I think there was another case where he was on the phone with a writer and just started masturbating and told her.
That being said, I think everyone agrees that the MeToo movement is a positive thing as long as it doesn’t turn in to every man accused having his life shattered. So far almost every case has seemed fairly just to me. Louis CK could very well make a comeback, we don’t know right now. The media worked out the Aziz Ansari case and it settled right around where it should. The woman who is credited with creating the movement along with many other feminists have voiced many of the same concerns that have been written here, so I think this will all turn out for the better.
Of course there will be idiots who will tweet, “Some guy told me I was cute. #MeToo”, but they will be a minority and there will also be liars, but they too will almost surely be a minority. Let’s just take a moment in history unfold and learn what we can.
PS This conversation maybe needs to be split off or merged in to the Sex Scandals thread.