The Bible claims that God is "all-knowing, all-powerful" and "benevolent". This is demonstrably untrue, at least in part. Either God is not all-powerful, and therefore cannot stop atrocities from happening to children on this planet, or he is not benevolent and doesn't care about human suffering.
zp0okii, there is an argument that tries to explain god's behavior: "when you become god, you cannot
directly interfere with the life of conscious beings ".
I think that bible doesn't distinguish human/alien deities with absolute awareness/absolute - it mixes these concepts. This is one of many things leading to confusions and inconsistencies in the bible.
The part of deities in the bible are humans and aliens in our reality, who developed their
psychokinesis to the point of becoming extremely powerful and in some way immortal: literally shooting fireballs, materializing/dematerializing, changing time and space continuum, etc without any technology and effort, but only with true potential of their mind.
Because there are many of such deities and most of them want to be in control, they have to constantly rival/wrestle each other for the authority over reality/realities.
And i
believe that any conscious being in our existence has a particle of absolute awareness within and without, and that's why everyone has hidden supernatural
abilities capabilities, not only humans: animals, insects, plants, amphibians, and also maybe the reptilians/draconians, insectoids/mantids.
The absolute awareness/absolute is an ultimate god that both cares and doesn't care, it's both satan and god in the bible, it's both chaos and harmony, it's both hate and love, it's both matter and energy. Whenever someone says that god has a personality split, they are being right: the absolute awareness has hugest unimaginable personality split into countless amount of anything.
Our reality is just one of many innumerable illusions and parts of absolute. You yourself is the unique reflection of absolute, and i, and everything in the existence, and existence itself.
Yet nobody have meditated deeply/astral projected(don't tell me it's just our brain!) enough to comprehend precisely why absolute separated itself into realities, dimensional planes, objects and beings, etc. There are assumptions that we inherit all of the emotions from absolute, and that it's really lonely, bored. Also some say absolute explores itself by self-division into personalities/reflections. There are a lot of assumptions, but it's hard to know which one is correct without thorough experimentations and mind/consciousness-related practice!
This theory of absolute is one of the most literally breath-taking i've ever heard of! Once after a dream i remember thinking that absolute awareness might be the biggest illusion itself...
Most likely God is none of these qualities because he is most likely unreal
And how can you prove that god doesn't exists?