saw NO satellites,
Because space is really big - even if you evenly spread all satellites on the surface of the earth each would have around 138,000km2 to itself. now think about the massive extra area created by the orbital heights of the satellites, with many over 35,000km up, it would be more surprising to see one than not.
It's like saying you shot a rocket from New York to LA and didn't see a school bus in Sydney, Australia. Why would you expect to see it unless it was aimed at it?
No Space Debris
There was some spotted.
NO oblate spheroid.
Why would you expect to see a difference of about 3%?
NO spinning earth
Take a beach ball and attach it to something that rotates it once every 24hrs and then tell me how impressive the spinning looks
NO escape veolocity
Not sure what this looks like? Can you explain a little bit further?
NO speeds of 20kmph
See previous remark/question
NO stars
Go out tonight and take a nice clear picture of a bright object in the sky (such as the moon) and show me how many stars end up in the picture. To show you the stars the other video/images would have had to have been massively overexposed.
Just stationary blackness.
What did you expect? Sounds like you expected satellites shooting past, stars, galaxies, space junk all over the place, the earth looking like a fast spinning ball extensively bulging at the equator, and some kind of massive sign reading "you have exceeded escape velocity.
I actually feel sorry for you. I hope it's not too late to repeat 3rd grade.