Hey Markjo, the Christchurch - Santiago flight is the perfect example of the BS.
Standard flight time is over 14 hours. The great circle distance is 5,823 miles, while the 747 has a typical cruise speed of 567mph... so the flight time should be less than 11 hours. Also, the winds should favour a faster flight, as the do from Perth to Melbourne, which I have had the pleasure of doing in 2 hrs 35 mins, total dist 1690 miles. So it is quite possible that the Ch-Sant flight could be over in 9 hours.
Mind you, the flight time of over 14 hours is consistent with the UN Map.
Sydney to J'burg is 6870 miles and should take around 12 hours by GCN. And guess what the standard flight time is.... 14 hours 25 mins... once again consistent with the UN Map...
oh.... still no flights over the arctic or antarctic today...