Thork will come back for me.
I love you very much, sweet Pongo, but I really don't want to go back. Daniel is a cancer.
So something a bit more positive. If the site merges (and we all know I am not keen on that), but if it merges Daniel owns the domain name. Frankly, I think we should own the forum database. We are the ones that put all the content in there in the first place. All those millions of posts were written by the society, and should belong to the society.
I think from an angle of power sharing and protection of the users, the Zetetic Council/new thing we set up, should be ultimately responsible for that database. Then should Daniel do something Danielish, we can up sticks and take our community with us with minimal disruption. The thing that hurts us most as a community is losing all our posts. Its why we left last time when Daniel deleted 3 months worth.
Daniel has his website domain, he admins have their powers to run the site. I believe the community itself or its representatives should have a stake too, and that stake should be ownership of the forum database.