Don't say anything positive about an alternative therapy, even world news about what other countries are doing. The insufferable here will claim that you are telling people to ignore medical advice from their doctor.
I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to push back against people talking about alternate medicine because people do die after being told a chiropractor can cure your cancer. It's a real problem.
Think of it this way. If you are going to go sky diving, are you going to use a parachute designed by experts and packed by a professional or will you use some bed sheet and duct tape contraption some guy on the internet claims works better? I wouldn't. And I certainly wouldn't go around posting "Hey you don't need to pay someone lots of money to sell you some overpriced parachute, try this yourself instead!"
I might ask "Hey, anyone know if this thing would work, and how?"
If it was a truly revolutionary idea, it would get studied and tested and refined and eventually adopted and used.
Just like medicine.
The human body is an insanely complex system and people can spend their entire lives studying small parts of it. A doctor with 20 years of medical training and experience is simply going to know better than any of us that read a web page about some miracle cure. There is a ton of crap out there, and as a layman it's not easy to figure out what's real and what's someones delusion and what might be a deliberate scam.
In many cases it is just Naturopathic doctors or researchers reporting the results of their findings. They aren't giving you any advice.
If I said that I had a stomach ache after drinking my city's water, I am merely reporting what I found. I didn't tell you not to drink my city's water.
If you visit an actual Naturopathic doctor for an alternative cancer treatment in a clinical setting they will advise you to try chemotherapy, and tell you that they can treat you with Vitamin C IVs in conjunction. You would need to insist and specifically ask that they only perform Vitamin C IV on you, if you want that, and sign various waivers.
The conversation was never about ignoring a successful (if arguably bad in the future) medical treatment. That is entirely something you guys made up entirely in your heads. If some things other than chemotherapy can help cancer, that can only be a good thing.
It is the whiny liberal crybabies complaining about alternative therapies that are holding us back in medical science.
It is the whining crybabies who are
actually harming people, by treating natural therapies in that manner, and always jumping to the worst possible assumption or conclusion. Those are the bad people. Not the good Naturopathic doctors trying to help people.
If a researcher reports a result you should encourage and promote repetitions and wider trials, not try to shut it down, claiming that the researcher wants people to self treat. That is so deceitful to act that way. You have no idea what the doctor would actually prescribe in practice. Many NDs have MDs as well, and prescribe conventional therapies as applicable and necessary, often in conjunction or as primary or secondary lines of treatment. NDs do not encourage you to self treat, and would prefer that you consult with a professional to get appropriate advice for a serious health condition. NDs are also licensed by the state to operate, and you naysayers absolutely have no idea what you are talking about. The attitude displayed is one of assumption and ignorance. It is widespread and causes much harm.
If something was harmful the government would stop it, clearly, not license them to operate and set up boards to oversee that licencing.