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Topics - Tron

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Flat Earth Investigations / Does the Sun appear larger in the morning?
« on: November 26, 2022, 02:24:55 PM »
Hey Guys,

I'm running an experiment to see if the Sun changes its apparent diameter from Sunrise to Noon...

This morning in NY at 8:00AM i measured the sun as 3/8th's of an inch accross (a little less then a 1/2 inch).  I'll check again around solar noon. 

UPDATE:  I measured the width of the sun again at 11:40AM.  It appeard to be between 1/8 and 1/4th of an inch long (a little less then a 1/4 inch)   

I'll double check the results later, but right now the sun seems to appear smaller around noon.

Flat Earth Community / Solar Winds! Listen to this...
« on: November 03, 2022, 04:27:39 AM »
Hey Guys,

As part of my wider investigation into Rockets within Vacuums, I'm looking into if space is a vacuum at all!  I came accross this video from the Parker Solar Probe that records the wind makes from the sun.  Just wild.

Arts & Entertainment / Go Yanks... T-1 hour playoff time
« on: October 18, 2022, 07:06:41 PM »

Technology & Information / T-minus 10 hours - Artemis Mission to Moon
« on: August 29, 2022, 11:58:09 AM »

Edit:. This video explains the mission, flight path, and duration etc.  17,000mph and crazy altitude gains in the first few minutes.

Suggestions & Concerns / Automatic Logout while submitting a post
« on: July 31, 2022, 08:51:01 PM »
Is there any way we can dely the sign-out process while someone is writing a post?   Or at least save the post as a draft once a person signs back in?

Flat Earth Investigations / Theory that Black Holes are Land Mass
« on: July 27, 2022, 12:04:48 AM »
Hi Guys,

I thought I would share with you a theory I'm working on.  I believe that a central landmass lies at the center of each Galaxy.  These land masses are what we refer to as Black Holes.   

Traditionally, black holes are viewed as very dense collapsed stars with no visible light emission.   Below is an artist rendition of a black hole and an article describing them more.

The second image is a re-creation of what I think the center of each galaxy looks like. You'll notice I replaced the center with a habitable land mass and a solar system similar to our own.  Rotating planets, gas, and asteroids around a central star system may be shared by all galaxies.  The "orange rings" of hot gas we see in black hole photographs are Auroras caused by solar radiation hitting the atmosphere like on Earth.  Unfortunately, it might be too dim to capture images of land beyond a black hole. 

The original image came from an article that describes another theory of two merging black holes early in the Milky Way's history if you're interested:

Hey Guys,

I know there's been a lot of talk about how far objects in space are.  It occured to me that if the atmosphere is shaped like a Dome, then it will act like a telescope and magnify the appearance of images like the Sun, Planets, and Stars.  
Here is a photo of earth taken from a Mars orbiting spacecraft and the ajoining article:

You can see how small earth looks like from space.  But when you remember that looking down on earth without the aid of atmospheric lensing will render a smaller image of earth, then these kinds of space photos make sense even from a flat earth perspective. 

Flat Earth Theory / New Star Map
« on: April 20, 2022, 11:13:57 PM »
Hi Guys,

I created this star chart which lists the constellations above you at a certain time and place. Its based on Solar time.

Using this map, London at Solar Noon should have the constellation Cassiopeia above it.  At 12 Midnight in London, you should see Draco above you, Bootes and Virgo to your South, and the North Star, Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda to your North as the map suggests.

You can double check the Constellation accuracy by using the website Stellarium -  For example, I entered London at 12 midnight and viewed the constellations I should see (Pictured below).  You might have to make slight adjustments for differences between Solar time and Standard time.

Science & Alternative Science / UFO's on a Flat Earth.
« on: March 25, 2022, 07:16:16 PM »
Hi Guys,

I've recently considered the UFO phenomena.  It's presumed these UFO's are coming from other Solar Systems or Galaxies many millions of miles away.

But if you assume the earth is flat and the stars are a few thousand miles above earth, then extraterrestrials are closer then we think. 


Flat Earth Media / New Photos of Moon suggest Flat Earth?
« on: February 09, 2022, 08:16:57 PM »
Hi All,

It's been a while.  I couldn't help but take this most recent photo of the dark side of the moon by NASA's DSCOVR satellite very seriously. 

This satellite orbits more than a million miles above earth's surface and this is there first public photo.  What's strikes me most is the apparent size of the Moon and Earth.  Most photos from the moon show the earth as a small dot.  Obviously, within this photo the moon looks smaller and nearer to earth. I think this fits well within the Flat Earth notion of the cosmos.

Here's a good article by HuffPost with more details above DSCOVR:

Flat Earth Theory / Stars above the night sky
« on: November 11, 2021, 12:26:14 AM »
Hello Guys,

I have an exciting new theory to present you all.  I've been pondering the image of the Night Sky above us and have been trying to Map out what the stars, planets, and even Galaxies look like above us.  So far, my best guess is that the sky is a representation of the traditional solar system as seen above us, but much smaller in scale.  Attached is a preliminary picture:



The stars and constellations are actually members of the Asteroid belt!

In order to make this work a few things need to happen:   
1)  The earth needs to spin once every 24 hours in order to get a full view of all the constellations during the day and night. 
2)  The earth needs to wobble once a year in order to account for a Second circular motion all the constellations make once a year.  Thats why you see some constellations in winter and others in summer.

Lastly, I've looked into what the Dome might be made of and came across this interesting article...

"Theorists have long predicted that extreme pressures combined with mild temperatures should cause hydrogen to turn the normally clear gas into a glossy, grayish, metallic solid."

This is the kind of material that would allow light to reflect around the atmosphere.  Hydrogen is abundant in space and I assume once it hits the earths atmosphere the necessary pressure is produced.

Flat Earth Community / Wiki update request - Wikipedia that is .
« on: September 09, 2021, 01:58:04 PM »
So when I click "Flat Earth Theory" the Wikipedia says this:

"The flat Earth model is an archaic conception of Earth's shape as a plane or disk".

The definition of "Archaic" from the Merriam Webster Dictionary website includes:
English Language Learners Definition of archaic
: old and no longer used
: old and no longer useful : OUTDATED

I'd hardly say the Flat Earth Theory is non-useful and irrelevant.  I think removing this word would be justified.

Any thoughts on how to do this?

Flat Earth Theory / Apollo and Moon Orbits on FE
« on: August 20, 2021, 01:25:13 PM »
Hi Guys,

I've been working hard to understand how the Moon travels on a Flat Earth.  I created a picture of how the moon orbits around the sun on a map with Antarctica at the center.   

Keep in mind, that the average times for the moon phases and the time at which they are at the highest point in the sky are as follows:

New moon - 12pm
1st Quarter moon - 6pm
Full Moon - 12am (midnight)
3rd Quarter moon - 6am

Using these times, you can construct the map above... 

Suggestions & Concerns / Need Help - Blurry Picture posts
« on: August 19, 2021, 11:27:44 PM »
Hi All,

I have nice photo(s) which i'd like to post, but every time I use the "img" icon and submit my Imbb image hosting link, the photo is displayed very blurry in the preview so you can't see the fine details.

I've tried everything and any help is appreciated!


It just occured to me that if UFOs and UAPs are real,  which the US gov't is suggesting.. then it can help us understand how gravity works.   These machines can fly super fast and turn on a dime with pilots in them by eliminating momentum and transforming the very air pressure around them.

 Its like earth...  we can stand on earth as it moves in all directions and still not feel a thing.  what do they know?  Have they reversed engineered earth itself?

Hi Guys,

I thought this image is fascinating of a "Blue Jet" lightening bolt rising through the atmosphere and making a big hole through the upper stratosphere or Dome.  The hole is clearly visible above the lightening bolt and helps show how tall the atmosphere is above the earth and how close the ISS orbits around the surface.


Original link is here:

Flat Earth Community / New Universe Model ("Many Worlds" Theory)
« on: February 14, 2021, 07:30:36 AM »
Hi Everyone,

I've touched on this topic before but I'd like to share some more content with you.  I believe that Galaxies are smaller and more earth sized then people think.  Once I accepted that Earth may look similar to a galaxy, I realized it probably is one!  Then I learned about the Milky Way and its Orbiting Galaxies and realized we are probably one of those!  Lol.  Attached are two links and two photos that talk about the "Local Group" of nearby galaxies and the smaller "Dwarf Galaxies" that look like Earth.

I'd be happy to field more questions on this topic as it was a fascinating idea to me.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / An Idea for the flat earth cover-up
« on: February 09, 2021, 01:03:15 AM »
Hey Guys,

I have an advanced theory of why people at high levels of government may have intentionally hid the true shape of the earth.

First, I'm aware that the spherical earth model has existed as early as 600BC from the Greeks and the Hebrews and Romans adopted it Around 300Bce.  Since then it seems to have been a popular model in Europe whose influence eventually spread to America. 

Now, what I'm proposing is that flat earth ideas have existed before, during, and after this period but as you know they are rarely spoken of.  I'm of the belief that Flat Earth beliefs are associated with governance, animal life, and even god.  I kind of agree actually and my own version of a flat earth map I was going to call the "Animal Kingdom Map".  But anyway, its kind of true.  If you look at the iconology of all major governments they always have  pictures of Animals as national symbols of character. 

Why I think these kind of scientific beliefs were surppressed, stems from WW2 and peoples general lack of trust in government institutions.

Flat Earth Theory / Why does the EARTH look Round?
« on: January 29, 2021, 05:43:45 PM »
Hi guys,

We've all seen photos of the earth that look round or flat depending on which lens you use (fish-eye or regular). At low altitudes I can understand the earth looking flat no matter its shape because it's just so big.  But there's obviously in my view alot of photos and eye witness testimony of astronauts that say the earth looks round or at least curved from way up there.

I have a simple idea which may explain this if you consider the idea that earth is more flat (or concaved) then it is spherical.

Its just the fish-eye lens or dome magnifying glass effect of the earths many layers of atmosphere.  See the attached two images.  It's not impossible to assume that the earth may look curved in space but it's partially explained by the earths atmosphere.

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