This is stupid and clearly super-imposed on top. Look how tall those pylons are on the horizon.
Look how small a battleship appears when not very far away
And then look at the curve. Earth would be about 500 miles right the way round with a curve like that.
This is photoshopped to hell. In fact, here are some of the layers used to make that hoax.
Sad that you are all so gullible. You do the same whooping and shouting when NASA photoshops you a ball. "Yey! A ball. I thought it was ball, I love normailsation confirmation".
*Spoiler alert *
Lake Pontchartrain doesn't even have any power cables. It has a road running through its middle and outside of links to this 'flat earth busted' youtube video, there is no photo or mention of transmission lines anywhere. They aren't on google earth, google maps, there's no images of them, nothing ...
You can see this is a crude attempt to discredit a flat earther who used the actual causeway that exists on Lake Pontchartrain to prove earth flat ...
taking the same lake, photoshopping on some pylons and saying haha!
Leave this thread here though. It shows the lengths round earther's will go to hide from the truth.