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Re: Trump
« Reply #4020 on: July 08, 2019, 01:53:49 AM »
It is probably best to refocus the discussion.

The US is running a system of camps that bear a resemblance to internment camps or concentration camps that have been seen in the past. These camps are objectively approved of by the current Republican President and his administration.

CBP staff are treating immigrants like garbage and Republicans couldn't care less. It is just a shame that some of CBP's best and brightest decided to make their sociopathy public by making a Facebook group where they openly mocked the plight of immigrants being separated from their children (https://kfoxtv.com/news/local/cbp-employees-placed-on-administrative-duties-amid-offensive-social-media-posts).

Make no mistake though, Republicans share the same mindset as these fine folks that were placed on "administrative duties." The only lesson they will take away from this is that maybe they shouldn't be so stupid to think that a private FB group is actually private.


Offline Rushy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #4021 on: July 08, 2019, 02:24:20 AM »
Another post without any substance. No argument, no position taken, no evidence.

Adding titles to your posts is a nice thought but perhaps you should think a bit about them, first.

You haven't asked a laundry list of things, and I haven't refused to answer anything, so I would appreciate if you wouldn't resort to outright lying. You have already said you don't even understand what is being discussed at this point, so it is probably best for you to bow out unless you decide to stop with the lazy, low-effort, low-energy posts. It is painfully obvious to everyone else that you have no argument and just want to deflect. I will continue to enable you to do that for as long as you want to continue to make a fool of yourself.

Further explaining the title was unnecessary.

Also, what was the point of the false equivalence about not understanding how to read a website? You do know what wikipedia is, right? If so, then you can easily see how nonsensical your failed comparison was. But, since you are incapable of navigating an incredibly simple website, I will go ahead and provide the link that would have taken you two seconds to get to had you actually taken a moment to read the website: http://womenandpolicing.com/violenceFS.asp - Please note that even if you click that link, you will have to expend at least some energy reading and thinking, and possibly clicking a few more links. Also, a helpful tip for you since you seem to be unable to infer context from any discussion so far, it would probably be helpful for you to read the homepage of that website as well. That way, you won't pretend to be unaware that we are discussing police officers.

I still don't see the evidence for what you said on that page. You'll need to be more specific.

If you want to reboot and have an actual discussion, that would be great. If you want to ramble in some sort of stream of consciousness like you have been doing, then I think CN may be a better forum for you to post in. If you have any direct questions to ask, I will answer them and provide my position to you. You should probably do the same if you are going to engage in a good-faith discussion. If all you want to do is shitpost and nitpick, then I suggest you stick to CN or AR.

Again, there's no need to be defensive. All that I ask is that you source your claims, which, coincidentally, you're incapable of doing.

It is probably best to refocus the discussion.

The US is running a system of camps that bear a resemblance to internment camps or concentration camps that have been seen in the past. These camps are objectively approved of by the current Republican President and his administration.

CBP staff are treating immigrants like garbage and Republicans couldn't care less. It is just a shame that some of CBP's best and brightest decided to make their sociopathy public by making a Facebook group where they openly mocked the plight of immigrants being separated from their children (https://kfoxtv.com/news/local/cbp-employees-placed-on-administrative-duties-amid-offensive-social-media-posts).

Make no mistake though, Republicans share the same mindset as these fine folks that were placed on "administrative duties." The only lesson they will take away from this is that maybe they shouldn't be so stupid to think that a private FB group is actually private.

You'll have to source "treating immigrants like garbage". Further, finding some bad social media posts isn't a very strong indicator of evidence in regards to an entire organization. Recently, a top Democrat donor, Jeffrey Epstein, yet again has been indicted for being a pedophile. And yet, does that make the entire DNC pedophiles? Surely some X% of an organization or supporters of that organization being "bad" doesn't make the entire organization the same kind of "bad".
« Last Edit: July 08, 2019, 02:28:16 AM by Rushy »


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4022 on: July 08, 2019, 02:38:06 AM »
I would like to add that I am indeed against the core idea of these concentration camps on the border. All individuals should be turned back immediately at the border. The border must be reinforced to prevent any and all unauthorized entry. With the ongoing notion of climate change, the migrations are only going to get worse. No amount of camps will be able to hold the hundreds of thousands of people attempting to invade the US mainland.


Offline juner

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Re: Trump
« Reply #4023 on: July 08, 2019, 02:38:21 AM »
I still don't see the evidence for what you said on that page. You'll need to be more specific.
Actually, I won't need to be more specific. The evidence is there, you choosing to not read it falls squarely on you. If you want to refute the evidence, cool, but pretending you can't find it just makes it even more apparent that you are being disingenuous. If you don't want to continue this topic that you specifically brought up, then just say so. It is clear you aren't prepared or willing to discuss it.

Again, there's no need to be defensive. All that I ask is that you source your claims, which, coincidentally, you're incapable of doing.
Not defensive at all. I am merely suggestion that you partake in a discussion instead of troll and deflect and pretend like you don't even know who is being discussed. I have already stated my position, which is something you refuse to do up to this point. This makes it abundantly clear that you have no interest in discussion, especially when paired with your feigning ignorance about what is even being discussed.

You'll have to source "treating immigrants like garbage".
Already done.

Further, finding some bad social media posts isn't a very strong indicator of evidence in regards to an entire organization.
Good thing no one said the entire organization, then.

Recently, a top Democrat donor, Jeffrey Epstein, yet again has been indicted for being a pedophile. And yet, does that make the entire DNC pedophiles?
Probably, but I am not sure what this poor comparison of the DNC to an actual government authority like CBP is supposed to accomplish. Do you have an actual argument or position? Epstein is also chummy with Trump, a self-proclaimed womanizer, so I guess all Republicans are pedophiles too...


Offline juner

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Re: Trump
« Reply #4024 on: July 08, 2019, 02:40:11 AM »
I would like to add that I am indeed against the core idea of these concentration camps on the border. Instead, all individuals should be turned back immediately at the border. The border must be reinforced to prevent any and all unauthorized entry. With the ongoing notion of climate change, the migrations are only going to get worse.

Seems we could have saved a page of nonsensical back and forth had you just presented this from the start. I think this is a reasonable position to take. Although I'd ask what should happen with the asylum process in this case.


Offline Rushy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #4025 on: July 08, 2019, 02:48:53 AM »
Actually, I won't need to be more specific. The evidence is there, you choosing to not read it falls squarely on you. If you want to refute the evidence, cool, but pretending you can't find it just makes it even more apparent that you are being disingenuous. If you don't want to continue this topic that you specifically brought up, then just say so. It is clear you aren't prepared or willing to discuss it.

"It's up to you to back up my claims"


Not defensive at all. I am merely suggestion that you partake in a discussion instead of troll and deflect and pretend like you don't even know who is being discussed. I have already stated my position, which is something you refuse to do up to this point. This makes it abundantly clear that you have no interest in discussion, especially when paired with your feigning ignorance about what is even being discussed.

Projection 2: Electric Boogaloo

Probably, but I am not sure what this poor comparison of the DNC to an actual government authority like CBP is supposed to accomplish. Do you have an actual argument or position? Epstein is also chummy with Trump, a self-proclaimed womanizer, so I guess all Republicans are pedophiles too...

Trump banned Epstein from his resorts all the way back in 2002 for sexually assaulting an employee. Epstein has nothing on Trump and the case overall is terrible for the DNC, hence why most mainstream media are avoiding the news of his arrest like the plague. I wonder what Hillary thinks about Bill's several dozen flights to Epstein's private island.

Seems we could have saved a page of nonsensical back and forth had you just presented this from the start. I think this is a reasonable position to take. Although I'd ask what should happen with the asylum process in this case.

Serious expansion of court systems is required so that asylum cases can be processed in a matter of days or weeks instead of the current waiting time of several months or even years. If that is not possible, then the asylum process must be abandoned entirely. It is highly subjective and moralistic system which is a decadence that we may soon no longer be able to afford.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2019, 02:50:56 AM by Rushy »


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4026 on: July 08, 2019, 01:56:23 PM »
Trump banned Epstein from his resorts all the way back in 2002 for sexually assaulting an employee.

That's an uncorroborated claim from a lawyer who mentioned it in passing and later admitted he had no solid evidence of it beyond an anonymous source's word for it. It could be true, sure, but knowing what we do about Trump's character, I highly doubt it.

Epstein has nothing on Trump and the case overall is terrible for the DNC, hence why most mainstream media are avoiding the news of his arrest like the plague.

It would have taken you only a few seconds to Google Epstein's name and discover for yourself that this was major news pretty much everywhere. You'd have had a better case if you argued that the media are unfairly focusing on his past relationship with Trump and gleefully repeating this great quote from 2002:

Quote from: Donald Trump
I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.

And yes, Bill Clinton was suspiciously close to Epstein as well. It wouldn't at all surprise me if he ended up being implicated in anything dubious, and I'd welcome him being publicly exposed and taken down if that were the case. Republicans will not take a similar position with Trump, because the current state of their party is a personality cult revolving around the man, and that's exactly why Trump will survive this episode, just like he's survived a hundred other career-ending scandals.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


Offline Rushy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #4027 on: July 08, 2019, 02:18:28 PM »
That's an uncorroborated claim from a lawyer who mentioned it in passing and later admitted he had no solid evidence of it beyond an anonymous source's word for it. It could be true, sure, but knowing what we do about Trump's character, I highly doubt it.


Epstein has nothing on Trump and the case overall is terrible for the DNC, hence why most mainstream media are avoiding the news of his arrest like the plague.

It would have taken you only a few seconds to Google Epstein's name and discover for yourself that this was major news pretty much everywhere. You'd have had a better case if you argued that the media are unfairly focusing on his past relationship with Trump and gleefully repeating this great quote from 2002:

Quote from: Donald Trump
I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.

And yes, Bill Clinton was suspiciously close to Epstein as well. It wouldn't at all surprise me if he ended up being implicated in anything dubious, and I'd welcome him being publicly exposed and taken down if that were the case. Republicans will not take a similar position with Trump, because the current state of their party is a personality cult revolving around the man, and that's exactly why Trump will survive this episode, just like he's survived a hundred other career-ending scandals.

It's passingly mentioned by MSM. The take is that they're not talking about it 24/7 at this point. That's what really keys in to the fact that it is being suppressed. News suppression isn't about not mentioning something at all (this would be incredibly suspicious). News suppression is bombarding the audience with unrelated talking points. If Trump actually is involved with Epstein's kiddie fucking, then of course he needs to go down with him. A quote of Trump praising him isn't enough evidence for me, since Trump can be quoted praising literally anyone. He praised Hillary Clinton, he praised Kim Jong Un. His praise isn't exactly praiseworthy.


Offline juner

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Re: Trump
« Reply #4028 on: July 08, 2019, 03:12:53 PM »
Serious expansion of court systems is required so that asylum cases can be processed in a matter of days or weeks instead of the current waiting time of several months or even years.
I believe this is the best solution as well.

If that is not possible, then the asylum process must be abandoned entirely. It is highly subjective and moralistic system which is a decadence that we may soon no longer be able to afford.
If a migrant crisis as a result of climate change unfolds, then I agree asylum may need to be suspended or abandoned while we figure our own problems out. In the meantime, I think the US does have a responsibility to the world to keep the process going and improve upon it. My position on this stems from US involvement in displacing not a small number of people from overthrowing governments, facilitating regime changes, etc. A fair number of these displaced people end up knocking on the US's (or other Western nations) door claiming asylum. Although if it weren't that, I still think we would have some responsibility being the leaders of the free world and all. But that is highly subjective.

Re: Trump
« Reply #4029 on: July 10, 2019, 08:44:28 PM »
This will be messy

Was this woman paid off a week before the election?
The president was also accused of assaulting a 13-year-old girl on Epstein's property. While the anonymous woman filed a lawsuit claiming that Trump and Epstein raped her at a Manhattan sex party hosted by the financier in 1994, the suit was later dropped in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

One of the lead US Attorneys is James Comey's daughter, with the public corruption section.
trump, clinton, prince andrew, derscherwitz, and many more.
Black mail tapes were seized labelled 'redacted' + 'redacted'.

What a world we live in in, flat or globe.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4030 on: July 11, 2019, 07:19:16 AM »
Meh.  Trump could be on tape raping 14 year old girls in 1992 and he'd still have all his supporters.
There is nothing short of him switching to the democratic ticket that will stop his supporters from supporting him.  Well, maybe if he took away their guns.  But that's it.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4031 on: July 11, 2019, 05:03:11 PM »
Oh look, Trump needs an ego boost.

Far-Right Social Media Personalities Headed To The White House https://n.pr/2jAfzCx
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4032 on: July 11, 2019, 05:08:47 PM »
Well, the British ambassador did hurt Trump's feelings.  :-\
Abandon hope all ye who press enter here.

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. -- Charles Darwin

If you can't demonstrate it, then you shouldn't believe it.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4033 on: July 11, 2019, 05:11:09 PM »
Well, the British ambassador did hurt Trump's feelings.  :-\

True.  And spilled his secrets.

"Be sure to praise him for something recent he did."
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4034 on: July 14, 2019, 07:22:23 PM »

Trump at his most blatantly and unambiguously racist, and it hardly even matters anymore, welcome to Amerikkka.
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4035 on: July 14, 2019, 07:53:34 PM »
Trump probably really does think that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib are from other countries.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4036 on: July 14, 2019, 08:12:26 PM »
Or...this, like many others, are coded messages for help.

Like this one, if we assume he knows they're Americans, then it means he's telling us that America's government is a catastrophy, corrupt, and failed and he needs help.

We need to save Trump from whoever is keeping him there.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline markjo

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Re: Trump
« Reply #4037 on: July 15, 2019, 02:02:54 AM »

Trump at his most blatantly and unambiguously racist, and it hardly even matters anymore, welcome to Amerikkka.
I have a feeling that Native Americans would like to say the same thing to Trump.
Abandon hope all ye who press enter here.

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. -- Charles Darwin

If you can't demonstrate it, then you shouldn't believe it.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4038 on: July 15, 2019, 11:15:52 AM »
His reply is priceless.

Congresswomen Denounce Trump Tweets Telling Them To 'Go Back' To Their Home Countries https://n.pr/2YYbhEw

Trump: You're muslim so go back and fix your own country!
Dems:... 3 of us. ARE Americans you racist!
Trump: See, they always call their enemies racists!  Dems, you should stop them, its bad.

God like he doesn't understand how racist he is.  Or he does and doesn't care.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #4039 on: July 17, 2019, 12:49:30 PM »
God like he doesn't understand how racist he is.  Or he does and doesn't care.
The worrying thing is none of his supporters care.
The crass impression of someone with disabilities should have been the end of him.
The grab 'em by the pussy tape should have been the end of him.
A load of things since should have been. But it doesn't matter. Much of what he says isn't true. Just clearly and demonstrably false. And it doesn't matter. There is no consequence.
It's pretty scary stuff.
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"