Your criticism is frankly stupid. Hillary Clinton wasn't giving Corporate Executives and Wall Street Bankers low wage government jobs. She was selling out the United States Government and enacting policies that benefited their businesses.
"low wage government jobs" lol. dude no one gives a shit what salary the secretary of state makes. this isn't about wages. but you knew that already.
if bernie sanders had been elected and nominated a bunch of goldman sachs bankers, corporate executives, and million-dollar donors for cabinet positions, i would feel pretty fucking cheated.
i'm not even saying that these people are awful. maybe they'll do a great job. i dunno. i'll try to reserve my judgement of them until they draft policy. but to deny that that trump predicated most of his campaign on decrying exactly what he's doing now is absurdly selective memory. his entire platform was based on the innuendo that because hillary deleted emails, she must be hiding something. because she met with a foundation donor, she must be doing them favors. because she got paid to speak at goldman sach's, she must be doing them favors. because her husband is a creep, she must be a creep.
you can pretend that that didn't happen all you want, but it did. i don't really see why you and many other trump supporters suddenly refuse to believe that this particular human couldn't possibly be capable of the same thing. like, you believe that literally just because he told you so.
i've been saying this since he won the primary: all that happened here is that trump said whatever you wanted to hear without ever offering you anything to believe other than his word. and y'all took it for some reason. idgi.