I have never seen proof that any shuttle went into space , nor any proof of earth rotation or curvature - plenty of ambiguous evidence but no proof.
Again, you are mixing up evidence with proof. There is no such thing as proof outside mathematics.
How can we
prove that a shuttle went into space? We can't. I was never on board one, nor were you. So, if there are things like this we've not seen with our own eyes, we have to look at evidence. As I said, I saw a shuttle launch. So I know shuttles exist and launch as I'd been led to believe. Can I say for sure it didn't land somewhere when it went out of range of my sight? No, obviously not. But there are videos like this which show it from launch more or less all the way to orbit
(quite a long video, watch from about 10 minutes in)
Or this video, not a shuttle but shows a rocket from launch to orbit:
Could that be faked? Well, I guess it could. Could all the people who have been on space shuttles and have written and spoken about it be lying? I guess they could. But you could say that about anything.
The scenario I provided is possible - however improbable it seems to you.
Of course. But you have presented only speculation, no evidence. No photos of the shuttle secretly landed somewhere at a time it was supposed to be in orbit, no "whistle blowers" giving testimony that they saw the shuttle elsewhere. Given my lack of my first hand experience I'm going to have to weigh the evidence on both sides. Given all the evidence for the Shuttle programme being as NASA claim it to be, some of which I have prevented above, and the complete lack of evidence you have presented I will continue to believe that the launch I saw did indeed take a shuttle into space.
Debate involves discussion of some proposal /statement or idea by persons offering different viewpoints.
It also involves both sides presenting evidence to back up their viewpoints.
You cannot be interested in debate since you already know the truth as told to you by someone in authority.
They have presented evidence for their claim. You have presented none.
Why ask for an opinion and then demand proof?
I don't. I demand evidence. You have presented none. If you want to change people's beliefs you have to present compelling evidence that your alternative to what they believe has merit.