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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2022, 04:18:26 PM »
A natural family just happens. To make a gay family, you have to muck about with the natural order of things.
Sounds great! Then there's no need to restrict conversations about gay families to over-18s, because a "natural family" will just happen anyway.
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol

Offline GoldCashew

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2022, 04:56:05 PM »
No... its not.
mental illness is a styigma.  If someone has say... Bipolar disorder, and you tell them "Its not ok that you have bipolar.  You should stop being bipolar" well... that's terrible advice.  But accepting that they have Bipolar and that it's ok they have it, and encouraging them to get help is also good.

"It's okay to be bi-polar... but also... it's not, get help."

I'm sure you are an excellent authority figure for children.

Indeed you will find that it’s beneficial to one’s mental health not to shame them for things out of their control. Once your algorithm progresses you will understand.

I actually didn't say anything about shaming them.

Dave could simply say: "You're bi-polar? I grew up with several mental conditions myself, probably worse than you. Psychotherapy was a big help for me. You should ask your parents."

No need to lie to them.

Rama said it quite well.

You, however, just marginized their suffering.  Just... Wow...
"Probably worse than you" is the equivilent of saying 'suck it up'.  You, as a person not experiencing their issues, should never say 'I had it worse than you' because you don't know how they have it and probably never will.

But since you have issues with understanding concepts like acceptance, let me help.

Acceptance means not having to hide.  Doesn't mean we want you to keep being sick.

Let's say you are a trans-sexual (a biological male that now identifies as a Female -- maybe you already are or aren't) and your significant other / love partner is also a trans-sexual (also a biological male that now identifies as a female Lesbian).

You both adopt a biologically male baby that has now reached the age of 19 and comes and talks to you about how He wants to now transition and identify as a Female. Obviously during that talk, your are going to be O.K. with it and give your adopted child love and acceptance.

Your 19 year old male teen (before transitioning) has been a Champion swimmer amongst all male athletes at University. Said teen comes and tells you that they are going to now compete (following their transition and hormonal treatments) in the female swimming league and ends up breaking all kinds of records.

Your straight 21 year old adopted daughter calls up her trans-sexual parents (you and your love partner), crying in despair because she feels that it's unfair competition; she's been training her whole life to be a Champion swimmer but is now (along with all swimmers competing) getting beat by her trans-sexual (biologically male) sister.

What do you tell your straight daughter in terms of acceptance?


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2022, 04:57:32 PM »
I wonder if Thork’s gay acquaintances, if they exist, which I’m pretty sure they don’t,
My brother is gay.

know that he sees them as less than human?
He himself will admit that he is a colossal pervert.

It’s truly astounding that he can project his personal discomfort on to the world as some kind of broad truth.
I'm able to come to conclusions. I'm sorry that they don't match yours. Its only, I'm not trying to make myself feel like a good person by making myself a doormat whilst others steamroller me with their 'feelings'.

A natural family just happens. To make a gay family, you have to muck about with the natural order of things.
Sounds great! Then there's no need to restrict conversations about gay families to over-18s, because a "natural family" will just happen anyway.
Assuming you aren't placing children with same sex couples and interfering ... yes. But why then would you want to have a 40 year old man talk to your child about homosexuality? Seems somewhat sinister, no?
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Rama Set

Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2022, 05:03:27 PM »
I wonder if Thork’s gay acquaintances, if they exist, which I’m pretty sure they don’t,
My brother is gay.

The plot thickens.

know that he sees them as less than human?
He himself will admit that he is a colossal pervert.

Irrelevant. Sad that you you are comfortable with this, but irrelevant.

It’s truly astounding that he can project his personal discomfort on to the world as some kind of broad truth.
I'm able to come to conclusions. I'm sorry that they don't match yours.

Apology will be accepted once you demonstrate you’re not a shitty person.

Its only, I'm not trying to make myself feel like a good person by making myself a doormat whilst others steamroller me with their 'feelings'.

This is obvious.

Rama Set

Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #44 on: January 23, 2022, 05:06:26 PM »
Imagine how ignorant you just be to think that the “nuclear family” is the natural order of things.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2022, 05:12:30 PM »
Imagine how ignorant you just be to think that the “nuclear family” is the natural order of things.
Imagine thinking that placing a small boy in the care of two homosexual men is a low risk endeavour. Sometimes when a couple of gay men come crying to you about love and families, you need to have the balls to stand up to them and tell them to fuck off. If you are weak, then you may condemn a child to sexual or emotional abuse. You are weak. This is why you'll do anything to be agreeable.

The plot thickens.
Blew your assumptions out of the water, I have no doubt.

Irrelevant. Sad that you you are comfortable with this, but irrelevant.
What can I do about it? He's a man in his mid 30s. He can do whatever the hell he wants. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Apology will be accepted once you demonstrate you’re not a shitty person.
I'm not trying to encourage homosexuals to talk to children about sex. You're the one under the spotlight for being a shitty person right now.
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Offline xasop

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2022, 05:15:12 PM »
But why then would you want to have a 40 year old man talk to your child about homosexuality?
Because education is about teaching children about the world that exists, not the world Thork would like to exist.
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2022, 05:18:37 PM »
But why then would you want to have a 40 year old man talk to your child about homosexuality?
Because education is about teaching children about the world that exists, not the world Thork would like to exist.

This is the world that exists.

Until it doesn't ... let's not place children in high risk scenarios unnecessarily.
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Offline Lord Dave

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2022, 05:28:35 PM »
No... its not.
mental illness is a styigma.  If someone has say... Bipolar disorder, and you tell them "Its not ok that you have bipolar.  You should stop being bipolar" well... that's terrible advice.  But accepting that they have Bipolar and that it's ok they have it, and encouraging them to get help is also good.

"It's okay to be bi-polar... but also... it's not, get help."

I'm sure you are an excellent authority figure for children.

Indeed you will find that it’s beneficial to one’s mental health not to shame them for things out of their control. Once your algorithm progresses you will understand.

I actually didn't say anything about shaming them.

Dave could simply say: "You're bi-polar? I grew up with several mental conditions myself, probably worse than you. Psychotherapy was a big help for me. You should ask your parents."

No need to lie to them.

Rama said it quite well.

You, however, just marginized their suffering.  Just... Wow...
"Probably worse than you" is the equivilent of saying 'suck it up'.  You, as a person not experiencing their issues, should never say 'I had it worse than you' because you don't know how they have it and probably never will.

But since you have issues with understanding concepts like acceptance, let me help.

Acceptance means not having to hide.  Doesn't mean we want you to keep being sick.

Let's say you are a trans-sexual (a biological male that now identifies as a Female -- maybe you already are or aren't) and your significant other / love partner is also a trans-sexual (also a biological male that now identifies as a female Lesbian).

You both adopt a biologically male baby that has now reached the age of 19 and comes and talks to you about how He wants to now transition and identify as a Female. Obviously during that talk, your are going to be O.K. with it and give your adopted child love and acceptance.

Your 19 year old male teen (before transitioning) has been a Champion swimmer amongst all male athletes at University. Said teen comes and tells you that they are going to now compete (following their transition and hormonal treatments) in the female swimming league and ends up breaking all kinds of records.

Your straight 21 year old adopted daughter calls up her trans-sexual parents (you and your love partner), crying in despair because she feels that it's unfair competition; she's been training her whole life to be a Champion swimmer but is now (along with all swimmers competing) getting beat by her trans-sexual (biologically male) sister.

What do you tell your straight daughter in terms of acceptance?

Wow, what an oddly specific and very long scenario.

But ok.
1. One of the effects of estrogen treatments is to decrease muscle mass.
2. The process of transitioning takes years, which includes psychological evaluations.  Which means my 19 year old son will either be finished with college by then (and thus not compete) or be very deep into studies.  Assuming there's even a swim team here in college.  Not sure since college level sports aren't a thing here.
3. In the reality breaking situation where you described is true, again, said 19 year old would take years to transition so its not an issue.  But if I had to say something I'd say 'There is nothing he can do that you can't do as well.  Or better.'

Because your essentially complaining that X person is better than me.

He assumes every child is loved by their parents and have a good understanding of sexuality. 
The vast majority of children are loved by their parents. It's a thing nature does to stop you abandoning them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxytocin
And yet child abuse is a thing...
As for a good understanding of sexuality:  maybe because they had sex ed?  Like, are pimples good or bad?  When can I get a girl pregnant?  Can you get pregnant from oral sex?

Now I'm picturing a world a generation or two down where 'Ask your parents' goes into a loop because the parents don't know shit because they weren't taught anything because their parents didn't know anything.
your parents managed to form a relationship, have sex and then produce you. The idea that they 'don't know shit' is ridiculous. A rabbit is able to set up a family. Do rabbits do sex ed? Name a single other creature that needs sex education please.
Rabbits are not humans and don't have complex societies.  They also have mating seasons, while humans do not.  They also are mature ,sexually, after 6 months of living.  And their behavior is hormone driven.  Imagine if people were purely hornome driven.  It would be like teenagers but without any filters.

So said parent goes 'Ask your teacher'.
Then kids end up using google and get nothing but porn sites.  Because that'll be healthy....
I live in a country where VPNs cost subscription money, ISPs block porn sites, browsers block porn sites, mobile phones block porn sites and search engines block porn sites. Children don't watch as much porn as your favourite tabloid newspaper might suggest.
I do not live in a country like that. USA isn't like that. But my point wasn't that they'd go looking for porn, my point was that porn would be what they found most when searching for answers. 

And unless kids today have become far more wholesome.... Porn was big when I was a teenager.  Clearly your teen days were more... Tame.

But why then would you want to have a 40 year old man talk to your child about homosexuality?
Because education is about teaching children about the world that exists, not the world Thork would like to exist.

This is the world that exists.

Until it doesn't ... let's not place children in high risk scenarios unnecessarily.
So ban teachers, got it.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline xasop

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2022, 05:29:27 PM »
This is the world that exists.

You already posted that image. Do you want me to point out that you have provided no source or methodology for a second time?

Until it doesn't ... let's not place children in high risk scenarios unnecessarily.
Wait a second. Do you mean to tell me that you believe a 40-year-old man explaining homosexuality to children is placing them at higher risk than a 40-year-old man explaining heterosexuality to children?
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol

Rama Set

Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2022, 05:35:33 PM »
Imagine how ignorant you just be to think that the “nuclear family” is the natural order of things.
Imagine thinking that placing a small boy in the care of two homosexual men is a low risk endeavour. Sometimes when a couple of gay men come crying to you about love and families, you need to have the balls to stand up to them and tell them to fuck off. If you are weak, then you may condemn a child to sexual or emotional abuse. You are weak. This is why you'll do anything to be agreeable.

Homosexuals do not abuse children at a higher rate than heterosexuals. In fact, rates of pawdophikoa are higher among heterosexuals than homosexuals.


This is you, once again, beginning with a fantasy and forming real world opinions based on that. Be better.

The plot thickens.
Blew your assumptions out of the water, I have no doubt.
Irrelevant. Sad that you you are comfortable with this, but irrelevant.
What can I do about it? He's a man in his mid 30s. He can do whatever the hell he wants. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You could treat him like he isn’t subhuman. I doubt you’re capable though.

Apology will be accepted once you demonstrate you’re not a shitty person.
I'm not trying to encourage homosexuals to talk to children about sex. You're the one under the spotlight for being a shitty person right now.

I actually never said that.  See? You start from a fantasy and proceed as if it has some bearing on the real world. Stop forming opinions on your fantasies.

Offline GoldCashew

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2022, 05:52:35 PM »
No... its not.
mental illness is a styigma.  If someone has say... Bipolar disorder, and you tell them "Its not ok that you have bipolar.  You should stop being bipolar" well... that's terrible advice.  But accepting that they have Bipolar and that it's ok they have it, and encouraging them to get help is also good.

"It's okay to be bi-polar... but also... it's not, get help."

I'm sure you are an excellent authority figure for children.

Indeed you will find that it’s beneficial to one’s mental health not to shame them for things out of their control. Once your algorithm progresses you will understand.

I actually didn't say anything about shaming them.

Dave could simply say: "You're bi-polar? I grew up with several mental conditions myself, probably worse than you. Psychotherapy was a big help for me. You should ask your parents."

No need to lie to them.

Rama said it quite well.

You, however, just marginized their suffering.  Just... Wow...
"Probably worse than you" is the equivilent of saying 'suck it up'.  You, as a person not experiencing their issues, should never say 'I had it worse than you' because you don't know how they have it and probably never will.

But since you have issues with understanding concepts like acceptance, let me help.

Acceptance means not having to hide.  Doesn't mean we want you to keep being sick.

Let's say you are a trans-sexual (a biological male that now identifies as a Female -- maybe you already are or aren't) and your significant other / love partner is also a trans-sexual (also a biological male that now identifies as a female Lesbian).

You both adopt a biologically male baby that has now reached the age of 19 and comes and talks to you about how He wants to now transition and identify as a Female. Obviously during that talk, your are going to be O.K. with it and give your adopted child love and acceptance.

Your 19 year old male teen (before transitioning) has been a Champion swimmer amongst all male athletes at University. Said teen comes and tells you that they are going to now compete (following their transition and hormonal treatments) in the female swimming league and ends up breaking all kinds of records.

Your straight 21 year old adopted daughter calls up her trans-sexual parents (you and your love partner), crying in despair because she feels that it's unfair competition; she's been training her whole life to be a Champion swimmer but is now (along with all swimmers competing) getting beat by her trans-sexual (biologically male) sister.

What do you tell your straight daughter in terms of acceptance?

Wow, what an oddly specific and very long scenario.

But ok.
1. One of the effects of estrogen treatments is to decrease muscle mass.
2. The process of transitioning takes years, which includes psychological evaluations.  Which means my 19 year old son will either be finished with college by then (and thus not compete) or be very deep into studies.  Assuming there's even a swim team here in college.  Not sure since college level sports aren't a thing here.
3. In the reality breaking situation where you described is true, again, said 19 year old would take years to transition so its not an issue.  But if I had to say something I'd say 'There is nothing he can do that you can't do as well.  Or better.'

Because your essentially complaining that X person is better than me.

He assumes every child is loved by their parents and have a good understanding of sexuality. 
The vast majority of children are loved by their parents. It's a thing nature does to stop you abandoning them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxytocin
And yet child abuse is a thing...
As for a good understanding of sexuality:  maybe because they had sex ed?  Like, are pimples good or bad?  When can I get a girl pregnant?  Can you get pregnant from oral sex?

Now I'm picturing a world a generation or two down where 'Ask your parents' goes into a loop because the parents don't know shit because they weren't taught anything because their parents didn't know anything.
your parents managed to form a relationship, have sex and then produce you. The idea that they 'don't know shit' is ridiculous. A rabbit is able to set up a family. Do rabbits do sex ed? Name a single other creature that needs sex education please.
Rabbits are not humans and don't have complex societies.  They also have mating seasons, while humans do not.  They also are mature ,sexually, after 6 months of living.  And their behavior is hormone driven.  Imagine if people were purely hornome driven.  It would be like teenagers but without any filters.

So said parent goes 'Ask your teacher'.
Then kids end up using google and get nothing but porn sites.  Because that'll be healthy....
I live in a country where VPNs cost subscription money, ISPs block porn sites, browsers block porn sites, mobile phones block porn sites and search engines block porn sites. Children don't watch as much porn as your favourite tabloid newspaper might suggest.
I do not live in a country like that. USA isn't like that. But my point wasn't that they'd go looking for porn, my point was that porn would be what they found most when searching for answers. 

And unless kids today have become far more wholesome.... Porn was big when I was a teenager.  Clearly your teen days were more... Tame.

But why then would you want to have a 40 year old man talk to your child about homosexuality?
Because education is about teaching children about the world that exists, not the world Thork would like to exist.

This is the world that exists.

Until it doesn't ... let's not place children in high risk scenarios unnecessarily.
So ban teachers, got it.

According to the US Collegiate NCAA here in America, the process of transitioning takes only 1 year or so. Such has been with the latest controversy associated with the Penn swimmer who was competitive as a male in College, transitioned to a "female" and is now breaking all sorts of female Collegiate records as a biological male.

So, my scenario is not too far fetched from being a realistic one.

"There is nothing he can't do that you can't do as well" is also flawed. First, your trans-sexual biological son that now identifies as female would be offended that you named her as a "he". Second, if your straight female daughter said, "great, I want to be a Champion female swimmer at my College"; you would then have to say something like "well that might not be possible for now, as long as your biologically male sister is breaking all kinds of records".
« Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 05:59:43 PM by GoldCashew »


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2022, 05:56:35 PM »
Fun fact: I don't live in America. Sooooo not realistic for me. :P
And while the hormone therapy may only take 1-2 years, you still need to diagnose said person and develop a plan for transition. And pay for it.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2022, 05:57:13 PM »

He assumes every child is loved by their parents and have a good understanding of sexuality. 
The vast majority of children are loved by their parents. It's a thing nature does to stop you abandoning them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxytocin
And yet child abuse is a thing...
As for a good understanding of sexuality:  maybe because they had sex ed?  Like, are pimples good or bad?  When can I get a girl pregnant?  Can you get pregnant from oral sex?
But as my little pie chart shows ... abuse from teachers is way more common. They are the number one perpetrators.

Rabbits are not humans and don't have complex societies.  They also have mating seasons, while humans do not.  They also are mature ,sexually, after 6 months of living.  And their behavior is hormone driven.  Imagine if people were purely hornome driven.  It would be like teenagers but without any filters.
Imagine thinking that humans are different to all other creatures ... but only after the 1960s at which point sex education needed to be delivered.

So said parent goes 'Ask your teacher'.
Then kids end up using google and get nothing but porn sites.  Because that'll be healthy....
I live in a country where VPNs cost subscription money, ISPs block porn sites, browsers block porn sites, mobile phones block porn sites and search engines block porn sites. Children don't watch as much porn as your favourite tabloid newspaper might suggest.
I do not live in a country like that. USA isn't like that. But my point wasn't that they'd go looking for porn, my point was that porn would be what they found most when searching for answers. 
Then lobby your government for some parental controls on the internet instead of lobbying them to mandate that teachers talk to your kids about gay sex.  ::)

And unless kids today have become far more wholesome.... Porn was big when I was a teenager.  Clearly your teen days were more... Tame.
Porn in my teens was finding a soggy torn up magazine in the woods and trying to put the pieces back together to reveal a fat middle aged woman smothered in cream.

I was a teenager from 1991-1997. No one was on the internet back then. I shudder to think how long it would take to download a 240p 5 min video on AOL dial up.

So ban teachers, got it.
Almost, but you are getting there. Just ban teachers from teaching children about homosexuality. They can still teach them English, Maths and Science. You know, subjects that might help them get a job one day. The actual reason we send children to school in the first place. We don't send them to talk to middle aged men about being gay.

You already posted that image. Do you want me to point out that you have provided no source or methodology for a second time?
It has a url. You can follow that to the source.

Wait a second. Do you mean to tell me that you believe a 40-year-old man explaining homosexuality to children is placing them at higher risk than a 40-year-old man explaining heterosexuality to children?
Yes. Heterosexual men are less likely to commit sex crimes per capita.

Quote from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1556756/
Previous investigations have indicated that the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. offenders against male children is approximately 2:1, while the ratio of gynephiles to androphiles among the general population is approximately 20:1. The present study investigated whether the etiology of preferred partner sex among pedophiles is related to the etiology of preferred partner sex among males preferring adult partners. Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true pedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually.
Being as you like scientific data ... pick the bones out of that.

Homosexuals do not abuse children at a higher rate than heterosexuals. In fact, rates of pawdophikoa are higher among heterosexuals than homosexuals.

Your own linked study shows it does.

This is you, once again, beginning with a fantasy and forming real world opinions based on that. Be better.
You misread a scientific study to back your opinions.

You could treat him like he isn’t subhuman. I doubt you’re capable though.
I treat him like the wretched little shit stabber that he is. And that seems fair.

Apology will be accepted once you demonstrate you’re not a shitty person.
I'm not trying to encourage homosexuals to talk to children about sex. You're the one under the spotlight for being a shitty person right now.

I actually never said that.  See? You start from a fantasy and proceed as if it has some bearing on the real world. Stop forming opinions on your fantasies.
You want teachers talking to children about same sex couples. Some teachers will be homosexual. Ergo you are encouraging homosexuals to talk to children about sex.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 06:02:51 PM by Dr David Thork »
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Offline xasop

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2022, 05:59:23 PM »
Wait a second. Do you mean to tell me that you believe a 40-year-old man explaining homosexuality to children is placing them at higher risk than a 40-year-old man explaining heterosexuality to children?
Yes. Heterosexual men are less likely to commit sex crimes per capita.
I'm sorry, what? How is the sexual orientation of the teacher remotely relevant? Do you think it's impossible for a straight teacher to talk about gay sex, or vice versa?

Truly wonderful, the mind of a Thork is.
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol

Offline GoldCashew

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2022, 06:03:32 PM »
Fun fact: I don't live in America. Sooooo not realistic for me. :P
And while the hormone therapy may only take 1-2 years, you still need to diagnose said person and develop a plan for transition. And pay for it.

But, that's now how the US Collegiate NCAA interprets time-lines for transitioning.

So I guess you would just tell your biologically male daughter "great job" and your biologically female daughter "oh well"?


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2022, 06:06:41 PM »
Wait a second. Do you mean to tell me that you believe a 40-year-old man explaining homosexuality to children is placing them at higher risk than a 40-year-old man explaining heterosexuality to children?
Yes. Heterosexual men are less likely to commit sex crimes per capita.
I'm sorry, what? How is the sexual orientation of the teacher remotely relevant? Do you think it's impossible for a straight teacher to talk about gay sex, or vice versa?

Truly wonderful, the mind of a Thork is.
I don't think any teachers should talk to children about gay relationships.

I really don't think peadophiles should talk to children about gay sex.
Next, I don't think gay men should.
Next, regular men shouldn't.
Finally women shouldn't.
Leave it to parents.

That is in the order of risk to children.
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Offline xasop

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #57 on: January 23, 2022, 06:10:04 PM »
I don't think any teachers should talk to children about gay relationships.
That wasn't the topic of conversation you're responding to, but I assume you know that and just don't want to answer my question, so I'll chalk this up as another running-away thread.
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #58 on: January 23, 2022, 06:14:51 PM »
I don't think any teachers should talk to children about gay relationships.
That wasn't the topic of conversation you're responding to, but I assume you know that and just don't want to answer my question, so I'll chalk this up as another running-away thread.
If you've moved the goalposts so far from the OP that I've now no idea what you are talking about, that's you running away, not me.
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Rama Set

Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2022, 06:20:43 PM »
Homosexuals do not abuse children at a higher rate than heterosexuals. In fact, rates of pawdophikoa are higher among heterosexuals than homosexuals.

Your own linked study shows it does.

Did you read the very last sentence?

“This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children.”