I don't think this is about misogyny either. I think that's what the journalists want you to think. The fact is: this women fucked up. She slept with people to promote her game. The misogyny charge is ridiculous, because there are several groups of people who want more female game developers. I even read that a group called The Fine Young Capitalists started a campaign awhile ago to help promote female developers, and 95% of the donations came from men. No one is against females in gaming here. Zoe Quinn did a bad thing; calling her out on it does not make anyone a misogynist. She is giving female developers a bad name. I think journalists are screaming misogyny here to cover their corrupt asses. If women cared so much about game development then become a damn video game developer. If you're going to bitch about it, why not try to change things? And no, changing things does not involve sleeping with people to promote your games.
This issue seems to be about a lot of things, but to say that it's not about journalism is just wrong. This is all about journalism, and a few other things... but it all stems from video game journalism. I didn't want to mention Zoe Quinn because I think it is irrelevant. I don't want to sit here typing about females in gaming. It's childish. I'd rather focus on the fact that a lot of video game journalism is corrupt. And really, who cares? I rarely give reviews time of day to begin with, those who do need to learn how to formulate their own opinions and interests instead of getting corrupt journalists to tell them what to do.