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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2018, 02:38:52 AM »
It's not uncommon for people to self-segregate based on any number of racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, etc., criteria   It's called tribalism.
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Offline timterroo

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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2018, 03:21:50 AM »

.... let's talk instead about the fact that they're talking about importing immigrants for "diversity purposes". These immigrants come almost entirely from violent third world nations.

Has anyone considered how much this sounds like the 1600s? Majority white community imports "immigrants" from third world nations....

Is it then no surprise that states with higher immigration also have higher violent crime rates?

You can't attribute future immigrants to past crimes. Though it might be true that states with immigration have higher crime rates, your semantics are presumptuous.

Should we really strive to "diversify" areas simply for the sake of diversity? Is there something inherently wrong with a state that's almost entirely white?

We shouldn't try to use the "Affirmative Action" approach, that never works out. But we might benefit from trying to understand our biases. Often segregated communities, or diverse-lacking communities, will form unconscious biases towards others outside their collectives, and exhibit theses biases in situations that are destructive. Making ourselves aware of our biases is a good way to counter their effects. This way we can deter racism and discrimination.

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Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2018, 12:50:15 PM »
We shouldn't try to use the "Affirmative Action" approach, that never works out. But we might benefit from trying to understand our biases. Often segregated communities, or diverse-lacking communities, will form unconscious biases towards others outside their collectives, and exhibit theses biases in situations that are destructive. Making ourselves aware of our biases is a good way to counter their effects. This way we can deter racism and discrimination.

Why should we give a crap about any other race? The Native Americans are always the first to complain about their land and right to be there. But they themselves arrived from other land masses. And when they got to America, they discovered a race of men called the Denisovans. Now the Denisovans ... you can think of them as Neanderthals. With one difference ... they were a race of people over 7 feet tall. They found a 7' 2" skeleton of a woman. The men could be larger.

Well if you delve into Native American history, this tallies well, because their folklore is all about slaying giants. And their cave paintings have them slaying giants. And those giants weren't afforded the mercy that native Amerians got from the compassionate white man who is still providing them with technology and welfare and casino rights. No. The Native Americans slaughtered every last one of the Denisovans so they never had to hear them whine about how they had their land taken. Might is right. History is written by the victors. A dog eat dog world.

And I don't want to hear about how we are so much smarter now etc. Its rubbish. Most of the genetic illness modern white humans have today is from interbreeding with neandathals. It made us weak ... not strong.

Many of the STI diseases we still have today also came from mixing up people.

We got syphilis from the Native Americans!

Diversity doesn't make you strong. It makes you very very weak. It encourages disease, weakens your genetics and destroys your culture. Its only the compassionate white man that has any of this nonsense. Japan isn't full of Africans. You don't see china filling up with Arabs. You don't see Iran full of Africans. And when you let Africans rule African nations, the first thing they do is expel all the white people. See Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa.

White people need to purge their homelands in Europe and assert their claim on the Americas ... and being as they are strong and powerful enough to do it, they should get on with it before we are weakened more by these opportunistic invaders. Treat these people as they would treat us if they were powerful. By exterminating them.  >o<
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Rama Set

Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2018, 01:45:19 PM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.

And I don't want to hear about how we are so much smarter now etc. Its rubbish.

Why is it rubbish?  Because you have reasons or because it doesn't fit with your misanthropic troll?

Most of the genetic illness modern white humans have today is from interbreeding with neandathals. It made us weak ... not strong.

You didn't read the article very well.  Perhaps try again?

Many of the STI diseases we still have today also came from mixing up people.

With every action, there can be both positive and negative consequences.  Sorry the world is so hard.

We got syphilis from the Native Americans!

They got small pox from Europeans!!!

Diversity doesn't make you strong. It makes you very very weak. It encourages disease, weakens your genetics and destroys your culture. Its only the compassionate white man that has any of this nonsense. Japan isn't full of Africans. You don't see china filling up with Arabs. You don't see Iran full of Africans. And when you let Africans rule African nations, the first thing they do is expel all the white people. See Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa.

White people need to purge their homelands in Europe and assert their claim on the Americas ... and being as they are strong and powerful enough to do it, they should get on with it before we are weakened more by these opportunistic invaders. Treat these people as they would treat us if they were powerful. By exterminating them.  >o<

I would prefer to find a way through the world that can coexist peacefully with the globally connected technology we are developing.  Fortunately,  I think your protests are just what is expected to happen when things change.  It's hard, all the adults get how you feel.  You are like a mewling teenager who thought the world was ending when Facebook changed their UI.

P.S. With all the spelling errors, I am going to assume you were hammered when you vomited this.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2018, 03:25:35 PM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.
Well that is interesting because if I don't hire black people, the first thing I am accused of is being racist.

And I don't want to hear about how we are so much smarter now etc. Its rubbish.
Why is it rubbish?  Because you have reasons or because it doesn't fit with your misanthropic troll?
Because things are done for political gain and exploitation of the general population. not because it actually makes sense for us as a culture. It is all very short term thinking.

Many of the STI diseases we still have today also came from mixing up people.

With every action, there can be both positive and negative consequences.  Sorry the world is so hard.
There are no positives to multiculturalism unless you are the immigrant.

We got syphilis from the Native Americans!

They got small pox from Europeans!!!
And they deserved it. We should never have mixed. A quick extermination and there would have been no issues.

I would prefer to find a way through the world that can coexist peacefully with the globally connected technology we are developing.  Fortunately,  I think your protests are just what is expected to happen when things change.  It's hard, all the adults get how you feel.  You are like a mewling teenager who thought the world was ending when Facebook changed their UI.
Except coexisting means tirelessly supporting lesser peoples with lower IQs, with a higher prevalence to commit crime, a greater dependence on the welfare state and perpetual complaining about racial profiling, black lives mattering and how the white man needs to keep ceding power to those with their little brown hands held out demanding free stuff with nothing to offer in return.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2018, 03:28:33 PM by Baby Thork »
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Rama Set

Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2018, 04:27:26 PM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.
Well that is interesting because if I don't hire a black man, the first thing I am accused of is being racist.

Has this happened to you? Or are you just making shit up? Black people don’t get hired frequently.

And I don't want to hear about how we are so much smarter now etc. Its rubbish.
Why is it rubbish?  Because you have reasons or because it doesn't fit with your misanthropic troll?
Because things are done for political gain and exploitation of the general population. not because it actually makes sense for us as a culture. It is all very short term thinking.

A culture doesn’t have needs. It’s a result of human interaction. Short term thinking is that your hurting in some way so it must be bad long term.

Many of the STI diseases we still have today also came from mixing up people.

With every action, there can be both positive and negative consequences.  Sorry the world is so hard.
There are no positives to multiculturalism unless you are the immigrant.

America has benefited in some way from every wave of immigration. The filthy Saxons and Britons might still be barbarians without the Romans.

We got syphilis from the Native Americans!

They got small pox from Europeans!!!
And they deserved it. We should never have mixed. A quick extermination and there would have been no issues.

Yes, blame the Indians for Europeans showing up. Quality Thork troll.

I would prefer to find a way through the world that can coexist peacefully with the globally connected technology we are developing.  Fortunately,  I think your protests are just what is expected to happen when things change.  It's hard, all the adults get how you feel.  You are like a mewling teenager who thought the world was ending when Facebook changed their UI.
Except coexisting means tirelessly supporting lesser peoples with lower IQs, with a higher prevalence to commit crime, a greater dependence on the welfare state and perpetual complaining about racial profiling, black lives mattering and how the white man needs to keep ceding power to those with their little brown hands held out demanding free stuff with nothing to offer in return.

Ignoring the numerous inaccuracies in your rant, the current climate in multiculturalism has been the exception and not the norm throughout history.


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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2018, 07:55:55 PM »
By exterminating them.  >o<

You say this so casually. Who will be doing the exterminating? You? I think we know you are far too much of a coward to follow up on any of the ideals you claim to hold. You just use this forum as a place to espouse your angst (rather odd for someone so old) without any intention on on walking the walk. You are all talk, Thork. If there was any sort of conflict, you would cower and hide. You aren't built for this, as much as you like to think you are. What is the closest you have ever come to willfully taking the life of another human? You hope for others to carry out this ridiculous fantasy of yours. Good luck with that.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2018, 09:11:03 PM »
There are two types of people. Leaders and followers. I need followers like you to act on my leadership. So long as I have the courage to ask you to do it, and you don't neglect your duties, we don't have a problem. Hitler didn't turn on the gas himself. He had Nazis. I'm here doing my bit ... what's your problem?
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Offline Rushy

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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2018, 09:41:32 PM »
There are two types of people. Leaders and followers. I need followers like you to act on my leadership. So long as I have the courage to ask you to do it, and you don't neglect your duties, we don't have a problem. Hitler didn't turn on the gas himself. He had Nazis. I'm here doing my bit ... what's your problem?

The only thing Nazis are good at in 2018 is getting beat up.

Regardless, I think you've thoroughly ruined this thread. You've yet again turned a perfectly okay thread from "hey maybe we shouldn't equate 'diversity' with 'make areas not white'" and transformed it straight into "gas the jews, race war now". You're the reason that the opposition to these strange diversity quotas keeps getting kneecapped.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2018, 09:43:06 PM by Rushy »


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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2018, 10:06:54 PM »
There are two types of people. Leaders and followers. I need followers like you to act on my leadership. So long as I have the courage to ask you to do it, and you don't neglect your duties, we don't have a problem. Hitler didn't turn on the gas himself. He had Nazis. I'm here doing my bit ... what's your problem?

Yeah, I knew you were a beta larper...

Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2018, 07:13:51 AM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.

I can define multiple races and am more than willing.

At the very least Asian, Caucasian and Negroid.
Your position is untenable.


Offline timterroo

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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2018, 04:34:18 PM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.

I can define multiple races and am more than willing.

At the very least Asian, Caucasian and Negroid.
Your position is untenable.

What you have defined are variations in The species, but we are all still of the same species, and we are called homosapians, a.k.a. The human race.
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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2018, 06:35:29 PM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.

I can define multiple races and am more than willing.

At the very least Asian, Caucasian and Negroid.
Your position is untenable.

... and what race would the children of a Caucasian and an Asian be?

Round Earther patiently looking for a better deal...

If the world is flat, it means that I have been deceived by a global, multi-generational conspiracy spending trillions of dollars over hundreds of years.
If the world is round, it means that you’re just an idiot who believes stupid crap on the internet.


Offline Rushy

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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2018, 07:21:09 PM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.

I can define multiple races and am more than willing.

At the very least Asian, Caucasian and Negroid.
Your position is untenable.

What you have defined are variations in The species, but we are all still of the same species, and we are called homosapians, a.k.a. The human race.

Would you prefer the word "breed" then? What you're doing is trying (pointlessly) to redefine a word that already has a widely accepted definition. It sounds like you need to pick up a dictionary.


Offline timterroo

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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2018, 10:49:47 PM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.

I can define multiple races and am more than willing.

At the very least Asian, Caucasian and Negroid.
Your position is untenable.

What you have defined are variations in The species, but we are all still of the same species, and we are called homosapians, a.k.a. The human race.

Would you prefer the word "breed" then? What you're doing is trying (pointlessly) to redefine a word that already has a widely accepted definition. It sounds like you need to pick up a dictionary.

Society has already redefined the word "race". "Race" is just a word to distinguish between varying societies and cultures. Human "race" is nonetheless a race, no redefinition needed. And it's not pointless -  when try to distinguish ourselves from other variations of species, we tend to create a slight narcissistic view of the world, but it's only natural
"noche te ipsum"

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."  - Albert Einstein

Rama Set

Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2018, 01:17:25 AM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.

I can define multiple races and am more than willing.

At the very least Asian, Caucasian and Negroid.
Your position is untenable.

How do you define a negroid then?


Offline Rushy

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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2018, 01:43:04 AM »
Society has already redefined the word "race". "Race" is just a word to distinguish between varying societies and cultures. Human "race" is nonetheless a race, no redefinition needed. And it's not pointless -  when try to distinguish ourselves from other variations of species, we tend to create a slight narcissistic view of the world, but it's only natural

Admitting variations between races is not narcissism, but simply realism. By trying to pointlessly redefine the term "race" and claim "we're all the same" you're denying that each and everyone of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. We're all different, some of us more different than others, and some of us exceedingly more similar to some races than others. In fact, I would argue that narcissism is believing that all of humanity is the same as you.

Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #37 on: September 15, 2018, 02:02:39 AM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race?

Why should people give a crap about others of their own race? Why should people care about those beyond those closest to them, their family and friends?


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #38 on: September 15, 2018, 03:02:41 AM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race?

Why should people give a crap about others of their own race? Why should people care about those beyond those closest to them, their family and friends?
You might want to have sex with the girl down the road or the sister of some guy in the pub. But you aren't going to want to have sex with a black person.
You might want to hire a talented expert for your company. Black people aren't talented.
You might want to sell your products to other people. Black people don't have any money.

You should give a crap about people who enrich your life. Not so much those who don't.
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Re: The US Northeast is Too White
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2018, 03:15:38 AM »
Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.

I can define multiple races and am more than willing.

At the very least Asian, Caucasian and Negroid.
Your position is untenable.

How do you define a negroid then?

An easy way would be skull shape and melanin content.


Why should we give a crap about any other race? (clipped jongoistic editorializing)

We are all humans.  There is only one race, you couldn't define a race if you wanted to.

I can define multiple races and am more than willing.

At the very least Asian, Caucasian and Negroid.
Your position is untenable.

... and what race would the children of a Caucasian and an Asian be?

Hapa, silly.