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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1940 on: August 07, 2018, 03:37:12 AM »
‘The Unknown War’ (1978)
Produced in the USSR
Narrated by Burt Lancaster

Significantly devoid of typical American anti-communism, a made for American tv documentary in 20 informative episodes of 47 minutes each about every major aspect of the Soviet Union in World War II.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 03:39:03 AM by Dionysios »


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1941 on: August 09, 2018, 04:32:31 AM »
Watermelon Man (Melvin Van Peebles, 1970)

That was one of the weirdest fucking experiences in my life. I did not know what I was getting into. I saw a brief plot summary somewhere and thought "oh that sounds like a bit of goofy light-hearted family comedy with an odd concept for the time it was made, I'll check it out" and I don't even know what the fuck I got. The overzealous overacting, the strange arthouse camerawork on what looks like a feel-good family film, the soundtrack that's basically the director yelling "AMERICA" at you to clashing instruments that are technically playing rhythms but sometimes feel like each player was given different songs to play, bizarre genre and stylistic changes mid-scene, whiplash emotions and character behaviors from scene-to-scene, all weirder because I'm sure all of that was on purpose but it's hard to tell if some of it wasn't.

I think I liked it? I don't know. I don't know. I think I hand-to-forehead mouthed "what the fuck?" a dozen or so times during that film. I don't know if it was really that strange or if it was just the clash of what I expected vs what I got. Anyone else who's seen this film please chime in because I need to know if I'm losing my mind.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1942 on: August 09, 2018, 05:34:40 PM »
Watermelon Man (Melvin Van Peebles, 1970)

That was one of the weirdest fucking experiences in my life. I did not know what I was getting into. I saw a brief plot summary somewhere and thought "oh that sounds like a bit of goofy light-hearted family comedy with an odd concept for the time it was made, I'll check it out" and I don't even know what the fuck I got. The overzealous overacting, the strange arthouse camerawork on what looks like a feel-good family film, the soundtrack that's basically the director yelling "AMERICA" at you to clashing instruments that are technically playing rhythms but sometimes feel like each player was given different songs to play, bizarre genre and stylistic changes mid-scene, whiplash emotions and character behaviors from scene-to-scene, all weirder because I'm sure all of that was on purpose but it's hard to tell if some of it wasn't.

I think I liked it? I don't know. I don't know. I think I hand-to-forehead mouthed "what the fuck?" a dozen or so times during that film. I don't know if it was really that strange or if it was just the clash of what I expected vs what I got. Anyone else who's seen this film please chime in because I need to know if I'm losing my mind.

I saw it when I was a kid. Don't remember it extremely well but do remember reacting similarly. A racist white guy wakes up one day to find he's suddenly turned black. Obviously there's a message about tolerance in there. Strange fucking movie.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1943 on: August 09, 2018, 08:26:18 PM »
I'm really glad I'm not alone. I started to wonder if I'd maybe hallucinated it all.

Christopher Robin (Marc Foster, 2018)

A really lighthearted, predictable bit of fun. I wouldn't call it an artistic masterpiece, but I enjoyed it a lot for the warm fuzzies and well-played nostalgia. I cried twice, so I'd say it did a great job at what it set out to accomplish.

Insomnia (Christopher Nolan, 2002)

Watched on a whim and it was unsurprisingly good. As someone who actually does have diagnosed insomnia, I was honestly most taken with how well the film (and Al Pacino) potrays it. Just watching Pacino become more languid as time goes on, delayed reaction and flattened emotions with occasional manic moments, seeing things, becoming kind of mentally lost, absolutely fantastic. That aside, the story is interesting and the threads weave amongst each other naturally and Nolan does a good job making the chase tantalizing enough to constantly want to know what's going to happen next. Features several dead people. Good movie.

The Virgin Suicides (Sofia Coppola, 1999)

Beautiful soundtrack, very interesting dreamy atmosphere. Air was definitely the right pick to score this film. As for the film itself, well, I'm not entirely sure how I felt about it. I started and ended the film with essentially the same amount of information as to what transpired during its runtime. It definitely has a nostalgically wistful portrayal of adolescence and coming of age, so to speak, and really I think the main attribute of the film I admire is the feeling of imagination and pubescent embellishment that permeates every layer of it. I get the feeling that the film isn't honestly actually about the girls that the plot centers around, at least not completely, but for some reason I don't think I ever really arrived wherever it is the film wanted me to. I'm just kind of left with this lingering feeling that the film's meaning went completely over my head.

At least it looked and sounded good though.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 04:38:00 AM by Snupes »
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1944 on: August 26, 2018, 03:51:07 PM »
three billboards outside ebbing, missouri

i loved absolutely everything about this movie except peter dinklage's accent.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1945 on: August 27, 2018, 10:57:14 AM »
Final Space

I enjoyed it more than Disenchanted.  Very "Guardians of the galaxy" feel.

Only 1 season so far but satisfying.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1946 on: August 29, 2018, 03:23:50 PM »
Crazy Rich Asians (John M. Chu, 2018)

A fun, funny, and shockingly genuine romantic comedy film. There are (off the top of my head) none of the standard rom-com clichés—miscommunication leading to angry woman, wacky different-family misunderstandings, two unlikely personalities mixing despite lack of reason—and the ones that are there are generally turned on their head. Specifically, probably the funniest airport scene I've ever seen. More than that, though, the two leads have actual, honest-to-god chemistry, and I can 100% see their characters falling for one another. Many romance films I need a high level of suspension of disbelief for, to convince myself they would ever fall in love, but here I was rooting for these two within minutes. Overall, it's just such a genuine film. You can tell Chu poured his heart into it and wanted to make an actual romance movie, not just a paint-by-numbers cash-in. I'll probably end up seeing this again while it's in theaters.

Call Me by Your Name (Luca Guadagnino, 2017)

This one's all romance and drama and it does it damn well. The story of two dudes meeting and realizing they've fallen for each other and some relatively graphic escapades along the way. I enjoyed it quite a bit but it's a relatively simple film (to its own benefit) so I don't have a ton to say on it. Just a story of these two bonding and falling for each other while facing down the realization that it has to come to an end eventually. Great movie.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2018, 03:30:08 PM by Snupes »
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1947 on: September 02, 2018, 07:24:07 PM »
doctor strange

this movie was really quite good.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1948 on: September 11, 2018, 03:02:41 PM »
New Iron Fist is weird. The fights are much improved but the character work feels really off, lots of Meachum drama and Finn Jones doing his confused/angry/"the Hand" face. Maybe I'm spoiled by the last two Marvel Netflix seasons being often amazingly ridiculous but this one feels oddly stagnant, the Hand is gone (hopefully for good) but the show hasn't moved on. The previous villain left a vacuum that the new one can't fill.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 04:02:02 PM by Crudblud »


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1949 on: September 12, 2018, 05:41:54 PM »
Well, Iron Fist 2 took a really strange turn and kind of turned into a stupidly amazing, amazingly stupid thing for the last few minutes. Why it wasn't that insane and goofy from the beginning is beyond me. They really missed out on a great opportunity to follow Luke Cage 2 and go for a Hong Kong style kung fusploitation story with really cheesy special effects. If there's a season three (it probably deserves one, the whole thing is a slow burn but rather good in retrospect) I really hope it is both wacky as fuck and leaning more on the Immortal Iron Fist stuff, because those nods to the comics were worked into the story in a cool way.

Thing that bothers me: Why go to the trouble of making sure Finn Jones looks good in combat if they were just planning to turn him into an Orson Randall style gunslinger and hand the fist over to Colleen? I mean, she deserves it if anyone does, but it still seems like a waste.

Also Typhoid Mary was probably the best addition to the show. I hope she gets around like some of the other characters, she would be great against Punisher or DareDevil.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1950 on: September 15, 2018, 08:39:30 PM »
Deadpool 2. A fun couple hours of exactly what you would expect.

I am still chuckling over the Martha joke, although apparently DC fans are still super butthurt about it.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1951 on: October 13, 2018, 02:55:57 AM »
Venom (2018)

>tfw 30% on meme rotten tomatoes

Maybe I am out of touch, but I thought it was pretty good. The puns are bad, but no worse than the trash jokes from Age of Ultron. I found Eddie Brock's character to be much more relatable than most of the capeshit recently released. And it is far better than any of the DC garbage of late. Although I have to admit the Aquaman trailer looked pretty dope (except for the weird ant people), and I know nothing about Aquaman lore.

Also the post/mid credit scene where they set up Woody Harrelson for the next movie as Cletus Kasady aka Carnage.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1952 on: November 25, 2018, 07:36:46 AM »
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Ang Lee, 2000)

Absolutely exquisite.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1953 on: December 16, 2018, 09:17:22 PM »
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

These are good and you should see them. Although beware that Fantastic Beasts has like 69 more installments before we get to a conclusion.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1954 on: December 17, 2018, 02:46:55 PM »
I agree on Spider-Man but not on Fantastic Breasts.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindlewald (David Yates, 2018)

I thought this was one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. I tried really hard to like it simply because I wanted to, but the script was disgustingly bad and the pacing felt like the film was thrown together in a few days by first-year film school students. Halfway through I started to wonder if I was dozing off because of the strange, bizarre lurches in plot and location the film took, and how quickly things would be brought up or resolved. I didn't even find the spectacle engaging or interesting, which is terrible because that was one of the few parts of the first film I enjoy. All I really got coming out of this movie was that J.K. Rowling should not be allowed to write a screenplay.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Bob Perischetti, Peter Ramsey & Rodney Rothman, 2018)

This, on the other hand, was both an absolute visual feast as well as an actual great piece of cinema. The comic-book-brought-to-life animation style worried me at first, but by the end I couldn't imagine it working so well any other way. This movie felt like it was made by die-hard Spider-Man fans, and is absolutely chock-full of easter eggs and references, but none of them in your face or blatant. I was worried the gimmick of multiple Spider-Folk would quickly wear thin, but they let the premise last exactly as long as it needs to and just as far as it's amusing. I'd probably, at least as I feel right now, rank this as my second-favourite Spider-Man movie, right behind the fantabulous Spider-Man 2.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1955 on: December 25, 2018, 03:51:49 AM »
capeshit deluge

Venom (Ruben Fleischer, 2018)

Much like recent DCEU outings Suicide Squad and Justice League, this is a movie torn between identities, and remnants of every would-be approach can be seen in the final product. One faction at Sony wanted this to be a more generic capeshit movie, another wanted it be dark and edgy (possibly even rated R), and still another was looking to make this an offbeat buddy comedy. The first act suffers the worst from this indecision, as its straight-laced tone clashes wildly with both the rest of the movie and Tom Hardy's wacky performance. My first thought when I saw Eddie Brock as this slovenly, unshaven, unprofessional guy yelling into a camera about cover-ups was that maybe he was more of an alt-media, Alex Jones-esque type. But I guess that would have been too interesting for Sony, so they had to have him be this totally respected, mainstream journalist who works for a legitimate network and has a classy girlfriend who's clearly way out of his league and blah blah blah. Never mind that this guy looks, sounds, and acts like a bum.

Once the painfully-long first act is over and Venom itself is introduced, the movie picks up and Hardy's antics begin to pay off. This is not the movie that was advertised, and for once I actually preferred the real movie to the one the marketing was hyping up. Almost everything the trailers portrayed as dark and edgy, like Eddie's pleas for Venom to only hurt "bad" people, and the infamous "turd in the wind" line, is played for laughs. Venom is supposed to be ridiculous, and its weird manner of speaking, constant bitchiness, and cartoonishly deep voice make it and Eddie a delightful pair. There are exchanges between them that had me laughing hard.

Does that dynamic save the movie? Well, no. Venom simply can't escape its generic, formless me-too capeshit structure, what with its dull story, boring and unimpressive villain (Riz Ahmed is a fine actor, but he can't be intimidating to save his life), and ugly, incoherent climax with the obligatory "evil counterpart" boss fight. If the movie had been devoted to Eddie and Venom's relationship and given it plenty of focus, maybe the movie could have worked in spite of itself, rather than simply being an uninspired mess with one bright spot. That being said, I understand how mass audiences evidently appreciated this movie as being unique enough to turn it into a huge commercial success, and assuming that it continues to back away from the edgelord shit and focus more on the odd-couple dynamic, I might even be interested in checking out its eventual sequel.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1956 on: December 26, 2018, 12:20:28 PM »
Aquaman 2018

Another DC disappointment, imo. Very run of the mill.

When will DC learn to give its movie lineup the full Christopher Nolan treatment? Are there no heroes left in filmmaking?

Bumblebee 2018



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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1957 on: December 26, 2018, 02:26:14 PM »
The Muppet Christmas Carol (dir. Brian Henson)

It still "slaps".


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1958 on: December 28, 2018, 07:13:01 PM »
Aquaman (James Wan, 2018)

Second-best DCEU film, still not a very good film. I was cautiously optimistic that Momoa's (lack of) acting abilities in films prior was due to a shitty script and directing but, no, he just can't act. Same with Amber Heard, at least according to this performance. Story was bleh, CGI ranged from good to ew, Patrick Wilson's hairline was upsetting. Honestly, Wilson was probably the closest to "good" the film got, since he put his all into every dumb line, but it couldn't save it.

I need to stop watching these.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1959 on: December 29, 2018, 10:20:06 AM »
In everything he's in, Jason Momoa always plays Jason Momoa.
The Mastery.