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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2020, 09:05:26 PM »
Ok, AllAroundtheWorld or Model 29 or Tumeni or iamcpc or whatever your user name is TODAY,

excuse my ignorance and my lacking research, since you caught me,

BUT it seems to me that you keep using these maths and geometric formulas for a PERFECT SPHERE.

And, hmmm, I'm pretty sure that your Lord DeGrasse Tyson, and all the other cronies, have admitted repeatedly that the Earth is NOT a Perfect Sphere.

SO,......yeah,.......that'd make your simple maths, there, completely faulty.

Seeing that you have NO idea what portion of the Earth is more elongated, or more curved for that matter, it's sufficient to say that you CANNOT use that formula at all.

If the Earth is more oblate around the equator, (which doesn't match up with heat patterns there due to Earth's tilt and lack of alignment with the sun) then that means North to South might be 'flatter' in some areas, but not in others, and that it'd be more curved East to West in some areas, but not in others.

Again, Round Earthers can't provide any plausible proof of any of their rebuttal arguments. Just more abstract theory, garbed formulas, faulty maths and faulty logic.

Bottom line:

Round Earth wouldn't just lose in a court of law, it'd get laughed out of the court room before a trial could even ensue, due to a complete lack of supporting evidence.

Face it: You have NO case.
"...because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the Truth..." (2 Thes. 2:10-12) KJV

"To this end was I born, ...that I should bear witness unto the Truth. Every one that is of the Truth heareth my voice." (-Jesus' words-John 18:37) KJV


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2020, 10:02:04 PM »
Oh, less than half a degree? Really?

I'd love to see these simple maths you boast of. Please, enlighten us.
I see Tumeni already has, but I spent a while on this so rather than wasting that time I'll post this anyway:

So, we are at point A and we are looking at a building at point B.
If we are living on a ball and the building is perpendicular to the ground then it will follow the line BD and will be leaning away from us at an angle.
I've drawn a line EF, parallel to the line AC.
So the angle the building is leaning away from us is EBD which I've called 'x'.
I've also drawn the lines from A and B to C which represents the centre of the circle/earth.
The angle at which those two lines meet at C is ACB which I've called 'y'.

But because AC and EF are parallel you should be able to see that x = y.

So now all we need to know is the circumference of the circle and the distance between A and B.

The circumference of earth = 24900 miles
The distance AB for the Turning Torso building is 30 miles.
So 30 / 24900 gives you the %age of the circle which AB covers.
All you need to do then is multiply that by 360 to get how many degrees y is, and therefore x.

(30 / 24900) x 360 = 0.4337 degrees.

To prove my logic is sound, what if the building was a quarter of the way around the world?
24900 / 4 = 6225.

So what would the angle be?

(6225/24900) x 360 = 90 degrees

Which is what you'd expect, a quarter of a circle.

Because the distant city in the original post pic is 45 miles away from the camera. Let's just see how many fractions of a degree those buildings are SUPPOSED to be leaning away. We'll be waiting patiently for your presentation.

I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader now I've given you the formula although now I've given you the value for 30 miles you should be about do 45 in your head
(hint, it'll be 50% more, so times the 30 mile value by 1.5).

I'm not having a go but come on, dude, this really was simple maths. I've probably over-complicated things, Tumeni's explanation was simpler and better. The fact that it had to be explained to you shows that you really don't understand stuff as well as you think you do. I note that you are now floundering around saying "Aha, but the experts say it's not a perfect sphere!". Well you're right.

For example, the WGS84 datum identifies the longest diameter of an ellipse (semi-major axis) as 6,378,137.0 m. Next, the semi-minor axis is 6,356,752.3 m.

Divide these values into one another and you get an amount of oblateness of 1.0034. Less than one third of a percent.
It's small enough to mean the above maths is close enough that the error is very small.
As I said elsewhere, a common mistake people make is to think that because a model is imperfect it is not useful.
The earth is not a perfect sphere but for the purposes of the maths above it is close enough that the margin of error is tiny.
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2020, 10:20:51 PM »
Ok, AllAroundtheWorld or Model 29 or Tumeni or iamcpc or whatever your user name is TODAY,

excuse my ignorance and my lacking research, since you caught me,

BUT it seems to me that you keep using these maths and geometric formulas for a PERFECT SPHERE.

And, hmmm, I'm pretty sure that your Lord DeGrasse Tyson, and all the other cronies, have admitted repeatedly that the Earth is NOT a Perfect Sphere.

What you posted is an exaggerated gravity view of earth, 10000 scale factor.

Referring to the image you posted, "The geoid is an equipotential surface, and as we see on this image of what a lumpy surface Earth would be if we only considered gravity. This image is exaggerated, but you can see that gravity isn't consistent across the entire topographic surface of the Earth.”

This is the gravity image to scale:

Coincidentally, from the same wiki page you got the exaggerated gravity image. You really do need to research more.


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #43 on: March 08, 2020, 08:39:06 AM »
Simple geometry, simple maths. Using textbook figures, equatorial circumference is 24,901 miles, polar 24,860.

The distance of an arc of one degree is therefore between 69.17 miles and 69.05  (24901/360 and 24860/360)

The building exactly 69 miles away leans by one degree, when rounded to the nearest degree.

To a few decimal places, it's between 0.99754 and 0.99928 degrees.

Not enough difference for even the keenest-eyed human to make out a building "leaning away from them" ....
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.


Offline Storm

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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2020, 09:25:34 PM »
I'm not having a go but come on, dude, this really was simple maths. I've probably over-complicated things, Tumeni's explanation was simpler and better. The fact that it had to be explained to you shows that you really don't understand stuff as well as you think you do. I note that you are now floundering around saying "Aha, but the experts say it's not a perfect sphere!". Well you're right.

Floundering? Please.

More evidence has been presented in support of Flat Earth than anything Round Earthers have EVER dreamed up.

--Polaris (North Star) never, ever, moving from its place in our sky.
--All the constellations staying exactly the same throughout all of recorded history despite the four 'alleged' and unfathomable movements of the Earth through space.
--The '50 mile long' Panama canal that is officially 'perfectly level' from end to end.
--The Bedford Level experiments.
--Countless photos and videos of horizons many miles long with zero curve.
--Crepuscular Rays indicating the close proximity and small size of the sun-disproving much of the myths about space and our solar system, etc.
--Mercury and Venus being visible in our night sky when they're 'supposedly' closer to the sun than Earth making it impossible for them to be seen when the Earth is turned 'AWAY' from the sun (i.e. night time).

The list goes on and on. No need to have any expertise in all the silly mathematical equations and formulas for proving empirical things wrong using metaphysical concepts.

And, just like Tumeni's response, here,......

Simple geometry, simple maths. Using textbook figures, equatorial circumference is 24,901 miles, polar 24,860.

The distance of an arc of one degree is therefore between 69.17 miles and 69.05  (24901/360 and 24860/360)

The building exactly 69 miles away leans by one degree, when rounded to the nearest degree.

To a few decimal places, it's between 0.99754 and 0.99928 degrees.

Not enough difference for even the keenest-eyed human to make out a building "leaning away from them" .... is ALWAYS the same answer: "It's round, it's curved, but you will NEVER see it, nor find ANY irrefutable proof of it, no matter what."

Round Earth's arguments and rebuttals are textbook and utterly predictable.

Again, I present Nikola Tesla's quote referring to Einstein's Theory of Relativity due to its profound relevance.

"Einstein's Relativity Work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king...its exponents are brilliant men but they're metaphysicists rather than scientists."
-Nikola Tesla

Metaphysics - Abstract theory with no basis in reality
« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 09:28:29 PM by Storm »
"...because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the Truth..." (2 Thes. 2:10-12) KJV

"To this end was I born, ...that I should bear witness unto the Truth. Every one that is of the Truth heareth my voice." (-Jesus' words-John 18:37) KJV


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2020, 10:30:00 PM »
I'm not having a go but come on, dude, this really was simple maths. I've probably over-complicated things, Tumeni's explanation was simpler and better. The fact that it had to be explained to you shows that you really don't understand stuff as well as you think you do. I note that you are now floundering around saying "Aha, but the experts say it's not a perfect sphere!". Well you're right.

Floundering? Please.

More evidence has been presented in support of Flat Earth than anything Round Earthers have EVER dreamed up.

--Polaris (North Star) never, ever, moving from its place in our sky.
--All the constellations staying exactly the same throughout all of recorded history despite the four 'alleged' and unfathomable movements of the Earth through space.
--The '50 mile long' Panama canal that is officially 'perfectly level' from end to end.
--The Bedford Level experiments.
--Countless photos and videos of horizons many miles long with zero curve.
--Crepuscular Rays indicating the close proximity and small size of the sun-disproving much of the myths about space and our solar system, etc.
--Mercury and Venus being visible in our night sky when they're 'supposedly' closer to the sun than Earth making it impossible for them to be seen when the Earth is turned 'AWAY' from the sun (i.e. night time).

The list goes on and on. No need to have any expertise in all the silly mathematical equations and formulas for proving empirical things wrong using metaphysical concepts.

- It has, it does, and it will move relevant to us.
- They have, they do and they will move relevant to us. They are very, very far away. 
- ‘Level’ to to the center of the earth, correct.
- The most famous and well documented of which, Hampden v Wallace, FE lost and Hampden kind of went mad.
- Earth is large, massive, in fact. Lots of images from on high show curvature. Google it.
- A near small sun runs you into a slew of issues; seasons, eclipses, equinoxes, sunsets/sunrises to name a few. Once you work those out, let us know.
- Huh?

And, just like Tumeni's response, here,......

Simple geometry, simple maths. Using textbook figures, equatorial circumference is 24,901 miles, polar 24,860.

The distance of an arc of one degree is therefore between 69.17 miles and 69.05  (24901/360 and 24860/360)

The building exactly 69 miles away leans by one degree, when rounded to the nearest degree.

To a few decimal places, it's between 0.99754 and 0.99928 degrees.

Not enough difference for even the keenest-eyed human to make out a building "leaning away from them" .... is ALWAYS the same answer: "It's round, it's curved, but you will NEVER see it, nor find ANY irrefutable proof of it, no matter what."

Round Earth's arguments and rebuttals are textbook and utterly predictable.

Again, I present Nikola Tesla's quote referring to Einstein's Theory of Relativity due to its profound relevance.

"Einstein's Relativity Work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king...its exponents are brilliant men but they're metaphysicists rather than scientists."
-Nikola Tesla

Metaphysics - Abstract theory with no basis in reality

Lot’s of folks back in the day didn’t buy into relativity, some still don’t. So far, it has passed a century of experimentation.


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2020, 10:36:12 PM »
Mercury and Venus being visible in our night sky when they're 'supposedly' closer to the sun than Earth making it impossible for them to be seen when the Earth is turned 'AWAY' from the sun (i.e. night time).

Not a proof of Flat Earth, nor a disproof of Globe.

The observer can be close to the terminator line, and Mercury and/or Venus can be at up to 90 degrees from the Earth, relative to the Sun, not between Earth and Sun, allowing the observer an adequate sightline to see either.

Go model it in 3D to see what I mean. Or look on my YouTube for the explanatory videos. Channel name "Tumeni Hits"

If you want to talk photos, look at ANY photo of a ship, taken from a position onshore, with the observer higher than the highest point of the ship. If at any time you can see clear sky behind and beyond the top of the ship, you have the proof that the seas are Not Flat.

Like this;

In both cases, the observer is above the highest point of the ship. If the seas were flat, the sightline from observer SHOULD meet the water. But it does not. Conclusion; the seas CANNOT be flat. A flat sea is geometrically inconsistent with these observations.

Tesla quotes don't prove anything, especially since science has moved on since Tesla's day
« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 10:38:09 PM by Tumeni »
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #47 on: March 11, 2020, 02:26:52 AM »
Floundering? Please.
Replying with over exaggerated models and resorting to the "you're an alt" accusation.  Yep, that's floundering.

More evidence has been presented in support of Flat Earth than anything Round Earthers have EVER dreamed up.

--Polaris (North Star) never, ever, moving from its place in our sky.
--All the constellations staying exactly the same throughout all of recorded history despite the four 'alleged' and unfathomable movements of the Earth through space.
--The '50 mile long' Panama canal that is officially 'perfectly level' from end to end.
--The Bedford Level experiments.
--Countless photos and videos of horizons many miles long with zero curve.
--Crepuscular Rays indicating the close proximity and small size of the sun-disproving much of the myths about space and our solar system, etc.
--Mercury and Venus being visible in our night sky when they're 'supposedly' closer to the sun than Earth making it impossible for them to be seen when the Earth is turned 'AWAY' from the sun (i.e. night time).

The list goes on and on.
Polaris is really far away.  Learn how scale works.
The constellation do change over time.  Who said they didn't?
The Panama canal uses a series of locks to raise ships to the higher elevations of the lakes along its course, but each body of water is 'level' from one end to the other.  That's how it works on a globe.
Bedford Level.... classic example of refraction courtesy of cooler air just above the water.
With each point of the horizon an equal distance from the camera, and not being very far from the surface, left to right curvature will not be very apparent.
Crepuscular rays also indicate a very small sun right in the tops of the trees from what I've photographed in the past.  Or, maybe you should learn how perspective works.
Mercury can be visible about an hour before sunrise and an hour after sunset, and Venus visible much longer before sunrise and after sunset.  Try looking at a scale diagram of the orbits of the inner planets and draw some lines from the orbit of Venus and see just where it can intersect Earth.

Sure, the list goes on and on with all sorts of stuff flat Earthers don't understand.


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #48 on: March 11, 2020, 10:07:52 AM »
Floundering? Please.

Yes. You're flailing.
You started this thread by saying "look at this photo, how can you see the distant buildings when there should be a 600ft drop and why can't you see any left to right curve?"
I patiently explained that the 600 foot figure was one given an observer height of 0. But the observer height isn't zero, the photo is taken from up a hill. So yes, you should be able to see the taller buildings in the distance.
And you shouldn't expect to see any curve left to right over 30 miles. I have explained that with a diagram. The earth is very big. See reply 13.
Then I presented the Turning Torso video to which your weak response was that it was probably doctored and that the buildings should be leaning away from us on a globe earth. It is honestly astonishing to me that you couldn't work out that the amount of lean at that distance should be less than half a degree and thus not something one should be able to discern.
You haven't addressed any of these explanations, you just move to a different topic.
Your entire argument in this thread is "the earth must be flat because if it was round then ..."
The problem is the "..." is consistently you not understanding stuff. Not being about to use a curve calculator and account for viewer height, not understanding that the scale of the earth means you wouldn't expect to see a curve in a 30 mile horizon left to right and the angle of lean away from you would be very small.
And now you've ignored all the explanations presented so far and just produced another list of "the earth must be flat because if it was round then ...". Again, the "..."s are either you not understanding things or just being wrong about things. Other people have tried to explain some of those things to you so I won't elaborate but if you need more detail on any of them I can try and explain more.
Your problem is you don't understand the globe earth heliocentric model well enough to debunk it.
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"

Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #49 on: March 13, 2020, 06:51:15 PM »
I think we can prove or disprove flat or round earth by measuring the distance between two objects,silos poles or cranes.The tops should be farther apart than the bottom.


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #50 on: March 13, 2020, 09:21:32 PM »
I think we can prove or disprove flat or round earth by measuring the distance between two objects,silos poles or cranes.The tops should be farther apart than the bottom.

In theory, yes.

In practice, it's not as easy as it sounds.

The Earth is very big, so you'll need your two objects to be a) very tall and b) very far apart. You'll obviously also need them to be perfectly vertical.

The towers of the Humber Bridge, in its day the longest in the world, are 155m tall and 1410m apart. Still, the difference is "only" 36mm between the top and the bottom. Good luck measuring on your own that with the required accuracy.

There are easier, more practical ways to show the Earth's curvature. However, be aware that no matter how you show it, someone can and will come up with ad hoc arguments to claim it's wrong.
Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.

you guys just read what you want to read

Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #51 on: March 13, 2020, 10:16:23 PM »
I would be willing to buy a long range laser measuring device like a bosch GLR825 accuracy to1/25 of in.and some plumb bobs if anyone wants to see what happens.


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #52 on: March 14, 2020, 03:41:15 PM »
I would be willing to buy a long range laser measuring device like a bosch GLR825 accuracy to1/25 of in.and some plumb bobs if anyone wants to see what happens.

I'm afraid it wouldn't be good enough. At such short distances, the expected difference would probably be within measurement errors margins, making the experiment inconclusive.
Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.

you guys just read what you want to read

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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #53 on: March 18, 2020, 09:49:10 PM »
Sure, the list goes on and on with all sorts of stuff flat Earthers don't understand. You're right.

So, let's recap what Flat Earthers don't understand.

Here's your proof of round earth.

And, let's see, you said "The furthest observer distance in that video is 30 miles.", right?

Ok, so that means the far right building, being 190 meters/623.6 feet tall, will disappear approximately 2/3 of its height, or 415 feet, from view at that distance (30 miles). With no obstructions, no geography in the way, viewer at roughly sea level, blah, blah, blah.

BUT,....on the same world, there's this........

With the buildings in the city (Dallas, Tx.) to the far left in the image being '45' miles from the observer. Those buildings having no greater height than 915 ft., the tallest.

-the photo was taken at a height of roughly 800-850 ft elevation;
-the elevation of the city in question being roughly 430 ft;
-and a rise in geography between the two at roughly 650 ft in the area of Colleyville. (see Topo map)

At 45 miles, there 'should' be a drop/curvature of 1,350 feet, on a PERFECT SPHERE.

So, tell me, and all the other poor Flat Earthers who just can't seem to grasp the complicated math and divine science, just HOW it's possible to see the ENTIRETY of those buildings.

The only portion of those buildings that is out of view is the bottom approximate 200 feet, which is explained by the ridge of geography in the Colleyville area on the Topo Map.

Here's the Topo Map to prove all those elevations.

Do you really expect everyone to believe that the ~400 ft. difference in elevation between Dallas and the observer accounts for the plain visibility of that entire downtown city skyline when your own maths and CAD diagrams, etc. confirm that there 'should' be a THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY foot drop in curvature at that distance?
"...because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the Truth..." (2 Thes. 2:10-12) KJV

"To this end was I born, ...that I should bear witness unto the Truth. Every one that is of the Truth heareth my voice." (-Jesus' words-John 18:37) KJV

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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #54 on: March 18, 2020, 09:52:44 PM »
Your problem is you don't understand the globe earth heliocentric model well enough to debunk it.

While we're offering each other constructive criticism,
You don't understand it well enough to prove it.

I'm impressed you used the correct word, there, in reference to Round Earth.

Definition of debunk
transitive verb

: to expose the sham (see SHAM entry 1 sense 2) or falseness of
debunk a legend
« Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 10:14:42 PM by Storm »
"...because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the Truth..." (2 Thes. 2:10-12) KJV

"To this end was I born, ...that I should bear witness unto the Truth. Every one that is of the Truth heareth my voice." (-Jesus' words-John 18:37) KJV


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #55 on: March 18, 2020, 10:29:54 PM »
Re; Texas photo.

Let us presume the base level from which all the heights are measured is a flat plane.

Let us examine the geometry of the hills and buildings, how that would fit with that flat plane, and whether that geometry accords with what we see in the photo. Shall we?
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.



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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #56 on: March 18, 2020, 10:30:38 PM »
-the photo was taken at a height of roughly 800-850 ft elevation

I'll take your word for that. But OK, it was certainly taken up a hill. Let's be nice and say 800 feet.

At 45 miles, there 'should' be a drop/curvature of 1,350 feet, on a PERFECT SPHERE.
So, tell me, and all the other poor Flat Earthers who just can't seem to grasp the complicated math and divine science, just HOW it's possible to see the ENTIRETY of those buildings.

Firstly, I don't think you are seeing the entirety of them. But you are certainly seeing most of them.
Because - and I have explained this before - you need to take viewer height into account
Look! When you use a curve calculator it asks for the viewer height:
With a height of 800ft - I've gone for the lower end of your estimate - you get these results:

From 800ft less than 72 feet is hidden so yes, if there's a building over 900 feet in height then you'd expect to see most of it.
The reason viewer height makes a difference should be obvious but I drew this if it helps:

The red line is you with a viewer height very close to the ground. You can only see the very top of the distant building.
The green line is you looking from up a hill. From that height you can see further over the curve and would see most of the building.
This is also why the horizon (which is simply you seeing the edge of the earth's curve, on a flat earth you wouldn't get a sharp horizon line) gets further away as your viewer height increases. Here's the curve calculator I used

Do you really expect everyone to believe that the ~400 ft. difference in elevation between Dallas and the observer accounts for the plain visibility of that entire downtown city skyline when your own maths and CAD diagrams, etc. confirm that there 'should' be a THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY foot drop in curvature at that distance?

No, I don't expect anyone to believe that.
And it is YOUR maths which predicts 1,350feet. Maths you have done incorrectly as I have explained - not for the first time in this thread.
I do understand it well enough to prove it if you are willing to actually listen. I mean, I can't "prove" it in the way I could prove a mathematical theorem, but I certainly understand the globe earth model to explain where you are going wrong. If you're going to keep making the same mistakes despite me doing so then I honestly don't know what I can do about that.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 10:33:05 PM by AllAroundTheWorld »
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #57 on: March 18, 2020, 10:45:11 PM »
Re; Texas photo.

Let us presume the base level from which all the heights are measured is a flat plane.

Let us examine the geometry of the hills and buildings, how that would fit with that flat plane, and whether that geometry accords with what we see in the photo. Shall we?

Shall we calculate the angles, and see where the downward sightline should lead?
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.



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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2020, 11:15:16 PM »
Here's what I came up which jives with what AATW & Tumeni came up with. In short, it seems that Storm is not considering the Observer's height.


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Re: Proof of Flat Earth in DFW, Texas?? You decide!
« Reply #59 on: March 18, 2020, 11:21:06 PM »
The photographer says we can just see the ball of Reunion Tower above the intervening land.

The intervening land is lower than the photographer, yielding a downward sightline over the peak of that land. A downward sightline should reach the area of Reunion Tower somewhere below 650 feet, then. But it does not.

Why would that be?

The top of the tower is only just visible above the intervening land, and the top of the tower, at 991 feet, is above the photographer, who is presumed at 800 - 850.
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.
