New here. How do you explain this?
« on: November 17, 2017, 09:03:11 PM »
I read through some of the pages on wiki here. Before coming here i believed the moon landing was a hoax, which this site confirmed. However, as reasonable as some of the arguments for flat earth sound, I just cant believe it considering evidence like this. How do you explain NASAs live feed from space which clearly shows curvature?

Also wouldnt astronauts who have been to space say something? If ive went to space and found out the earth wasnt a globe after have been told that my whole life, I would tell everyone.


Offline Roger G

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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2017, 09:22:15 PM »
The answer put forward on this site is that space exploration is not possible and that the whole moon landings, ISS, satellites thing is faked by NASA who are a bunch of liars extorting billions of dollars out of the taxes in conjunction with big business.

You will be told that the ISS live feed is actually faked in a studio and using CGI. How and why this has been perpetuated for 50 years is not clearly explained.



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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2017, 10:19:23 PM »
This looks like a scene right out of a movie. What makes you believe it's real?

There are so many proofs now that we have been swindled, I find it amazing peeps still believe in a ball spinning with water attached. It's completely impossible.
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.


Offline Dither

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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2017, 10:49:48 PM »
How do you explain NASAs live feed from space which clearly shows curvature?

If I give you say 20 billion dollars (give or take a few hundred mill) do you think you could knock me up something that looks like a satelite is orbiting the earth in real time? Should be pretty doable...

And its what the Astronauts are "not" saying, that indicates where the truth lies.

A lie will make it around the world before the truth has time to put on its shoes.

Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2017, 12:52:07 AM »
How do you explain NASAs live feed from space which clearly shows curvature?

If I give you say 20 billion dollars (give or take a few hundred mill) do you think you could knock me up something that looks like a satelite is orbiting the earth in real time? Should be pretty doable...

And its what the Astronauts are "not" saying, that indicates where the truth lies.


Maybe they got sick of repeating themselves. I get sick of it too and I get pretty grumpy about it. That doesn't mean it's proof of something.

Offline Roger G

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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2017, 03:27:52 PM »
So you train as a pilot, then a test pilot, get the best at what you do risking your life for years. Then you get selected from hundreds of other applicants for astronaut training and spend the next few years going through the most incredibly hard physical and mental training. You then have to learn all the systems and checks ad nauseum so that you can do them without even thinking and still remain cool and calm. You then say goodbye to all those people you love in your life to take a voyage to a celestial body that has never been achieved before, knowing that there is a good chance that you will never return. You take the journey and encounter incredible risk and setbacks, any one of which could end your life, all the time being watched live by millions all over the world expecting to see you die. Telescopes, radio telescopes and communication technology from just about every country in the world is tracking your path and monitoring every word.  Somehow you survive and are able to allow your mind to go back into life whilst everybody wants you to tell them every moment of every feeling you ever had for the next few decades.

Then you are invited to a televised interview where some up his arse little twat asks you whether you would swear on a book that is connected to one religion, with second hand stories written decades and centuries after the events, that you actually went to the moon! What Neil Armstrong should have done was to get up, smack him in the mouth and walk out in disgust at such a disgraceful lack of respect.



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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2017, 04:17:32 PM »
Don't be foolish and underestimate the power of satan. These astronutz could have gone thru all this you say and one day near the end, a couple men in black explain to him or her that their daughter will be tortured and raped in front of his wife then the same for her before being shot in the head with a nail gun. Whether it's JFK, Bobby, Martin or the 1,000's before and after who went against evil only to pay, God alone cut the cards for us and made it so even the brightest scientists who sold out can't figure out 95% of what makes up the skies. Thats because you can't see beyond the dome and gravity doesn't exist now does it. It's a make believe formula.

So the Nutz are chosen just like the return to normalization once you sell out to satan. Run along skippy. The Earth is flat.
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.

Offline Roger G

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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2017, 07:14:47 PM »
Don't be foolish and underestimate the power of satan. These astronutz could have gone thru all this you say and one day near the end, a couple men in black explain to him or her that their daughter will be tortured and raped in front of his wife then the same for her before being shot in the head with a nail gun. Whether it's JFK, Bobby, Martin or the 1,000's before and after who went against evil only to pay, God alone cut the cards for us and made it so even the brightest scientists who sold out can't figure out 95% of what makes up the skies. Thats because you can't see beyond the dome and gravity doesn't exist now does it. It's a make believe formula.

So the Nutz are chosen just like the return to normalization once you sell out to satan. Run along skippy. The Earth is flat.
  ;D ::) >o< Yawn!!! Oh Dear! Nurse I think we need some help here!

devils advocate

Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2017, 07:47:59 PM »
Don't be foolish and underestimate the power of satan. These astronutz could have gone thru all this you say and one day near the end, a couple men in black explain to him or her that their daughter will be tortured and raped in front of his wife then the same for her before being shot in the head with a nail gun. Whether it's JFK, Bobby, Martin or the 1,000's before and after who went against evil only to pay, God alone cut the cards for us and made it so even the brightest scientists who sold out can't figure out 95% of what makes up the skies. Thats because you can't see beyond the dome and gravity doesn't exist now does it. It's a make believe formula.

So the Nutz are chosen just like the return to normalization once you sell out to satan. Run along skippy. The Earth is flat.

Don't be foolish and imagine the universe was created by a big magic fairy who also created a big evil fairy and then feel the need to deny all logic for the rest of your life to maintain the charade. Over half the population must be in on a giant conspiracy just to keep your delusion going. Run along Skippy, earth is definitely not flat.


Offline Dither

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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2017, 09:52:14 PM »
Hi Roger,

Its a nice sentiment and some of it is true, the astronauts did risk their lives at the start of the program until NASA realised that it couldn't be done, so they went to plan B for the good of the world and the American people (who have a somewhat more democratic society than the Ruskies) Meanwhile, Russia killed a lot of astronauts (because a life is cheaper in Russia thanks to communism) but they finally realised too that it wasn't going to happen so they also played along and did some fake landings to save face.

So now we have True Patriots and Hero's lying for the good of the country and this is why they won't swear on the bible because unlike yourself, some of these men do believe in God and are not 100 per cent down with this great lie they have been asked to sell. I believe Neil Armstrong was a humble man with a conscience and he found it very difficult to maintain this deception but he did it none the less.

A lie will make it around the world before the truth has time to put on its shoes.

Offline Roger G

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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2017, 10:22:34 PM »
Hi Roger,

Its a nice sentiment and some of it is true, the astronauts did risk their lives at the start of the program until NASA realised that it couldn't be done, so they went to plan B for the good of the world and the American people (who have a somewhat more democratic society than the Ruskies) Meanwhile, Russia killed a lot of astronauts (because a life is cheaper in Russia thanks to communism) but they finally realised too that it wasn't going to happen so they also played along and did some fake landings to save face.

So now we have True Patriots and Hero's lying for the good of the country and this is why they won't swear on the bible because unlike yourself, some of these men do believe in God and are not 100 per cent down with this great lie they have been asked to sell. I believe Neil Armstrong was a humble man with a conscience and he found it very difficult to maintain this deception but he did it none the less.


Hang on a minute Dither, I said that the Bible was just a book full of hand me down stories with no factual evidence of anything it contains, but nowhere did I say I didn't believe in God. I don't believe in stories of fire and brimstone and other cobbled together drivel used by clever and powerful men to strike fear of the wrath of God into weak men. A great way of getting the poor people to cough up even more money and controlling their minds. Some of the greatest evils have been committed or supported by the church or in the name of God as with other religions that follow similar patterns and still are today. There is little connection between the church and God.


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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2017, 10:43:18 PM »
  ;D ::) >o< Yawn!!! Oh Dear! Nurse I think we need some help here!

If you have nothing to add beyond an insult, then refrain from posting in the upper fora. Warned.

Offline mtnman

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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2017, 11:22:49 PM »
Hi Roger,

Its a nice sentiment and some of it is true, the astronauts did risk their lives at the start of the program until NASA realised that it couldn't be done, so they went to plan B for the good of the world and the American people (who have a somewhat more democratic society than the Ruskies) Meanwhile, Russia killed a lot of astronauts (because a life is cheaper in Russia thanks to communism) but they finally realised too that it wasn't going to happen so they also played along and did some fake landings to save face.

So now we have True Patriots and Hero's lying for the good of the country and this is why they won't swear on the bible because unlike yourself, some of these men do believe in God and are not 100 per cent down with this great lie they have been asked to sell. I believe Neil Armstrong was a humble man with a conscience and he found it very difficult to maintain this deception but he did it none the less.
Personally, I don't know why they don't want to swear on the bible about it. Maybe they don't like the insult of asking them to prove they aren't part of a bullshit conspiracy. I don't know.

But I ask you this. If they swore on the bible that they did land on the moon, would you then believe them? If not, then what's the point of the question?

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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2017, 05:21:45 PM »
How do you explain NASAs live feed from space which clearly shows curvature?

If I give you say 20 billion dollars (give or take a few hundred mill) do you think you could knock me up something that looks like a satelite is orbiting the earth in real time? Should be pretty doable...

And its what the Astronauts are "not" saying, that indicates where the truth lies.


It would be tough to have it track the weather in realtime.

I don't think the problem is as easy as you think.
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?

Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2017, 08:58:52 PM »
I am new here as well.
My take is that if I was stealing trillions of dollars from the American people, what could I not fake?
They got the money to do anything they want.

I read through some of the pages on wiki here. Before coming here i believed the moon landing was a hoax, which this site confirmed. However, as reasonable as some of the arguments for flat earth sound, I just cant believe it considering evidence like this. How do you explain NASAs live feed from space which clearly shows curvature?

Also wouldnt astronauts who have been to space say something? If ive went to space and found out the earth wasnt a globe after have been told that my whole life, I would tell everyone.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2017, 09:09:33 PM by RedontheHead »


Offline gizmo910

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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2017, 09:17:08 PM »
In all truth, NASA only receives about 0.5% of the federal budget. While that is still a large amount, the VA gets roughly 1.2% of the budget. The DoD gets roughly 13% of the budget.

Not to mention some of the things that came from NASA research.

Burden of proof has yet to be established that they just "pocket" billions of dollars. Thus, it remains a conspiracy theory that holds little merit.
Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe.

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― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2017, 02:01:32 PM »
In all truth, NASA only receives about 0.5% of the federal budget. While that is still a large amount, the VA gets roughly 1.2% of the budget. The DoD gets roughly 13% of the budget.

Not to mention some of the things that came from NASA research.

Burden of proof has yet to be established that they just "pocket" billions of dollars. Thus, it remains a conspiracy theory that holds little merit.

It's also worth mentioning that the $20 billion that NASA gets isn't all used in space research.  NASA stands for "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" and the "aeronautics" part includes things like research into aircraft safety, novel aircraft designs, work on improved fuel efficiency...that kind of thing.  NASA owns a bunch of wind-tunnels - one of which is (I believe) the largest in existence.

Also, it is very obvious to anyone who lives near one of their launch sites that they do in fact launch HUGE rockets on a fairly regular basis.   Even if you believe that those are not reaching orbit (or whatever you really believe) - they still cost a lot of money to build and launch.

NASA's payments to outside contractors is whatever it is...the number of staff they employ is clearly what they claim it is...PLUS the staff who are faking all of these videos.

Consider things like the James Webb Space telescope - even if it's not a 'real space telescope' - they still paid a shit-load of money to have those huge mirrors ground - and they definitely build all of the mechanism to unfold them - and the money for a rocket large enough to convince their neighbors that they really are going to launch it.

With all of those expenses, it's REALLY hard to see how they can be "pocketing" very much of it.

Also - who are the "they" who are doing the pocketing?   Employees of NASA?  They seem to be paid the standard rate for engineers, etc.   The management?

I just don't see how this insanely complicated process of faking everything could possibly turn a profit at all!
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?

Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2017, 02:58:19 PM »
In all truth, NASA only receives about 0.5% of the federal budget. While that is still a large amount, the VA gets roughly 1.2% of the budget. The DoD gets roughly 13% of the budget.

Not to mention some of the things that came from NASA research.

Burden of proof has yet to be established that they just "pocket" billions of dollars. Thus, it remains a conspiracy theory that holds little merit.

It's also worth mentioning that the $20 billion that NASA gets isn't all used in space research.  NASA stands for "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" and the "aeronautics" part includes things like research into aircraft safety, novel aircraft designs, work on improved fuel efficiency...that kind of thing.  NASA owns a bunch of wind-tunnels - one of which is (I believe) the largest in existence.

Also, it is very obvious to anyone who lives near one of their launch sites that they do in fact launch HUGE rockets on a fairly regular basis.   Even if you believe that those are not reaching orbit (or whatever you really believe) - they still cost a lot of money to build and launch.

NASA's payments to outside contractors is whatever it is...the number of staff they employ is clearly what they claim it is...PLUS the staff who are faking all of these videos.

Consider things like the James Webb Space telescope - even if it's not a 'real space telescope' - they still paid a shit-load of money to have those huge mirrors ground - and they definitely build all of the mechanism to unfold them - and the money for a rocket large enough to convince their neighbors that they really are going to launch it.

With all of those expenses, it's REALLY hard to see how they can be "pocketing" very much of it.

Also - who are the "they" who are doing the pocketing?   Employees of NASA?  They seem to be paid the standard rate for engineers, etc.   The management?

I just don't see how this insanely complicated process of faking everything could possibly turn a profit at all!
Let's not forget NASA is also a government agency, so every dollar they spend is being accounted for by Congress. Looking through some of their information it's clear the issue years the wiki brings up have brought about some strong changes in how they track things, with the past few years having rather intense scrutiny of costs to see where there's wasteful spending. So we've now added the members of the Congressional Oversight Committee to the list of those who have to be bribed. But as importantly, their budget information is public. There's some info there. I suspect there's a deeper breakdown of everything somewhere (those have lines for "Contractual services and supplies" which take the bulk of funding in all categories and aren't all that descriptive) as I recall finding one for earlier years, but I haven't found one more current just yet. I would suggest if the FE community wishes to present any sort of 'smoking gun' in terms of actual facts, this is the sort of place to begin.

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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2017, 04:05:06 PM »

It's also worth mentioning that the $20 billion that NASA gets isn't all used in space research.  NASA stands for "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" and the "aeronautics" part includes things like research into aircraft safety, novel aircraft designs, work on improved fuel efficiency...that kind of thing.  NASA owns a bunch of wind-tunnels - one of which is (I believe) the largest in existence.

Also, it is very obvious to anyone who lives near one of their launch sites that they do in fact launch HUGE rockets on a fairly regular basis.   Even if you believe that those are not reaching orbit (or whatever you really believe) - they still cost a lot of money to build and launch.

NASA's payments to outside contractors is whatever it is...the number of staff they employ is clearly what they claim it is...PLUS the staff who are faking all of these videos.

Consider things like the James Webb Space telescope - even if it's not a 'real space telescope' - they still paid a shit-load of money to have those huge mirrors ground - and they definitely build all of the mechanism to unfold them - and the money for a rocket large enough to convince their neighbors that they really are going to launch it.

With all of those expenses, it's REALLY hard to see how they can be "pocketing" very much of it.

Also - who are the "they" who are doing the pocketing?   Employees of NASA?  They seem to be paid the standard rate for engineers, etc.   The management?

I just don't see how this insanely complicated process of faking everything could possibly turn a profit at all!
Let's not forget NASA is also a government agency, so every dollar they spend is being accounted for by Congress. Looking through some of their information it's clear the issue years the wiki brings up have brought about some strong changes in how they track things, with the past few years having rather intense scrutiny of costs to see where there's wasteful spending. So we've now added the members of the Congressional Oversight Committee to the list of those who have to be bribed. But as importantly, their budget information is public. There's some info there. I suspect there's a deeper breakdown of everything somewhere (those have lines for "Contractual services and supplies" which take the bulk of funding in all categories and aren't all that descriptive) as I recall finding one for earlier years, but I haven't found one more current just yet. I would suggest if the FE community wishes to present any sort of 'smoking gun' in terms of actual facts, this is the sort of place to begin.

Given the level of fraud the FE faithful suggest, there is a great opportunity for them here. There are "whistle blower" laws that allow parties bringing forth evidence of fraud to be paid a portion of the recovered funds. If the FE Society/FE Societies would formally bring forth their evidence of all this fraud, they could recover vast sums of money which they could invest in flat Earth science. Think of the things they could do. A rocket program to take pictures of the flat Earth. An expedition to the ice wall. Sending cartographers to the actual four corners of the Earth to create that elusive map.

What an awesome opportunity, unless the fraud allegations are something they just made up as an excuse to ignore inconvenient evidence.


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Re: New here. How do you explain this?
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2017, 04:44:59 PM »
Given the level of fraud the FE faithful suggest, there is a great opportunity for them here. There are "whistle blower" laws [...]

What an awesome opportunity [...]
What an awesome opportunity to get murdered in cold blood, as previous whistleblowers have. Please, I know you're trying to be generous, but you can take all the glory on that one.
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