Does the Moon produce its own light?
No. The tiny creatures on it do and they bloom across its surface in crescent shaped waves.
How does it insinuate that? You are the fucking obtuse one here, not me.
Do you need to reread the post? Because if so: do that. I don't care about your dodgy interpretation. It seems like it's insinuating that it produces its own light. How could the bible be so wrong about this?
Now, I have seen some strange shit in my day, but THORK, you take the taco, man. I mean, seriously, Dude. What are YOU smoking, is the question that needs to be asked.
VAUX,It seems like? It only seems like? You are basing an entire argument on a statement as weak as that? Dude, even assuming I agreed with you, and I don't, one doesn't attempt to make a logical argument based on "it seems like". That is just a whole new class of stupid.
Remember, the Rabbis answered all these questions long before you were even thought of, or your father, or your father's father, or your father's father's father, or... well, you see where I am going with this. I don't ultimately give a shit and a half what you think about the matter because your lack of wisdom can never compare to the 4500 years of thought that has gone into the Bible, the Talmud, the Ethics of the Fathers, and all the other literature that has been around since about forever was. So, if you are trying to change my opinion, you should stop bothering. All you are doing is making me think you are an idiot. I would encourage you to pick up a book, perhaps your first volume of Talmud, and start reading, which is what I intend to do right now. So, go enlighten yourself by reading something other than Dawkins et al. Enjoy.
THANK YOU PP! One person here does indeed have a brain.