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Messages - truth

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Aren’t wormholes a scientific concept predicted by that most damnable scientist, Einstein? Or are they just elementals just stretching space time, no, space time is a scientific concept…......
you are right I wrote this for people to understand in simple terms.

Our earth could be a shit of a hedgehog because shit of a hedgehog is an entire universe within infinite entire universes.
Our earth is infinite of things include a space-dog's Frisbee.
but you have to understand that you can't make borders to the world, the world cannot be spherical because if it was spherical people would be on its side and would tell I am leaning on the side of the spherical world, the world must obey the infinite options of existence, therefore you cannot really make people stay in the borders of the world, people stay in our world because they want to.
the infinite space is infinite in size and has no edges, the laws of physics are dumb.

if someone will tell me how can I prove something, I would tell him:"i can't therefore it is the truth" if you can prove something it is blatantly false.
now Round earthers, ask me everything you want to know about why the world is flat and why your proofs are nothing compare to the truth of the flat earth.

Challenge accepted. I wanted to know: Can you prove that the earth is actually a giant frisbee in the mouth of a giant space-dog? Also, can you prove that rain is actually space-dog slobber?

Hint: "i can't therefore it is the truth"
In this moment you created what you wrote.

Flat Earthers: accept the new flat earth map
The world as depicted by google maps is the most close to the truth, not really the truth but the closest.
Why we can circumnavigate ? there are many worm holes across the way to the other side.
these gates make us teleported to the other side of the map we even can't tell we have been teleported.

I want people to understand, science is based on A big lie, most of the lie is being maneuvered by Elemental entities which we cannot see, even myself can't see them, they are in charge to make science work out.
But people has agenda they want to be fooled by these entities so they believe in science but science is a racket not by human beings moreover by those entities which manipulate science that people will be able to believe in it.

Flat Earth Theory / I can debunk everything with round earth just ask
« on: July 13, 2016, 11:31:15 AM »
Round earth is based on science, science is the way to fool people and to fool human beings, if someone will tell me how can I prove something, I would tell him:"i can't therefore it is the truth" if you can prove something it is blatantly false.

The world is animistic, everything has a mind, every nanometer of space has mind.
the world has innumerable dimensions and frequencies, we are using right now several frequencies to see the world, and we see multiply of entities which we consider them as natural but they are mindfully not natural they are entities with thoughts and intentions.
now Round earthers, ask me everything you want to know about why the world is flat and why your proofs are nothing compare to the truth of the flat earth. 

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