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Messages - Iceman

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« on: January 06, 2021, 04:55:19 AM »

The problem with such assessments is that they are merely excuses without evidence. Excuses rather than positive evidence to show that such excuses have validity.

Did Joe Biden have overflow crowds of thousands of people cheering him on outside of his events, who couldn't get in, but went and stayed anyway to hear and watch what they could? Trump did.

Are there there any precidents for presidents getting such a low number of counties and record high votes for their time periods?

Dems are clearly just blowing smoke.

Trump had people at his events because he invited them there, while Biden told people to stay home and wear a mask. That's why Herman Cain and many many other Republicans are dead. The numbers of rally attendees is irrelevant.

And record numbers of voters means that things are, in some ways, unprecedented. That's why I suggested someone would have to look at the proportions of voters from big cities during this record turnout. That would explain whether the record high vote count could be in line with winning that number of counties.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Joe Biden is winning by a landslide
« on: January 06, 2021, 04:34:04 AM »
Only someone with a leftist faith and belief system which they must desperately cling on to would think this was a legitimate election.

There's only a couple tiny things that arent shown in those pictures...

That teeny tiny pandemic that has gripped the world and killed nearly 400 000 Americans during the election cycle. So weird he couldnt fill rallies.

And the minor detail of the proportion of votes that went to Biden from big cities, and the record turnout of voters in those cities.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: The moon illuminated oddly?
« on: January 05, 2021, 08:19:39 PM »
With the photo issue addressed and better knowledge about EXIF metadata, I still do not understand how we end up orbiting above sun (I am viewing this from what we are taught in school perspective). From what I remember being taught and briefly refreshing my memory on the subject, we orbit in a disc like plane around the sun mostly horizontal, not vertically or vertically enough to put the moon above the sun. Horizontally orbiting the sun explains why I can see the moon being illuminated on the lefts and rights but not sideways (top and bottom).

It is as if the sun and moon orbit us. Sort of like the way an electron orbits a nucleus.

the planets orbit the Sun, roughly in a plane...but individual orbital paths can be off from perfectly on the plane, which has some major consequences for what we observe on Earth.

as far as why the moon appears illuminated from a weird angle, Vsauce did a decent video on this years ago

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 05, 2021, 06:52:49 PM »
for someone who has repeatedly cautioned that name-calling suggests that one is arguing from a position of weakness, you're  throwing out the 'unhinged leftist' term a lot lately

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 05, 2021, 06:22:26 PM »
Oh look, the leftists are wrong again.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz says no Trump crime in Georgia call, just bad media reporting

"I've been teaching criminal law for over 50 years. I went through every word of that transcript, there is no crime there, period," famed law professor says.

I am not sure what propaganda sites you have been visiting, but pretty much everything I have been seeing, from lawyers as well, is that although you could justify pressing charges, any sort of conviction would be far-fetched.  Maybe you should look at more quality news sites instead of just getting worked up over shills?

I quoted a Harvard Law Professor. Please provide a quote from a source with equal or greater relevant credentials if you have a rebuttal.

A quick search shows many sites reporting things almost exactly as Rama described. Roughly paraphrasing, 'what he did is probably illegal, but likely can't be prosecuted'. I'd agree Trump probably managed to Toe the line just enough to keep himself out of formal legal trouble, but this shows an extremely desperate man clutching at straws...

here's a law professor:
“I think in order to deter potentially authoritarian-oriented presidents and presidential candidates it would be important to prosecute activity like this because it really does undermine the very basic aspect of a democracy -- that we don’t stuff the ballot box,” said Richard Hasen, a law professor at the University of California Irvine.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New Map Idea (South Centered)
« on: January 05, 2021, 05:37:41 PM »
what are the advantages of a south-centered map over the bi-polar map and the more common north-polar projection?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Purpose of the eclipse
« on: January 05, 2021, 02:46:21 AM »
Running with the theory that all things such as the sun, the moon, the stars, moon phases all have their own purpose; weather it be for time, signs, seasons, years, what purpose could or would a lunar eclipse have, or a solar eclipse for that matter. Curious on any theories or speculations.
What is the purpose of any of the objects you listed according g to this 'theory'?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: What do you think about this map?
« on: January 04, 2021, 10:27:10 PM »

Space, as we are told, is a vast expanse of boring nothingness.

Whoever taught you about space needs to be slapped! Sure there's a lot of boring nothingness out there, as far as we know, but scattered around are billions of planets and stars and comets and black holes and supernovae, colliding galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars, each having the potential to have orbiting planets, which could share similarities with Earth, or harbours other life forms which are unimaginable to us.

We have 7 other planets in our own solar system, that are both very similar and wildly different to our own. Mars once had a giant ocean, and polar ice caps but lost most of its lighter  elements over time.

Looking up at the stars at night is one of the most awe-inspiring things I do on a regular basis, and that feeling only grows as new discoveries are made.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 04, 2021, 08:35:20 PM »
In other news, Lin Wood is now making it clear that he's gone off the deep end.

This man has the president's ear.

there's not enough dirt in the world to make someone rape and shoot a child on video...  this guy is off the rails.
You misunderstand.

Yes, I'm an idiot from the teflon fumes.

I assumed that the people being approach to do this were folks they already had tons of dirt on and this was just leveling up, not that random politicians are being approached at gunpoint, then handed said gun to perform additional horrific things.

Its reminding me of the plot of a movie... I cant quite picture which one. Reminiscent of the scene from Se7en. Wait, did Epstein produce that one!?!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 04, 2021, 07:32:06 PM »
In other news, Lin Wood is now making it clear that he's gone off the deep end.

This man has the president's ear.

there's not enough dirt in the world to make someone rape and shoot a child on video...  this guy is off the rails.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 04, 2021, 07:26:46 PM »
yeah, but even with Teflon, turn the heat up enough and shit eventually starts to stick.
Overheating Teflon doesn't cause stuff to stick - it starts to break down the Teflon, emitting toxic fumes into your kitchen and your food.

i thought that smell was just the pan's merrynade...  does this mean bacon doesn't give me headaches after all?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 04, 2021, 05:27:39 PM »

If you wanna read it instead of listen.
My god, its damning.

it's damning, but there's more than enough wiggle room for him to squirm out of it unscathed - I'd love to be wrong but I feel like he's wriggled out of worse. I read a lot of the transcript and I don't think it's quite the watergate it's been tabbed as. ...shows how incredibly desperate he is, how low he'll stoop, and the whole thing has the air of a mafia strongman trying to influence things...

Well Trump is Teflon.  He could kill someone on 5th avenue and it still wouldn't stick.

yeah, but even with Teflon, turn the heat up enough and shit eventually starts to stick.  here's hoping.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 04, 2021, 05:18:26 PM »

If you wanna read it instead of listen.
My god, its damning.

it's damning, but there's more than enough wiggle room for him to squirm out of it unscathed - I'd love to be wrong but I feel like he's wriggled out of worse. I read a lot of the transcript and I don't think it's quite the watergate it's been tabbed as. ...shows how incredibly desperate he is, how low he'll stoop, and the whole thing has the air of a mafia strongman trying to influence things...

There have been a few complaints against lawyers and some threats of libel suits, but I seriously doubt the fuckos will suffer any consequences.

Sad state of affairs... as long as you're famous enough, you can waste the court's time, making yourself rich and more (in)famous in the process.

Trump is an anomoly so far.
Understatement of the year? ;D

The election results are rarely contested so much and with such hatred.  I think people will just let it go and hope it never repeats.

Hopefully they decide to do more than just hope because this has been bad for everyone.

I didnt want to derail the trump thread, but I'm curious as to when/whether there will be counter suits or other legal action against all the baseless legal action  that has followed election night.

Surely the american election system can let all these proceeding go 'unpunished' otherwise every result that either party doesnt like can be subjected to months of distracting, meaningless and costly suits that do nothing but make lawyers rich and restrict the ability of the transition team to perform their duties.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 03, 2021, 12:54:13 AM »
You admitted that Epoch Times isn't publishing lies. If they are not publishing lies then your opposition is merely that they have a different opinion that you don't like.

Pretty poor form to argue that your opponents are truthful, but you don't like their opinion.

Bias and lies are not the same yet can have similar reactions.  Wouldn't you agree?

It's not possible to have zero bias. Do you think that when historians wrote US history that they did it with 0% bias? Why don't we hear about all the undoubtedly good things the British Empire did for the colonies in US History books?

Any time someone is trying to inform you of something - teacher, writer, mother - they are imparting their bias onto you.

It is impossible to report a factual event without bias. Reporting a murder can range from not reporting it all, glossing over details, going into extruciating details, justifying the event, villifying the event, speculating on probable cause, interviewing biased persons on the event, all which paint a picture with a particular bias.

Even just saying "a murder happened yesterday" may be biased since it might leave out the killer's possible justification for it (self defense, felt threatened, escalating tensions, etc) and such a simple report implies that they are an irredeemably bad person.

Saying "a murder happened yesterday" is an interpretation of an event. Saying "person x was stabbed by person y yesterday. An investigation has been initiated" is factual. That's how news should be delivered until there is enough data to fill in the story.

Spin should be saved for editorials. That is rare this day and age, regardless of what side of the political spectrum you fall on/watch/subscribe to.

Fact: 140 repubs object to Biden's win on the basis of alledged widespread voter fraud, but have no objections to the House Republican wins that came on the same ballots.

Spin: 140 repubs object to Biden's win on the basis of alledged widespread voter fraud, but have no objections to the House Republican wins that came on the same ballots, because they're hypocritical, self-preserving sycophants.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Can UA impact large icebergs?
« on: January 02, 2021, 07:14:06 PM »
I think you might be reading too much into things. I'm not sure what you mean by star size is 10% of the moon, and how that gets you to 3.2 km.

UA is probably best viewed as an idea based on the equivalency of our apparent downward acceleration due to gravity vs. a possible upward acceleration of everything we stand on.

Ice bergs would behave similarly in both scenarios. Although the paths they take once they break off from ice shelves is affected by ocean currents and surface winds, which are both partially controlled by coriolis effects, among many other factors

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 02, 2021, 05:29:17 PM »
I saw that late last night...what an absolute mess. Of course Pence stole the election from Trump, that's in his best interest as a VP looking for a second term.

Scary the things that can be just shouted on twitter and believed by millions.
It’s all a bit depressing.
It’s interesting that people who have spent the last 4 years hanging on Fox’s every word are now deserting it in droves. Simply because even Fox aren’t crazy enough to buy into Trump’s demonstrably false bullshit.
So they scurry off to places like NewsMax and OANN who will tell them what they want to hear. Increasingly it seems people don’t want to be told the truth, they just want to listen to “news” networks which reaffirm their worldview. Everything else becomes “fake news”. Trump is certainly not solely responsible for this but boy has he fanned the flames.

Exactly...which makes all this mess about section 230 holding back the Covid relief bill in the states all the more confusing. If Mitch got what he wanted,Twitter would then be liable for all the nonsense that comes from all these Trump cronies' accounts...

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 02, 2021, 02:26:12 PM »
I saw that late last night...what an absolute mess. Of course Pence stole the election from Trump, that's in his best interest as a VP looking for a second term.

Scary the things that can be just shouted on twitter and believed by millions.

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