
Offline Tom Bishop

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Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« on: October 14, 2020, 12:21:12 AM »
October Surprise - Information is coming out showing that Obama, Clinton and Biden executed Seal Team 6 and sent money to Iran to cover it up.

Edit: Re-uploaded here: https://puresocial.tv/breaking-whistleblower-drops-hard-evidence-on-biden-obama-hillary-about-seal-team-6-audio-proof/
« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 12:36:30 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2020, 12:59:08 AM »
I had a feeling they were up to something
Quote from: Rushy
How do you know you weren't literally given metaphorical wings?


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2020, 01:04:23 AM »
Doesn't look like that is true.  The official military investigation of the attack found it to be random and unplanned.


Fact check: Biden did not leak the names of SEAL Team 6 members after Osama bin Laden's death

But Biden never leaked those names and an investigation found that the subsequent, deadly helicopter attack was not a pre-planned revenge attack targeting those servicemembers.


8. Findings. The findings of this investigation fall into three main areas.
a. Cause of the crash The CH-47D helicopter was shot down with an RPG fired by a
suspected Taliban fighter as the helicopter neared its landing zone. The decision to load the mE
onto one CH -47D in order to mitigate risk by minimizing aircraft exposure to ground fire and to
mass the assault force was tactically sound. The shoot down was not the result of a baited
, but rather the result of the enemy being at a heightened state of alert due to 3 Y2. hours of
ongoing coalition air operations concentrated over the northwestern portion of the Tangi Valley.


Offline Roundy

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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2020, 01:11:22 AM »
This is the "October Surprise" Trump's been harping about, yet another discredited conspiracy theory?

That's a relief, I thought it might actually end up being something to be worried about.

Also I thought Dumbledore was dead.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2020, 01:18:59 AM by Roundy »
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2020, 01:22:57 AM »
What's the evidence? I can't really bear to sit through 30 minutes of this guy with greased back hair in an ill-fitting suit almost orgasm over every word that belches from his mouth. Can you at least summarize your October surprise?


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2020, 01:25:40 AM »
There is no evidence presented. All they do is talk about how explosive the evidence is and how much of a bombshell it is.

So wake me up when we see some evidence.

"I can't even say some of the names... some of the biggest names in the Obama administration... Brennan, Clinton... Biden..."

Uh huh.
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2020, 02:13:44 AM »
Oh my goodness. This is even better than when Tom, through amazingly diligent and thorough investigation, determined that RBG died a year ago and it was being hidden.

Seriously? I got through 20 minutes of this and it seems like a parody. Here's what mediabias has to say about 'The Next News Network':

"Overall, we rate Next News Network Extreme Right Biased and Questionable based on the routine publication of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as several failed fact checks."

That's just for starters, I'll break it down so no one has to waste their time:

The greased back dude interviews Anna Khait. I have no idea who she is but it's revealed she's a former 'Survivor' contestant and extremely god-fearing. Anna goes on for 20 minutes or so talking about the "audios" she's heard (Who says 'audios'?) that expose this entire (HRC, Brennan) covert operation about giving Iran 152 Billion dollars (that's with a B) to cover up the fact that the Bin Laden killed by Seal Team 6 was a double, not the real one, all as a 'trophy' so that Obama could get re-elected on the merit of that mission, 19 months before the next election. Oh yeah, then Seal Team 6 was ordered to be killed, or something like that.

Tom, is this the kind of world you revolve in? If so, it's pure insanity.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2020, 02:46:16 AM »
This is the "October Surprise" Trump's been harping about, yet another discredited conspiracy theory?

That's a relief, I thought it might actually end up being something to be worried about.

Also I thought Dumbledore was dead.

Really? How is it discredited when they state that they have the evidence and are releasing the evidence this week and have already distributed it to some? It sounds like you are pretty desperate for this to not be true.

You are discrediting only yourself by claiming that this has been discredited without even seeing the evidence.

Quote from: stack
"Overall, we rate Next News Network Extreme Right Biased and Questionable based on the routine publication of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as several failed fact checks."

You linked me to an amateur leftist website. It's not neutral.


When Journalism was a Thing


Phony baloney: The 9 fakest fake-news checkers

2. Media Bias Fact Check

MediaBIasFactCheck.com describes itself as "the most comprehensive media bias resource in the Internet." The site is owned by Dave Van Zandt from North Carolina, who offers no biographical information about himself aside from the following: "Dave has been freelancing for 25+ years for a variety of print and web mediums (sic), with a focus on media bias and the role of media in politics. Dave is a registered Non-Affiliated voter who values evidence based reporting" and, "Dave Van Zandt obtained a Communications Degree before pursuing a higher degree in the sciences. Dave currently works full time in the health care industry. Dave has spent more than 20 years as an arm chair researcher on media bias and its role in political influence."

WND was unable to locate a single article with Van Zandt's byline. Ironically, the "fact checker" fails to establish his own credibility by disclosing his qualifications and training in evaluating news sources.

Asked for information concerning his expertise in the field of journalism and evaluating news sources, Van Zandt told WND: "I am not a journalist and just a person who is interested in how media bias impacts politics. You will find zero claims of expertise on the website."

Concerning his purported "25+ years" of experience writing for print and web media, he said: "I am not sure why the 25+ years is still on the website. That was removed a year ago when I first started the website. All of the writing I did was small print news zines from the '90s. I felt that what I wrote in the '90s is not related to what I am doing today so I removed it. Again, I am not a journalist. I simply have a background in communications and more importantly science where I learned to value evidence over all else. Through this I also became interested in research of all kinds, especially media bias, which is difficult to measure and is subjective to a degree."

WND asked: Were your evaluations reviewed by any experts in the industry?

"I can't say they have," Van Zandt replied. "Though the right-of-center Atlantic Council is using our data for a project they are working on."


Van Zandt says he uses a "strict methodology" in determining which news sources are credible, but his website offers vague and typo-ridden explanations of his criteria, such as the following:


Bill Palmer of the website Daily News Bin accused Van Zandt of retaliating when the Daily News Bin contacted him about his rating. Palmer wrote:

"It turns out Van Zandt has a vindictive streak. After one hapless social media user tried to use his phony 'Media Bias Fact Check' site to dispute a thoroughly sourced article from this site, Daily News Bin, we made the mistake of contacting Van Zandt and asking him to take down his ridiculous 'rating' – which consisted of nothing more than hearsay such as 'has been accused of being satire.' Really? When? By whom? None of those facts seem to matter to the guy running this 'Media Bias Fact Check' scam.

But instead of acknowledging that he'd been caught in the act, Van Zandt retaliated against Daily News Bin by changing his rating to something more sinister."

« Last Edit: October 14, 2020, 03:33:03 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2020, 02:54:45 AM »
Really? How is it discredited when they state that they have evidence are releasing the evidence this week? It sounds like you are pretty desperate for this to not be true.

You have discredited yourself by claiming that this has been discredited without even seeing the evidence.

You sound pretty desperate for it to be true, posting about some evidence you haven't even heard yet.  How do you know they even have any?  Or that it's reliable?

It's been discredited because of the report I published that found that there was no planned attack.  That part is an outright fabrication.

Nobody can show Joe Biden revealed those names either.  When?  What speech?  Any video of it?  Nope.

And how about when they actually release evidence, THEN you can post about it.  Until then... it's just wishful thinking.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2020, 03:25:50 AM »
Yeah.... Like... Why post a video stating, for a fact, that these things happened but then say evidence will be presented later?  How did they know these things happened if no evidence has been released yet?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Roundy

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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2020, 03:32:18 AM »
All of a sudden there's this damning evidence that Trump's opponent was involved in a conspiracy (involving Obama himself, I think?) to murder the team responsible for Bin Laden's capture.

Stack hit the nail on the head when he said it looks like a parody. So far we have the word of Dumbledore and a former Survivor contestant to go by. My, how sensational. Thank God only those who have already drunk the Kool Aid would take something like this seriously.
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)

Rama Set

Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2020, 04:07:35 AM »
So when people present claims without evidence, Tom calls them a liar.  I guess we know what Tom thinks of himself then.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2020, 04:51:13 AM »

Even better, you double down with citing WND.com

"Inside the spectacular fall of the granddaddy of right-wing conspiracy sites
In the feverish heyday of the “birther movement,” conspiracy-hungry readers swarmed to a website called WorldNetDaily for the latest on the specious yet viral theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States...

Nice, a 'birther' site. Is there no end to your dubious sources? How are you doing on your research about RBG dying a year ago?

I mean c'mon Tom, this is even a low point for you. A 30 minute video from a dubious hard right conspiracy site that provides zero evidence other than a former Survivor contestant repeatedly saying she heard 'audios'? Aren't you all about evidence?


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2020, 05:16:34 AM »
The CIA 'Whistleblower' that the Survivor contestant talked to is this guy:

"Alan Howell Parrot, the subject of a 2010 documentary about his falconry called Feathered Cocaine, has shot to new fame on the right after a video interview with him played over the weekend at the American Priority Conference, a pro-Trump event held at Trump’s Miami resort.

In the video, Parrot, interviewed by conservative personality Nick Noe and the father of a former Navy SEAL who died in Benghazi, makes a series of bizarre claims alleging collusion between Iran, former Vice President Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton ahead of the attack."

The tweet Trump reposted linked to an article about Parrot’s claims on a little-known website called “DHJH Media,” written by blogger Kari Donovan, who describes herself as an “ex-Community Organizer” who writes about “cultural marxism.
While Trump apparently considers the new Benghazi conspiracy theory credible enough to retweet to his nearly 90 million followers, even Donovan is backing away from Parrot’s claims.

“I have no proof that the Whistleblower's claim (sic) are true,” Donovan tweeted on Tuesday, a few hours after Trump retweeted her story.”

I hope it all comes out. The Falconer guy says he has terabytes of incriminating evidence. I truly can't wait.

If this is the October surprise, wow, what a crash and burn. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see what's in those terabytes.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2020, 12:51:25 PM »
The CIA 'Whistleblower' that the Survivor contestant talked to is this guy:

"Alan Howell Parrot, the subject of a 2010 documentary about his falconry called Feathered Cocaine, has shot to new fame on the right after a video interview with him played over the weekend at the American Priority Conference, a pro-Trump event held at Trump’s Miami resort.

In the video, Parrot, interviewed by conservative personality Nick Noe and the father of a former Navy SEAL who died in Benghazi, makes a series of bizarre claims alleging collusion between Iran, former Vice President Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton ahead of the attack."

The tweet Trump reposted linked to an article about Parrot’s claims on a little-known website called “DHJH Media,” written by blogger Kari Donovan, who describes herself as an “ex-Community Organizer” who writes about “cultural marxism.
While Trump apparently considers the new Benghazi conspiracy theory credible enough to retweet to his nearly 90 million followers, even Donovan is backing away from Parrot’s claims.

“I have no proof that the Whistleblower's claim (sic) are true,” Donovan tweeted on Tuesday, a few hours after Trump retweeted her story.”

I hope it all comes out. The Falconer guy says he has terabytes of incriminating evidence. I truly can't wait.

If this is the October surprise, wow, what a crash and burn. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see what's in those terabytes.

Oh, he's a falconer. That's kind of perfect. What part of government was this "whistleblower" in, the Ministry of Magic?

I don't get it, they keep referring to him as a CIA whistleblower, but I'm not seeing anything in his background saying he was ever part of the CIA.  ???
« Last Edit: October 14, 2020, 01:00:39 PM by Roundy »
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2020, 03:11:39 PM »

I don't get it, they keep referring to him as a CIA whistleblower, but I'm not seeing anything in his background saying he was ever part of the CIA.  ???
Of course not.  Its called a secret. :P
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline JSS

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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2020, 03:19:56 PM »
And our Idiot in Chief has gotten in on this.


Is anyone surprised Trump is now tweeting about this garbage?  How long before he demands someone arrests Obama?

It will  end up like all his other 'investigations' he demanded like this one.


Bash left the Justice Department last week after concluding his review and finding no substantive wrongdoing, The Washington Post reported Tuesday night, citing people familiar with the matter. "The findings ultimately turned over to Barr fell short of what Trump and others might have hoped, and the attorney general's office elected not to release them publicly."

Yup. Nothing. So they are just going to pretend that never happened, and not release the report detailing all the nothing they found.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2020, 05:03:29 PM »
Thanks Tom for amusing us all with this nonsense!
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2020, 02:42:32 AM »
Wow, such desperation for this not to be true. Evidence is starting to be released now.

Anna Khait twitter - https://twitter.com/Annakhait

Obama Administration cut a deal to protect Osama Bin Laden until they decided otherwise. An audio phone call with Joe Biden's lawyer saying that Osama was being protected. NDA agreement signed by whistleblower. Whistleblower infiltrated middle east events under the guise of a falcon trainer. See video:

Edit: Re-Uploaded here - https://puresocial.tv/whistleblower-damage-control-mode/
« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 12:37:11 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2020, 04:14:09 AM »
The "evidence" just looks to be a couple of letters Parrot claims he sent to Biden's lawyer, along with a response supposedly from the lawyer that's mysteriously written on Parrot's letterhead. It's not really proof of anything.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y