This is what I fear, yes. Been going on for decades. I'm not the only one who thinks so.
Oh cool. So you're not the only bigot and therefore you're right.
Is that what you're going with?
Absolute horseshit.
Wow. In two words you dismiss the lived experience of gay people and reams of nature/nurture scientific study. Bravo.
And Stephen Fry wasn't joking. I mean, obviously he expressed what he wanted to say in his typical amusing fashion, but his point was that for as long as he was aware of such things, he knew what his sexuality was. Whether it's something you're born with or something which you develop is debatable, but the point is no-one "chooses" to be gay. Unless you can tell me you chose to be heterosexual, which is obviously not the case.
If you have a new age parent that likes to dress you as a drag queen so you can express yourself at the age of 4 ... you might well turn out gay.
That's what happened to your brother, is it? How come you managed to escape this awful fate?
Being gay sucks.
In large part because of people like you. Thankfully people like you aren't so common these days, so it doesn't suck as much as it used to. It's a shame you are continuing to be part of the problem. As for same sex couples having children - either through adoption or, surrogacy or sperm donor, my gut feeling is that a child is best raised by a mother and father but, actually, the literature doesn't really bear that out you'll dismiss that because it doesn't back up your bigotry, but I don't think I can help you with that.
Because it is a thing. Part of a child's education should be to teach them about the reality of the world around them. And now gay marriage is legal and gay adoption is legal - despite bigots like you - it will be increasingly common for children to encounter other children with two parents the same sex. Thankfully children are far more accepting of this sort of stuff than people like you. And it's perfectly possible to teach them about stuff like this in an age appropriate way without mentioning anal sex or strap-ons
Teaching them about stuff like this is not "encouraging" them to be gay, but it might help them to make sense of their feelings when they get to an age where they start thinking about stuff like that. I'd suggest that's a good thing, given the way it worked out for older generations of gay people who had to hide away - again, because of people like you.
You mean the previous generations that went on to create great civilisations over thousands of years?
Bishopian cherry picking. Yes, previous generations did lots of great things. They did slavery and the holocaust too.
And they forced people like Alan Turing, one of the geniuses who contributed to some of the stuff you laud, to undergo chemical castration when he was convicted for having relations with another man. Just because previous generations did a lot of good stuff doesn't mean it was all good and we can't move on and evolve as a society to do better. If you want to get left behind then that's up to you, but thankfully people like you will literally die out soon.
You are one of those people that thinks everyone who lived in the past was stupid.
Says the man who reckons* the earth is flat and all the giants of science were dum-dums
(*or, let's be honest with each other, pretends to for the lolz)