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Messages - Roundy

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 15, 2023, 07:06:40 PM »
Crazy how the Republicans keep latching onto the President's son to try to discredit the President. It's almost like they have nothing tangible to attack the President himself about. We even see it in at least half of the grievances used in that meme Tom just shared (I say at least half because, predictably, a lot of people seem convinced that the cocaine was Hunter's).

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 13, 2023, 07:30:28 PM »
I'm still not sure what you guys see in this guy.

-It's not his laptop.
-Inflation was inevitable after the last couple years and it's going downward on his watch.
-I don't even know what this is referring to. Did the Republicans cook up another fake scandal that I somehow missed??
-What reason does anybody have to think it was his cocaine?   ::)

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 07, 2023, 09:47:25 PM »
Looks like another historic federal indictment against a former President of the United States is coming.

Let us nevar forget how disgraceful our former President acted during that period.

Let's face it: the problem is capitalism, full stop. We gave it a go, and it's obliterated the middle and working classes, while making some people so rich they could never spend their fortunes in twenty lifetimes. It's time to seriously overhaul the system.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 04, 2023, 03:07:12 PM »
Again, it is a nothing story...written and commented on like it is truly SERIOUS by nothing entities...

Imagine thinking the indictment and trial of a former president is a nothing story.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Bye Bye Abortion
« on: July 02, 2023, 10:08:10 AM »
Thank God we have socialism in this country to help take care of all those unwanted babies. I hope the system can handle it.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: June 29, 2023, 05:21:28 PM »
So how do conservatives feel about Hunter being guilty of the two things Conservatives love: buying guns and not paying taxes?

Haha, guys, isn't it funny that a decade of corruption gets punished with a slap on the wrist and minimal charges for petty crimes?

That's politics for you. *shrug*

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Aliens!
« on: June 28, 2023, 04:23:09 AM »
I want to hook up with a space babe as much as anyone but there are no aliens.
There's no such thing as an 'earth-like' planet.
All the data we have about exoplanets shows our cosmos is an inhospitable sewer. The Drake equation with solve showing one civilization per galaxy.

Aliens aren't real but they do make awesome clickbait

This is just 21st century geocentrism.

Really until we've actually seen some kind of proof they exist aliens are nothing better than speculative fiction.

So were exoplanets until the 1990s.

Yes, that's how it works. We have evidence of exoplanets now, therefore they are no longer speculative fiction, like cell phones or the internet. Skies full of flying cars, time travel, and aliens remain nothing more than speculative fiction.

Aliens exist because that's the boring, expected option.

Right, that's the history of science in a nutshell, huh? Everything we have ever expected to be the case has always been the case because of our infallible human minds. Great point, I guess we can close the book on this one.  ::)

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Bye Bye Abortion
« on: June 22, 2023, 07:12:14 PM »
Does birth control increase the risk of suicide or suicidal ideations?
Some people have a negative reaction to certain birth controls and others don't. Doctors need to be better about communicating that shit and also not be so scared of prescribing birth control pills with higher doses of estrogen which can help with mood and low libido which are common symptoms of low estrogen. There's really no reason a young woman with no health issues needs to be on low estrogen bc pills.

But yeah, hormones are fun and tricky and OBGYNs aren't really that great at handling it. Birth control pills are medically necessary for some people but at the same time there's still a lot to figure out about women's health. Yay!

Even now women are kind of an afterthought when it comes to medical research in general. My sister complains about that all the time, and she can back it up. It's really a shame.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: June 17, 2023, 08:30:05 PM »
The whitehouse saved Trump's ripped up documents, as they have admitted. They have also saved his circling of pictures, crossing out of paragraphs, and so on. All of this is presidental communication, some of which may become a part of a presidential library and museum.

Did they save the fake hurricane Sharpie picture?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: June 16, 2023, 09:41:49 PM »
Guys, both tom and Action are just trolls.  They're gonna stand there and proclaim the same point over and over again regardless of how much evidence we present.  It literally does not matter.
God himself could bitchslap both of them with the legal knowledge to know they're wrong and they will still log in here and loudly proclaim that we are wrong.

Careful using the "t" word about Tom, Dave!!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: June 15, 2023, 04:40:15 PM »
All that says is that he has the right to access the documents. It doesn't say he has the right to just take them. And what you just quoted explicitly says they are to be stored at an archival facility. Nice try though Tom, keep it up!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Remember when?
« on: June 12, 2023, 01:41:43 PM »
Whatever you want to think is fine, you can do what you want as far as I'm concerned, but what honk said was not an opinion. It was a statement of fact.

Except it's not. That's why the pharmaceutical companies have literally paid billions over the years to vaccine-damaged people.

We're not talking about past vaccines. You should try to focus on the topic better.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Remember when?
« on: June 11, 2023, 06:44:48 PM »
The vaccine was fine. We haven't been poisoned, sterilized, or harmed at all, and have fared far better against covid than the unvaxed. This isn't a "wait and see" thing. We've already waited and seen. You guys were wrong about the vaccine.
If you think you haven't been "poisoned, sterilized, or harmed at all", that's your opinion.

Not an opinion.

Yes, it is an opinion, because if I get poisoned right now with anything, my body will react and it will get rid of the poison (or at least it will try). Therefore, if I didn't get harmed it's because my body did its job, not because I didn't get poisoned. That's also why vaccines are unneeded, even if they worked.

Whatever you want to think is fine, you can do what you want as far as I'm concerned, but what honk said was not an opinion. It was a statement of fact.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Remember when?
« on: June 11, 2023, 03:36:39 PM »
The vaccine was fine. We haven't been poisoned, sterilized, or harmed at all, and have fared far better against covid than the unvaxed. This isn't a "wait and see" thing. We've already waited and seen. You guys were wrong about the vaccine.
If you think you haven't been "poisoned, sterilized, or harmed at all", that's your opinion.

Not an opinion.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Aliens!
« on: June 09, 2023, 08:25:49 PM »
I want to hook up with a space babe as much as anyone but there are no aliens.
There's no such thing as an 'earth-like' planet.
All the data we have about exoplanets shows our cosmos is an inhospitable sewer. The Drake equation with solve showing one civilization per galaxy.

Aliens aren't real but they do make awesome clickbait

This is just 21st century geocentrism.

Really until we've actually seen some kind of proof they exist aliens are nothing better than speculative fiction.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« on: June 08, 2023, 03:49:38 AM »
Rama Set's account suicide has led to this thread growing drastically lonelier. :( But I'll still post here from time to time, even if I'm just talking to myself. Zack Snyder has once more popped up in capeshit news by talking about his vision of the DCEU, and he's as dumb and pretentious as ever:

I think, and maybe I’m wrong. but I feel like a lot of people went into the movies for going like, ‘Oh, it’s the superhero romp, right? Let’s have fun with it.’ And we gave them this sort of hardcore deconstructivist, heavily layered, experiential modern mythological superhero movie that needs…that you really need to pay attention to. That was not cool [for them]. That’s not something anyone wanted to do. They were like, ‘What? No! That’s exhausting. How about, why do they fight at night?’ I hate that.

To hear Snyder and his fans talk, you would think that nobody other than him has ever tried to make a capeshit movie that had some ambition behind it and wasn't pure escapism. The Dark Knight did pretty well at that, didn't it? So did Logan, released just a year after BvS, and most recently, we've had The Batman. It's almost as if audiences aren't automatically hostile towards ambitious and thoughtful capeshit, but simply dislike movies that are poorly written and directed.

"The world just wasn't ready for my genius!" Lol, what a douchebag.

Did he forget that he had already made a cerebral deconstruction of superhero stories that was at least moderately successful (hello, Watchmen anybody)? And even that paled in comparison with the source material. The guy's not good with the self-reflection, is he?

His problem wasn't that the movies were too smart (Martha, lol, how cerebral), it was that he had the tone all wrong. Batman does not wantonly murder people. Superman does not have a permanent scowl on his face. He had no respect for the characters as they have been established. That's why his movies sucked. I mean, that and the fact that they were boring and poorly written. Does he really think that including an extended commercial for Justice League in the middle of BvS was cerebral? Or in any way compelling?

When his big inspiration The Dark Knight Returns came out it was breaking down decades of tropes. It was legitimately shocking, and that's why it worked. Maybe, like, build up a universe before trying to deconstruct it?

Seriously, fuck Zack Snyder.

P.S. By the way, a "fun superhero romp" should have been exactly what DC wanted and expected. They were trying to compete with the MCU. I'm not saying it had to be a carbon copy but they should have at least been striving to make fun popcorn flicks. The few DC projects that have worked so far worked because they weren't all dour and brooding. I sincerely hope James Gunn and Peter Safran can right the ship.

The problem with defending this LGBT propaganda and sexual content is that the counter-arguments assume that the children are as rational as adults. Children are not adults. They are not capable or rational thought or deep introspection. Hypersexualizing children and indoctrinating them with LGBT propaganda clearly affects them. Today children are taught with fun and colorful imagery at a young age that being gay makes you super special, and is a matter of celebration.

Again, this idea that children are being hypersexualized as a result of the agenda is false. You just cherry-pick the most extreme examples that you can find and represent them as mainstream (a gimmick the Right has been using since before Rush's heyday) which they most definitely are not.

If children are being taught with "fun and colorful imagery" that it's okay to be gay (not that being gay makes you super-special, again that's clearly not happening in any kind of mainstream context), it's because fun and colorful imagery is what children respond to. It's not evidence of some nefarious plot to make more gay people. What a silly and absurd notion.

And really, a child's lack of intellectual development has nothing to do with this. Again you are under the weird impression that people make a conscious choice to be gay. That doesn't happen. In my generation it often wasn't wanted and led to shame and hiding, even misguided and futile attempts to change. Thank God the LGBTQ agenda is finally showing results that suggest it's fixing that.

Yes, it is a mainstream phenomena. There is a mainstream phenomena which has built up and has resulted in 20% of Gen Z claiming to be LGBTQ.

Here is another source with similar figures: Poll: Nearly 20% of Gen Z say they identify as LGBTQ - "When Gallup broke down the results to other age groups, the rate of LGBTQ identification was 11.2% among millennials and 3.3% or less among older generations."

Tom, I never said that the LGBTQ agenda isn't mainstream, I said that teachers showing their students various anal sex techniques, or how to pleasure themselves with a carrot (make sure the end is smoothed down and not pointy, for example), isn't mainstream.

What you're showing here is not an indication that more people are turning gay, it's an indication that people are getting more comfortable with who they really are. It's a sign that LGBTQ people feel more accepted. Which is exactly what the agenda is trying to accomplish.

The idea that the kinds of things the Left is doing to increase acceptance is actively making kids gay or want to be another gender is patently absurd, not borne out by the evidence, and exactly the kind of demonizing that your people have pushed for centuries, and led to the necessity of the LGBTQ agenda.

Y'all brought this on yourselves, sorry to say.  :(

Is there a LGBTQ agenda? Sure. There is an agenda to be more accepted in society, and it's a direct response to the other side's anti-LGBTQ agenda, which has existed for centuries. If it wasn't for certain people working to demonize gay bi trans and queer people and systematically working to take away our rights as human beings it wouldn't be necessary and it wouldn't exist. If some groups have taken it too far that's a shame but obviously Tom's cherry-picked examples don't represent the mainstream.

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