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Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« on: December 21, 2017, 06:24:07 AM »
Here's some solid goodness:

Quote from: Metabunk
A classic experiment to demonstrate the curvature of a body of water is to place markers (like flags) a fixed distance above the water in a straight line, and then view them along that line in a telescope. If the water surface is flat then the markers will appear also in a straight line. If the surface of the water is curved (as it is here on Earth) then the markers in the middle will appear higher than the markers at the ends. Here's a highly exaggerated diagram of the effect by Alfred Russel Wallace in 1870:

This is a difficult experiment to do as you need a few miles for the curvature to be apparent. You also need the markers to be quite high above the surface of the water, as temperature differences between the water and the air tend to create significant refraction effects close to the water.

However Youtuber Soundly has found a spot where there's a very long line of markers permanently fixed at constant heights above the water line, clearly demonstrating the curve. It's a line of power transmission towers at Lake Pontchartrain, near New Orleans, Louisiana.

What do you think, fellow free thinking person? Good shit, or bunk shit?

Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2017, 06:40:43 AM »
Looks like a decent demonstration. Not sure why it's in slow motion with weird jumps in it though...

Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2017, 12:21:25 PM »
Looks good to me :)

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2017, 01:28:11 PM »
Looks like Earth. Big and round! Sadly, no one will be convinced. This will either be ignored here or called a fake. I was watching some other flat Earth videos over water where they were filming things that supposedly couldn't be seen on a globe Earth. (over water) All of them ignored the very clear horizon on the water with objects partially hidden behind it. According the FEH, you shouldn't be able to see that far. You can only see until the perspective lines meet or some other such nonsense.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2017, 01:48:22 PM »
I have a general policy of not watching videos on this site (sorry, most of my browsing is done in a quiet location and some get posted that are multiple hours long often enough) but the main image is one that has shown up on the other site just recently. I'm interested to see if anyone comments on it here, but there it was simply dismissed as being an optical illusion  ::). It's good looking stuff though from the additional information presented about the video over there. Definitely curious to see any FE response.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2017, 03:22:42 PM »
This is stupid and clearly super-imposed on top. Look how tall those pylons are on the horizon.

Look how small a battleship appears when not very far away

And then look at the curve. Earth would be about 500 miles right the way round with a curve like that.

This is photoshopped to hell. In fact, here are some of the layers used to make that hoax.

Sad that you are all so gullible. You do the same whooping and shouting when NASA photoshops you a ball. "Yey! A ball. I thought it was ball, I love normailsation confirmation".

*Spoiler alert *
Lake Pontchartrain doesn't even have any power cables. It has a road running through its middle and outside of links to this 'flat earth busted' youtube video, there is no photo or mention of transmission lines anywhere. They aren't on google earth, google maps, there's no images of them, nothing ...

You can see this is a crude attempt to discredit a flat earther who used the actual causeway that exists on Lake Pontchartrain to prove earth flat ...
taking the same lake, photoshopping on some pylons and saying haha!

Leave this thread here though. It shows the lengths round earther's will go to hide from the truth.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 03:51:23 PM by Baby Thork »
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Offline Havonii

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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2017, 04:26:52 PM »
fake or not, take into account the reality of the questions and theory brought here.

The photo of the lake for example, don't you think the horizon would be further off if the Earth was flat?

find an equation to simulate a flat earth horizon, and tell me what you find.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2017, 04:32:32 PM »
fake or not, take into account the reality of the questions and theory brought here.

The photo of the lake for example, don't you think the horizon would be further off if the Earth was flat?

find an equation to simulate a flat earth horizon, and tell me what you find.

Evidence is produced, it is soundly busted and then you want me to keep on talking about the points brought up? It is a hoax.

Here is the original author asking his friends for help to make the photoshop.

This is his pinned tweet! He says he's going out of his way to discredit the flat earth.

And here is another abomination he has concocted using his photoshop skills.

Clearly he thinks we live on Kerbal.

Its over. This thread belongs to flat earth now, and will lay testament to the cheer-leading and fakery behind round earth.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 04:38:24 PM by Baby Thork »
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Offline xenotolerance

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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2017, 05:07:08 PM »
Lake Pontchartrain doesn't even have any power cables. It has a road running through its middle and outside of links to this 'flat earth busted' youtube video, there is no photo or mention of transmission lines anywhere. They aren't on google earth, google maps, there's no images of them, nothing ...


See also:

And: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Flatearth's+End/@30.0773007,-90.4055521,783m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8620cc2ffc0eb14f:0xaef60871bf02ca5e!8m2!3d30.0773007!4d-90.4033634

so. yeah, they exist


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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2017, 05:10:35 PM »
The video you posted is from the SAME hoaxster!

And on google maps those are the same hoax images he photoshopped earlier and has uploaded!

No. Find another source. Anything anywhere. Different images and not anything to do with this one individual.

Edit: reported that to google with the maps and they took them down agreeing it was a falsehood.  (I happen to be a long time member of google guides and I'm a level 5 guide).
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 05:21:19 PM by Baby Thork »
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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2017, 05:18:54 PM »
Thork has shown plenty of evidence that the images are fakes. The world would have to be tiny if those images were true, especially based on the last image of the bridge Thork posted.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 05:20:59 PM by Tom Bishop »

Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2017, 05:21:46 PM »
The video you posted is from the SAME hoaxster!

And on google maps those are the same hoax images he photoshopped earlier and has uploaded!

No. Find another source. Anything anywhere. Different images and not anything to do with this one individual.
This thread on metabunk has a video from someone proclaiming them as proof of a flat Earth. I feel it's safe to say that the towers or what have you DO in fact exist. I would note the metabunk thread ALSO goes over why the curve seems so exaggerated in those images.

A direct link to the mentioned video. No comment on what he shows (the metabunk thread discusses much of this in depth) just a secondary source showing/talking about the towers/lines stretching across the lake as requested.


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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2017, 05:26:43 PM »
They absolutely don't exist.

Find an example where no one is talking about earth's shape. A tourist picture, which power company installed them, plans, planning permission. It makes no sense. The lake is only a couple of metres deep. You'd run cables under the water. Not create an eyesore and ruin the view and cause a hazard for boats and wildlife.
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Offline xenotolerance

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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2017, 05:32:38 PM »
You know, I did link to google maps at a location where the cables are visible.

Edit: reported that to google with the maps and they took them down agreeing it was a falsehood.  (I happen to be a long time member of google guides and I'm a level 5 guide).

This did not happen. You can scroll to the East along the shore of the lake, and follow the lines through several different sets of satellite photography.

Also, here: Page 90


The power lines were "first planned by Louisiana Power and Light Company in 1927." The book says the towers are 100 feet tall (which is, incidentally, as tall or taller than a battleship above water). see attached image if you can't get the book to show page 90

so, evidence asked for and received

the earth is round

Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2017, 05:34:29 PM »
They absolutely don't exist.

Find an example where no one is talking about earth's shape. A tourist picture, which power company installed them, plans, planning permission. It makes no sense. The lake is only a couple of metres deep. You'd run cables under the water. Not create an eyesore and ruin the view and cause a hazard for boats and wildlife.

Let me know if that link doesn't work. I know those can get weird.

Still digging to try and find actual records, but no such luck quite yet.


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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2017, 05:38:26 PM »
It doesn't matter anyway. The video is a hoax.
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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2017, 05:42:49 PM »
No, it isn't.

He took multiple videos, including a video of him filming then immediately uploading one of said videos. These videos show power lines (that do exist) soundly proving the curvature of the Earth.

I understand that you are in denial about this and won't accept anything, for some time at least. So that's okay by me. Good luck with your holidays

Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2017, 05:44:33 PM »
It doesn't matter anyway. The video is a hoax.
How? The crux of your original argument was that he photoshopped the transmission lines in. Now it suddenly doesn't matter if they exist or not? The metabunk thread goes over (with visual examples) how such a curve could be 'created' when using some forced perspective tricks, but will not create a curve where none exists.

Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2017, 05:47:28 PM »
here are photos of the lines being built in 1957: http://louisianadigitallibrary.org/islandora/search/mods_subject_topic_ms:%22Overhead%5C%20electric%5C%20lines%22

here they are in some weather enthusiast's video:

here they are on a photography enthusiast's dumb website: http://www.uglyhedgehog.com/t-397106-1.html

literally a stock photo: http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/power-grid-in-the-water-royalty-free-image/498502317

« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 05:49:54 PM by garygreen »
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Re: Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2017, 06:21:48 PM »
It doesn't matter anyway. The video is a hoax.

Boy, you got all kinds of beat up on this thread. Lying and trying to say they don't exist. Lying and trying to say they are photoshopped. (it's a video) Now, you stomp your feet and say it is a hoax. I guess that is all you FEers can say since you have no way to debunk it. "The Earf would be real small if it curved that much." Find out the actual distance (the camera has substantial zoom) and prove the amount of curve is wrong.

"Its over. This thread belongs to flat earth now, and will lay testament to the cheer-leading and fakery behind round earth." You were way premature on this one.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.