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Messages - beardo

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 14, 2024, 05:37:19 PM »
Trump would have been much less popular now if they had just left him alone and allowed him run without any interference.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 14, 2024, 02:57:56 PM »
Damn it, just a little better aim and we'd have had great news.

I dunno, I mean... What would his raving supporters do if their leader was murdered by the only one with motive(they think): Biden and liberals?
Lots and lots of violence. 

It'd be worth it.
Crippling TDS.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: May 31, 2024, 08:04:39 PM »
The jury didn't care about evidence, or lack thereof (they had none). They had made up their mind (guilty) before proceedings had even started.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: May 30, 2024, 09:26:07 PM »
This won't hurt him. His popularity and support is going to skyrocket after this and he will win in November. Bigly.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: 8values
« on: March 12, 2024, 11:41:06 PM »


Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: December 20, 2023, 11:09:16 PM »
I fear the democrats are going to nominate the psychopath Patrick Bateman.. I mean Gavin Newsom. Same thing, really.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« on: September 21, 2023, 12:12:19 AM »
Haha Toddfield 7/10

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: August 25, 2023, 06:58:30 AM »
Trump was elected today. He is inevitable.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: August 18, 2023, 12:46:23 AM »
Could someone bring an actual crime to the table, please?
They cant.
Also, every arrest and indictment makes Trump more powerful. Democrats are digging their own grave.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Now Playing
« on: June 09, 2023, 06:39:22 PM »

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: June 03, 2023, 09:57:25 PM »
Trump just can't stop winning.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Now Playing
« on: June 03, 2023, 09:54:24 PM »

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« on: January 19, 2023, 02:27:02 PM »
I think i just died a little

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Now Playing
« on: December 26, 2022, 01:19:04 AM »

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« on: December 19, 2022, 09:41:07 AM »
inb4they cast some foppish pansy like Timothée Chalamet as the next "Superman"

Science & Alternative Science / Re: Who makes these images?
« on: December 15, 2022, 03:18:25 PM »
Except these images are real.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« on: December 15, 2022, 02:15:59 AM »

If Eon Productions don't call him right fucking now, they're fucking morons.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« on: December 13, 2022, 04:19:17 AM »
I don't care if they start over, but I want Henry and Batfleck. Also, Jason is much more fitting as Lobo.

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