I have made the statement that ALL GLASS placed in between any viewer and the object being viewed distort that object in some or fashion and my statement is INDISPUTABLE!
Well, if you put it in CAPITALS then it must be true...
It depends what you mean by distortion. If you look out the window and then open the window you don't suddenly see a completely different scene.
There may be a refraction effect but you don't look through windows, see curved lines and then on opening the window realise that the lines are in fact straight.
That is the sort of distortion you are claiming occurred when looking through Concorde's windows.
And your evidence of that is:
There are multiple accounts of most RE adherents that curvature can be detected even at ground level
Do you have any relevant quotes from people to back this up?
Yes, CuriousSquirrel admits he has seen such posts also, here:
"...I correct this mistake every time I see it made on these forums and elsewhere, namely that one can see curvature from an airplane. I also frequently see it corrected elsewhere..."
So... if you're asserting that the curve in the pic is the tops of clouds which are not following the curve (or flat) of the Earth, then ... is it mere coincidence that the photo happened to be taken in front of a 'cloud bump' ?
Here is a genius stating the tops of clouds form a curve due to the curve of the earth...
Utterly unbelievable!
Which bit of the Red Bull picture is 'distorted'? I see no distortion in either of the cameras above the horizon line. If the horizon has been distorted by the glass, wouldn't everything else be distorted too?
Theo states the whole pic is distorted, even the camera facing directly at Baumgartner is distorted by the picture...
I am sick of the disingenuous approach RE demonstrates relative their own claims and supporting BS.
You guys need a new approach...
The truth might be a good place to start!
If either the Red Bull shot or the Concorde shot was an actual real life depiction of the "curvature" of the earth, the ball would be much smaller than we are told...
But since we do not live on a ball, sphere, or oblate spheroid, it is all quite moot.