Naw, because the speed of light is unattainable by anything that has mass. The Earth is wayyyy too big to accelarate that much
also earth is round
Please go and learn about relativity before you say things like that.
* Relativity is called that because "everything is relative". Technically, you have to examine things consistently from a specific frame of reference.
* So from the "frame of reference" of someone standing on the Flat Earth, the speed of the Earth relative to us is...ZERO! So from OUR perspective, we never reach light speed...we never even reach 10 mph.
* From the perspective of some hypothetical "outsider" who is not being accelerated by this weird FET "Universal Acceleration" - they would see the Earth going faster and faster - BUT as it goes faster, special relativity says that the rate at which clocks tick on Earth would go slower and slower (from the perspective of the outsider). This means that from the outsider's perspective, the Earth gets closer and closer to light speed - but never *QUITE* reaches it. From their point of view, it the Earth has been accelerating like this for a billion years (say) then time is passing insanely slowly on Earth...but the Earthlings don't notice that because for them, EVERYTHING is going equally slowly.
* GR says that there is no possible experiment within a closed system that can distinguish a uniform gravitational field from a uniform acceleration. LITERALLY no experiment.
* Since UA is a uniform acceleration, it's indistinguishable from a uniform gravitational every possible way.
* HOWEVER: When we measure the gravitational field of the the Earth - it isn't *quite* uniform. There are differences of less than 1% due to three things:
a) Being at the pole versus the equator.
b) Being on top of a tall mountain versus a deep valley.
c) Being above a denser rock formation (like granite) versus a lighter one (like pumice).
So - PLEASE stop this stupid argument.
The reason that Universal Acceleration is complete and utter bullshit is because EVERYTHING to do with the Flat Earth hypothesis is complete and utter bullshit. In this case, you know it's bullshit because gravity isn't the same everywhere on Earth and UA would be the same everywhere.
You CANNOT, however, use relativity (either Special or General) to disprove just can't, OK?
If you still think you can - then you don't know enough about Einstein's theories to comment intelligently on the subject - so you should probably shut the hell up and stop embarrassing yourself.