Non flat earther with some questions
« on: November 21, 2017, 05:15:16 AM »
I’ve never spoken to a flat earthed before and I have some questions. First up, what does a flat earth look like geographically? Is it round or square? Is it basically Alaska in  top left, New Zealand in the bottom right etc


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Non flat earther with some questions
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2017, 08:49:48 AM »
Please start with the FAQ.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: Non flat earther with some questions
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2017, 05:58:30 PM »
Since Pete and the Wiki are misleading/useless for the question you asked, I'll try to help. Flat Earthers do not have a working map, so they can't answer questions about geographic locations. One of their main contributors is somewhat famously quoted as saying the distance from New York to Paris is unknown.

The shapes I've seen them try to use are either round or an infinite plane. Hope that helps.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

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Re: Non flat earther with some questions
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2017, 11:40:56 PM »
Since Pete and the Wiki are misleading/useless for the question you asked, I'll try to help. Flat Earthers do not have a working map, so they can't answer questions about geographic locations. One of their main contributors is somewhat famously quoted as saying the distance from New York to Paris is unknown.

The shapes I've seen them try to use are either round or an infinite plane. Hope that helps.

The problem the FE'ers have is that literally ANY flat earth map that they claimed to be correct would be ridiculously easy to disprove just by looking at travel times and the way the stars look from different locations.

So it's a fundamental part of their belief system that they must **NEVER** be pinned down to admitting a particular map as "TRUE"...because it would instantly be debunked.   However, with some subtle math - we Round-Earthers have proven conclusively that no POSSIBLE Flat Earth map can ever reproduce distances that we're quite sure their deniability itself is actually debunked.

Since most of them seem to live in the Northern Hemisphere - and specifically Europe and N.America - the maps that they do tentatively publish are carefully arranged to minimize mapping errors in those locations - while throwing the Australians and New Zealanders under a bus by piling all of the (inevitable) distortions down into the Southern Hemisphere where they hope nobody will notice!
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?

devils advocate

Re: Non flat earther with some questions
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2017, 09:47:30 PM »
I’ve never spoken to a flat earthed before and I have some questions. First up, what does a flat earth look like geographically? Is it round or square? Is it basically Alaska in  top left, New Zealand in the bottom right etc

The Flat earther's SEEM to be pretty empirical in their approach; if they can't see it they don't believe it and thus until they can SEE the entire earth they will never be satisfied what shape it is.

There are FE here who deny the distance between New York and Paris as being known, think the sun is 30 (ish) KM across and 3,000 (ish) miles up in the sky, gravity is not real, stars are not suns that are really far away, geometry stops working over long distances, most of the world is involved in a conspiracy about the shape of the earth and space travel, satellites do not exist, GPS does not exist or it is managed by balloons......

When you're dealing with this much crazy the mere structure of the earth seems irrelevant by comparison.

Offline 3DGeek

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Re: Non flat earther with some questions
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2017, 02:07:53 AM »
I’ve never spoken to a flat earthed before and I have some questions. First up, what does a flat earth look like geographically? Is it round or square? Is it basically Alaska in  top left, New Zealand in the bottom right etc

The Flat earther's SEEM to be pretty empirical in their approach; if they can't see it they don't believe it and thus until they can SEE the entire earth they will never be satisfied what shape it is.

Oh - it's much worse than that!   We DO have the ability to see the entire Earth - photos from Apollo, live streaming video from that cool Japanese weather satellite, clear photos of the earth curvature taken from an amateur high altitude balloon flight, live streaming video from SpaceX launches...Indian and Chinese rocket launches.   Photos taken by robots on Mars and by the Voyager probes from beyond the edge of the solar system.

There are literally hundreds of ways that we can see that the Earth isn't flat.

If the FE'ers had to do more than merely open their eyes - we'd be a bit more sympathetic.  But because EVERY piece of solid evidence that cannot possibly be denied is immediately dumped into the giant "CONSPIRACY THEORY" bucket - I have little sympathy.  They aren't just ignorant - they are WILLFULLY ignorant.
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?

Re: Non flat earther with some questions
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2017, 01:11:48 AM »
I’ve never spoken to a flat earthed before and I have some questions. First up, what does a flat earth look like geographically? Is it round or square? Is it basically Alaska in  top left, New Zealand in the bottom right etc

They say seeing is believing, but true belief is sought only in faith. Faith in the Lord that Earth exists not as a silly sphere like Satan and his scientists want you to believe, but a beautiful, flat plain that few can comprehend in mere thought. Amen

Re: Non flat earther with some questions
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2017, 02:01:13 PM »
The Earth is flat, and i'll explain why, how, and why the government is hiding it from us. The Earth used to be a large, round planet, then in around 400000 BCE. A planet we've named Xenon, or 42EFTY-96, hit us, and flattened us like a pancake. This created the moon, and that was it. The Government is keeping it from us because when the Scientists back in the 1500's tried to explain to us that the earth is round, people believed them. When the government figured out that the earth is flat, they didn't want for us to question things like if trump actually isnt a girl and that the government is being run by the monsters like James Sullivan and Mike Wazoski.


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Re: Non flat earther with some questions
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2017, 03:02:10 PM »
Since Pete and the Wiki are misleading/useless for the question you asked, I'll try to help. Flat Earthers do not have a working map, so they can't answer questions about geographic locations. One of their main contributors is somewhat famously quoted as saying the distance from New York to Paris is unknown.

The shapes I've seen them try to use are either round or an infinite plane. Hope that helps.

The problem the FE'ers have is that literally ANY flat earth map that they claimed to be correct would be ridiculously easy to disprove just by looking at travel times and the way the stars look from different locations.

So it's a fundamental part of their belief system that they must **NEVER** be pinned down to admitting a particular map as "TRUE"...because it would instantly be debunked.   However, with some subtle math - we Round-Earthers have proven conclusively that no POSSIBLE Flat Earth map can ever reproduce distances that we're quite sure their deniability itself is actually debunked.

Since most of them seem to live in the Northern Hemisphere - and specifically Europe and N.America - the maps that they do tentatively publish are carefully arranged to minimize mapping errors in those locations - while throwing the Australians and New Zealanders under a bus by piling all of the (inevitable) distortions down into the Southern Hemisphere where they hope nobody will notice!

Actually Pete said in his interview that the UN version of the map is what he thinks it looks like.   Maybe we could get a discussion going on the pros and cons of that map.
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?

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Re: Non flat earther with some questions
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2017, 11:45:31 PM »
The Earth is flat, and i'll explain why, how, and why the government is hiding it from us. The Earth used to be a large, round planet, then in around 400000 BCE. A planet we've named Xenon, or 42EFTY-96, hit us, and flattened us like a pancake. This created the moon, and that was it. The Government is keeping it from us because when the Scientists back in the 1500's tried to explain to us that the earth is round, people believed them. When the government figured out that the earth is flat, they didn't want for us to question things like if trump actually isnt a girl and that the government is being run by the monsters like James Sullivan and Mike Wazoski.

So what you are saying is that two spherical objects (Earth and planet Xenon) had collided with each other and that collision had made Earth flat... Can someone explain how two spherical collide with each other and make one "flat"? Also what happened to the planet Xenon after the collision.

Ancient people first believed that Earth was flat. And over time, they got to know that Earth was in fact round and changed their theory. So why did these people changed their mind in the first place if the Earth was not round?

In this theory, how does the space look like? Does it look like Solar System Round Earthers believe? (Well it cannot be like Solar System because this in this theory, Gravity is necessary and If there is Gravity that we, Round Earthers, believe, then the "flat" Earth would crush back into ball)
Why believe in Flat Earth theory when there is so much evidence supporting Round Earth?

Flat Earth map cannot exist