I've seen no evidence of any impropriety.
If only your standards were this low for the tribe you don't like...
I don't know what that means. And for the record I don't particularly like or dislike any "tribe", there are individuals on both sides I dislike. For example, I do like how Professor Dave Explains...explains, but he's a condescending dick and that makes him quite unlikeable.
I can't pretend to have looked into this in any detail. I don't know where the money came from to fund the 1 FE and 1 RE place which were prepaid. But me not knowing that isn't evidence of fraud, or evidence against it. I wouldn't even know how to investigate that. The crowdfunding places are clearer, so let's come on to that.
Other places have been crowdfunded but that isn't "stealing". If someone sets up a fundraiser for a holiday and people want to contribute then that's their business.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree there.
If I set up a crowdfunding page and say "I'd like a lovely holiday please, could you pay for it kthxpls?" then I'd expect people to tell me to sod off. But if people did want to pay for me then...well, that's up to them, isn't it? That's what crowdfunding is, what's to agree with or disagree about there?
And I'm not gonna hide this - to me, that makes you morally reprehensible. I'm sure you're devastated by that.
I'm completely consolable.
But your assertion about my morality seems to be based on the idea that I think it's OK to scam people by lying about what I'm crowdfunding for - but I don't think that. To continue my example above, if I said I wanted one last holiday because I'm terminally ill and then it transpires I'm fine and just wanted a holiday then I'd agree, that would be morally reprehensible. So I guess the point of disagreement is whether people have been lied to.
They were selling this trip to a dedicated fandom with the promise of finally delivering the "smoking gun" that will, once and for all, shut up those evil Flat Earthers.
This is more or less true, but you're leaving out a fair bit of context which is that the experiment was chosen specifically because FE and RE disagreed about what the outcome would be. Now, YOU may not disagree about it but (all together now) you aren't the FE authority. Because as you tell me repeatedly, there isn't one. And I think that's part of the issue here. The FE "tribe" are not a single group with coherent beliefs. You view this as a scam because to you this is a a waste of time and money and you know what the outcome of the experiment will be anyway. But the FE people they were speaking to did NOT agree about the outcome of the experiment, Jeranism has already admitted the results were not what he was expecting.
your only response is one of victim-blaming: "Well, if they're happy being scammed, then what's the problem? If they didn't want to get scammed, they just wouldn't pay up!
Being scammed is in the eye of the beholder. Your claim is that people have been scammed. But for that to be true people would have had to be lied to about what was going to happen. If people had raised money for a trip to Antarctica and then gone to the Bahamas for an all expenses paid holiday then that would be a scam. Or if people had gone to Antarctica for the experience and to take photos of penguins and hadn't done the experiments they said they were going to do then that would be a scam. But none of that happened. They said they were crowdfunding to go to Antarctica and observe the 24 hour sun and that's exactly what they did. I think people were pretty clear about what they were contributing to. Where's the scam?
At worst, I'd agree that it was over-stated that this would end all FE debate, that was never going to happen. But, again, the experiment was chosen because RE and (some) FE people disagreed about the outcome. The fundamental issue is that there is no set of coherent FE beliefs - is a consequence of there being no FE Authority.
Extreme tl;dr version: if you wanna count these people as part of the FE camp, then I'm gonna start counting idiots who mix up velocity and acceleration as part of the RE camp.
We have had this conversation before so I'll just reply like I have before
It's a false equivalence. The shape of the earth is an established fact, most people are taught it and believe it and many don't really understand much science and don't need to in their daily lives. Most people believe a load of stuff without really understanding it or thinking about it too hard. To be a flat earther you must surely have looked in to the matter in some depth and are therefore a de facto FE expert.
You did know, from day 0, that no true ScotsFE'er would find the results of this experiment to be valuable, and that's because you know that we expected the same outcome as you. You might not understand why that is, but that doesn't necessitate flying a bunch of grifters to Antarctica.
I knew from day 0 that this would not end all RE/FE debate, but I didn't think it had no value as an experiment because I have seen some FE people - including on here - claiming that the 24 hour sun in Antarctica doesn't happen. I honestly don't know who the "true" FE people are. I've never been entirely convinced that you lot are serious about it. What I see is a lot of People's Front of Judea and Judean People's Front sects, all claiming that they are the "real" FE people and the others are grifters or controlled opposition etc. Again, you are not the FE Authority, why should I believe you when you say that others aren't the real ones?
Sorry, but you've firmly convinced me that that would be a waste of my time.
This is quite a common tactic of yours, to claim that you really do have a good explanation for <something>, pinky-promise, but I wouldn't be interested in hearing it. It's all a bit "I definitely have a girlfriend but she goes to a different school, you wouldn't know her". It's not really the way to convince me that you are serious about FE.
I have ploughed my way through the pages about the moon tilt illusion, the first one starts:
"If the light travels in straight lines and the Sun illuminates the Moon then it is expected that the Moon's illuminated portion should always point at the Sun. The Moon Tilt Illusion is a phenomenon in which the lit portion of the Moon unexpectedly points away from the Sun"
It's a strong start given that the Moon Tilt Illusion is an optical illusion. There's a clue in the name. When the illusion occurs the lit portion APPEARS to point away from the sun, but it actually doesn't. I have verified this to my own satisfaction.
The initial page is a very long explanation for why EA predicts a phenomenon which doesn't actually occur (again, illusion). The supplemental page is a box set of not understanding that the fact a straight line perpendicular to the terminator on the moon intersects the sun is proof that the illusion is just that, an optical illusion. Which actually shows that EA doesn't exist if you think about it, because it "predicts" something which doesn't actually occur, it merely appears to and it's trivial to demonstrate that.
You berate me for conversations going round and round but the above has been explained on multiple occasions and yet the same topics keep coming up:
https://forum.tfes.org/index.php?topic=17742.msg234260#msg234260https://forum.tfes.org/index.php?topic=19030.0You have an opportunity to move these conversations on but you always say I wouldn't be interested in your explanations. And then you lament that the conversations go round and round. They only do so because you refuse to advance them, *shrug*