the astronauts bounce as if they are on wires for one. The pathetic lunar landing module that looks like it was wrapped in tin foil. And how is it that they can get a little tv camera to broadcast images, from the moon, in 1969, uninterrupted, back to earth? Yet today, in 2018 if it gets a bit cloudy outside my Sky TV loses its satellite signal? No, primitive 60's technology couldn't achieve that. However, if you could prove it happened, it wouldn't disprove flat earth, just prove NASA went to the moon. They planted a flag, yes? Why was it blowing? Why can people not look through a powerful telescope and see a flag? There isn't one. Please provide proof of the flag that's allegedly there and silence us all.
That's because the Flag was fake, and the MOON IS HUGE YOU FLATTARD. Also, your Sky TV goes out, because it's slightly retarded, just like you
Don't type in all caps. It's not classy.
In other news, the flag did not flutter in the wind, it was a glitch in the telescopic arm they put in to keep it straight., again, the Sky TV is not a good analogy. NASA was using colossal dishes that could recieve signals through the clouds
A brief google image search will give you a good idea of what they look like.
By the way, if the moon were that huge, wouldn't it drown us all with tides, or be immediately ripped to pieces by earth's superior gravity?
I actually started a similar discussion in another thread, if you want to tell me how wrong I am.