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Messages - Lord Dave

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 07, 2017, 09:09:19 AM »
And Trump launched an air strike at a Syrian Airbase.

I'm not against it, if Syria's government did drop those chemical weapons.  Which is seems likely.

So, you go Trump!
(just.. you know... don't justify it with 'oh the children' when you've literally said we should kill the families of terrorists like that 11 year old girl back in February)

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 06, 2017, 02:27:45 PM »

Well... this is good.
He won't have to be distracted by the whole "I spoke to the white house secretly" thing.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 05, 2017, 09:47:11 PM »
More news:

Job growth is up significantly in February.
I blame Obama.  (We blamed Bush for a while after Obama so we gotta keep the trend up)

Gun sales are down.

Steve Bannon is out of the security council.  The reason is "He was put in only to monitor Flynn but he never went to any meetings."  So... explain that shit to me, please.

Oh and apparently killing kids is bad in Syria but Trump himself has said "We gotta go after their families."  Which, I would hope he understands, is sometimes children.
Also that American girl who got shot in February.  Wonder if that was bad too...

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 05, 2017, 06:42:58 PM »
And I for one would like to thank you for that, dripping with irony as your statement is.

Are you talking to me? I fail to see any irony in my statement.

This whole thread is just a circle jerk and all any of you actually care about is having your biases confirmed.

Please... please, OH FUCKING PLEASE, tell me how the NSA Director spying on a political opponent is something you want to see more of in the future.

How is spying on foreign agents that Trump people talked to = spying on Trump people? These names can legally be unmasked if it is important to understand their national security importance, which I would argue is the case here. Trump is trying to redirect the story from the fact that his team was talking to foreign agents under surveillance at least since last year to their names being unmasked, and it seems to be working.
I think it's more like
"OMG!  She unmasked their names so she could tell everyone that Trump's team was talking to Russians."
And I'm like..
Uh... isn't that a GOOD thing?  Like, wouldn't you want her to unmask Hillary Clinton's team if they were talking to Saudis or Pedophiles?  Of course you would!  Cause she could become president so it's really really important to know this shit.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 05, 2017, 04:47:11 PM »
TTIOH seems to have run.  Me thinks he's finally realizing how wrong he's been.

Does anyone here care about Susan Rice's unmasking of Trump associates for political purposes?


That's why I'm not engaging in this dishonest conversation anymore.
1. Did anyone bring it up?  No.  You sure as hell didn't.  Maybe you should have.
2. You should answer the other stuff we've thrown out.
3. Do you even CARE that their names were in such reports TO BE UNMASKED?!  No?  Didn't think so.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 04, 2017, 01:22:23 PM »

Well....looks like Trump was right.  There's a ton of fake news out there and it helped him win.
Maybe he knows what's going on and is trying to alert us?  To tell us what to look for without showing he knows himself.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 02, 2017, 06:38:27 AM »
TTIOH seems to have run.  Me thinks he's finally realizing how wrong he's been.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 31, 2017, 08:21:07 PM »
Wow, I really can't think of a reason why someone would offer testimony in exchange for immunity from prosecution unless they feel they did something they would be prosecuted for. Hm.

TTIOH, please rationalize this from the perspective of a Trump supporter. I can always use a good laugh.

I don't even know if this is real or fake news. I'm going to reserve my judgement until this is verified as true. With the media salivating for any story they can get their hands on regarding Russia, it's not reasonable to expect them to do their due diligence before publishing a story. I've read the release by his lawyer and the word immunity never comes up. I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not qualified to read between any lines.

If he feels that an insignificant, non committal phone conversation with a Russian Ambassador who has met and spoken with many figures in the US from both sides of the aisle amount to treason in the eyes of a politically motivated congressional committee, than I guess it makes sense for him to try to protect himself.
It... it IS confirmed.
Like everywhere.

See?  You trust Fox, right?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 31, 2017, 05:03:52 PM »
Apparently Trump is encouraging him to do this and testify.

And the Senate has said "Nope, not gonna let you"

So I'm all sorts of confused.  But maybe Trump honestly believes their "I don't wanna be witch hunted" story.  Or it's reverse psychology.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 31, 2017, 07:35:03 AM »

Well... that's interesting news... I mean, not like we didn't already KNOW it but still... good to know that Trump was helping Russia, one way or another.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 31, 2017, 06:17:33 AM »
Wow, I really can't think of a reason why someone would offer testimony in exchange for immunity from prosecution unless they feel they did something they would be prosecuted for. Hm.

TTIOH, please rationalize this from the perspective of a Trump supporter. I can always use a good laugh.
He's probably afraid the democratic maj-

Oh wait, nevermind.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 30, 2017, 12:45:03 PM »
Rural voters: Yeah, I know it sucks to lose stuff ya need, but I gotta go with Trump on this one.  Someone's gotta bleed and we'll bleed for him so he can go to Florida every weekend.  Being a president is hard, ya know?
I really look forward to seeing that report.  I bet the same republicans who bitched that Obama cost taxpayers so much money when he went on two vacations in a year just casually ignore Trump going to Florida most weekends.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 29, 2017, 06:08:52 PM »
Nice, respectable try. Bronze Medal, at best.

So is there, or isn't there, evidence that Trump and his team were under surveillance? I'd hate to dig up your old posts, because I don't really care that much. I remember you unequivocally saying there was no evidence any of it happened. So now you're conceding that it did happen, but just no proof that it happened to Trump himself. If you believe they spied on everyone around him, but not him, then I have some ocean front property in Wyoming you might be interested in.

Yes and no.
Yes, members of his team were being investigated and some were under surveillance, especially when they're talking with known Russian agents, ambassadors, etc... AND the intelligence community had strong evidence that Russia hacked the DNC e-mails.

Trump himself has not been under surveillance.  Obama did not order any of this.  My old post was in response to Trump's claim that Obama had him wiretapped.  Obama didn't order it and Trump was not wiretapped.  Members of his campaign were but only in relation to their conversations with Russian officials/agents, which we also monitor.

If you were to call the Russian Ambassador and the US has the Russian Ambassador's calls wiretapped, are you being wiretapped too since you're being recorded as well?

Now, all this we knew and so far, no evidence of actual unlawful doings has been found.  But the investigation is ongoing and that doesn't mean that they unknowingly helped or Russia helped without them knowing. 

Plus we have Republicans on the Intelligence committee going to Trump and briefing him on "secret" information that no one else was told, his business ties with Russian criminals, etc... that, if it were not Trump, you'd be jumping on but we can ignore those since they aren't solid facts or more than just suspicious.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 29, 2017, 05:26:42 PM »
While you guys were discussing Donald Trump's sex life like the pathetic sexual deviants you pretend to hate, one of Obama's former staffers talks about the administrations late push to leak and disseminate the intelligence they had gathered on Trump, before he could get into office and possibly hide it.

I anxiously await the mental Olympics you guys are going to have to perform to somehow not make this an admission of collecting and leaking intelligence on PEOTUS and his team.

1. Old news.

2. You aren't allowed to use MSNCB cause Trump has labeled that Fake News so by your logic, this is fake news.


4. No where does she (or anyone else) say TRUMP HIMSELF was being spyed on, which is the whole point.  We all fucking knew the Trump Camp and Russia were being investigated since July so no mental gymnastics needed.

5. Are you saying that when damning evidence exists, it shouldn't be preserved?  That Obama had nothing to fear that Trump's team might cover up information that would hurt him or his peers?  Cause if that's what you're saying then I have a slew of posts from you about Hillary Clinton's e-mails that I'd LOVE for you to read.

Try again.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 29, 2017, 12:47:13 PM »
Trump to Clintons: NO U
Yeah, saw that.

I was like...
He wants to play THAT game?  What is he, 5?

Did you see him in the truck? I'm about 75% convinced that Donald Trump found a magical fortune-telling machine..
I think he's just regressing from senielity or something.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 28, 2017, 03:20:18 PM »
Trump to Clintons: NO U
Yeah, saw that.

I was like...
He wants to play THAT game?  What is he, 5?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 25, 2017, 07:43:47 PM »
Fine fine...

I'm not gonna argue with you.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: March 25, 2017, 07:23:50 PM »
He absolutely compromises. Why would you say he never compromises?  He did on the travel ban, he did on the healthcare bill, you can go on and on... Look at his actions, not what he says.
But he didn't do it by choice. 
(Also the healthcare bill that got curb stomped?)

His wife's sleeping arrangements?  Totally his choice.

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