
Offline J-Man

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2017, 02:35:02 PM »
Okay Austin, okay Stinky, I guess that works, anyone have any objections to that?

You're entitled to believe in what ever you like.

War=Killing or Murder Tom likes that one. It is one of the 10 commandments.
Money=Root of all EVIL Stinky likes this one.

The reason we never went back is because we never went in the first place.

There is a war going on for sure, satan vs GOD
We also get so obsessed with money that we can never make it to heaven because of it, our love of money. That's the verse about it's easier for a camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven.

If one can give all worldly possessions away and trust in God to supply what one needs, he will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. He promises us that, most can't or won't do it, soooo, loser !

I've actually read a fair amount of the Bible and I don't remember it saying the moon was unreachable. BTW, did you type this message on a worldly possession?
Actually it does, maybe not specifically like you would need but the sun and moon are in the firmament which is a solid expanse. It also says there are signs and wonders in the heavens so if you were able to reach it (the moon) it would no longer be a wonder now would it.

Stink the world is round to you, the world is flat as a pancake to me with CGI fakery. People ask how can the conspiracy be covered up by so many. I say look at the % who don't even know the "truth" ie "The Word"
It's easily concealed to people who have no minds to explore or believe. Evolution is laughable yet stupid people think it's factoid. Srry to burst the old bubble.......POP

Stinky I am not ashamed of my God, he gave me this comp and instructed me to make good use of the tools he blesses me with. Been down the road so few can muster.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 02:37:10 PM by J-Man »
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2017, 03:29:39 PM »
I say look at the % who don't even know the "truth" ie "The Word"

I hear you!

Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


Offline J-Man

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2017, 07:10:51 PM »
Stink I'm sure when you were young you understood being saved by Grace and how easy eternal life and heaven is. 50 years ago I couldn't fathom how God could save us all so easily yet with the same breath say the "Gates are Narrow"

Matt 7:13
"You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.

Today with 7 billion grasshoppers and only a very small percentage knowing the Grace of God, the light bulb now goes off. I get it, God is never wrong, how could he be? He and all his creations are PERFECT.  Only the select will make it.

Trying to get this back on subject lets do the 50 years. Just like I took grace for granted, I took landing on the moon for granted. It's not until recent years when I really began to study the farce of moon landing did I see the trickery. NASA didn't just lie about the moon, they lied about EVERYTHING, that's the serpent tongue in the vector !
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 07:16:35 PM by J-Man »
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2017, 07:41:30 PM »
Stink I'm sure when you were young you understood being saved by Grace and how easy eternal life and heaven is. 50 years ago I couldn't fathom how God could save us all so easily yet with the same breath say the "Gates are Narrow"

Matt 7:13
"You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.

Today with 7 billion grasshoppers and only a very small percentage knowing the Grace of God, the light bulb now goes off. I get it, God is never wrong, how could he be? He and all his creations are PERFECT.  Only the select will make it.

I'm not here to debate religion, so if you read the Bible and think the world is flat, more power to you. I'm just going to throw it out there that maybe we aren't all fooled by Satan into thinking the world is round. Maybe it is actually round and you're misinterpreting what you're reading. Waters below, rivers, lakes, oceans. Waters above, clouds, rain, etc. Not the right forum, so I shall leave it at that.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.


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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2017, 11:34:09 PM »
But we DID go back. NASA alone landed manned missions five more times. Apollo 17 in 1972 was the last manned moon landing.

Plus, Apollo 11 was not the first successful mission to the moon. There were unmanned orbiters and landers from the Russian and American space programs alike; Apollo 8 was the first manned mission that orbited but did not land on the moon. Apollo 11 has the distinction of being the first manned moon landing, being super famous because of its live broadcast, and being the focus of NASA conspiracy theories, but there were unmanned landings before it.

A claim that the moon landing was faked must also address the other moon missions; a reliable sign that a conspiracy claim is rooted in ignorance is that they only talk about Apollo 11.


Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2017, 10:07:02 AM »
Is money really an issue thou?
On their journey back to the moon or to mars, they could sell tickets to rich people who want to make the voyage with them for billions of dollars.
They could also collect rocks, and sell them for billions, or at least millions of dollars.
They could film their voyage, NASA could make their footage PPV.
Or the federal reserve could just print more money, I mean it prints trillions a year anyway, really as long as you have the resources, money shouldn't be an issue.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 10:10:13 AM by Antithecystem »

Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2017, 12:43:27 PM »
Is money really an issue thou?
On their journey back to the moon or to mars, they could sell tickets to rich people who want to make the voyage with them for billions of dollars.
They could also collect rocks, and sell them for billions, or at least millions of dollars.
They could film their voyage, NASA could make their footage PPV.
Or the federal reserve could just print more money, I mean it prints trillions a year anyway, really as long as you have the resources, money shouldn't be an issue.
That's great if you're at that point already. Doesn't help much in the development stage. Most 'rich people' aren't interested in helping fund that type of R&D, because that's not the kind of risk you take to get to being rich in the first place. Why do you think Musk is so notable?

As a governmental body, I'm not sure NASA can make their stuff PPV. Even if they did, I'm doubtful how much return they would even see on such an endeavor.

No. The federal reserve cannot just do that. Please, if you don't know why go learn. They do NOT print that much each year. In 2014 they printed approx. $560 million. Not even close to 'trillions' a year.

As a government agency they have to rely on funding from the government by and large, and as it's a civilian and not military oriented independent agency, that means they don't get anything from the funds allocated for military usage.

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2017, 12:54:06 PM »
Is money really an issue thou?
On their journey back to the moon or to mars, they could sell tickets to rich people who want to make the voyage with them for billions of dollars.
They could also collect rocks, and sell them for billions, or at least millions of dollars.
They could film their voyage, NASA could make their footage PPV.
Or the federal reserve could just print more money, I mean it prints trillions a year anyway, really as long as you have the resources, money shouldn't be an issue.

A few very obvious flaws here. The money needed to get to the moon is required well before any actual mission. You can't sell rocks or PPV on the back end. That isn't how it works. You have to design, build, and test all the systems and gear required to get there. You have to train the crew. You have to design the actual mission. All of this has to happen BEFORE you go anywhere. Now, you have to take all that money and ask yourself if it is better spent on other missions. The answer to that question is yes. The moon is a rock. We have been there. Short of using it as a test for a Mars mission, there isn't much reason to risk people's lives to go back. A far better place to spend that money would be on mission to Europa to see if there is any life in its subsurface oceans. It is about science, not proving nut jobs wrong.
And yeah, printing money...sigh, I just can't.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 12:55:40 PM by StinkyOne »
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.


Offline J-Man

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2017, 02:10:48 PM »
Stanley Kubrick died, impossible to go back to the moon. The sets have all been destroyed for Musk's landing on barges videos.
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2017, 03:36:57 PM »
Stanley Kubrick died, impossible to go back to the moon. The sets have all been destroyed for Musk's landing on barges videos.
Why do you even bother? Wait, why do I even bother???
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2017, 06:35:47 PM »
Stanley Kubrick died, impossible to go back to the moon. The sets have all been destroyed for Musk's landing on barges videos.
You have it backwards: Kubrick got his information from NASA - not the other way around.   He hired spacecraft consultants Frederick Ordway and Harry Lange, who had assisted some of the major contractors in the aerospace industry and NASA with developing advanced space vehicle concepts, as technical advisors on the film. Ordway was able to convince dozens of aerospace giants such as IBM, Honeywell, Boeing, General Dynamics, Grumman, Bell Telephone, and General Electric that participating in the production of 2001 would generate good publicity for them. Many companies provided copious amounts of documentation and hardware prototypes free of charge in return for “product placements” in the completed film. They believed that the film would serve as a big-screen advertisement for space technology and were more than willing to help out Kubrick’s crew in any way possible.
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?

Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2017, 02:02:44 AM »
Is money really an issue thou?
On their journey back to the moon or to mars, they could sell tickets to rich people who want to make the voyage with them for billions of dollars.
They could also collect rocks, and sell them for billions, or at least millions of dollars.
They could film their voyage, NASA could make their footage PPV.
Or the federal reserve could just print more money, I mean it prints trillions a year anyway, really as long as you have the resources, money shouldn't be an issue.

A few very obvious flaws here. The money needed to get to the moon is required well before any actual mission. You can't sell rocks or PPV on the back end. That isn't how it works. You have to design, build, and test all the systems and gear required to get there. You have to train the crew. You have to design the actual mission. All of this has to happen BEFORE you go anywhere. Now, you have to take all that money and ask yourself if it is better spent on other missions. The answer to that question is yes. The moon is a rock. We have been there. Short of using it as a test for a Mars mission, there isn't much reason to risk people's lives to go back. A far better place to spend that money would be on mission to Europa to see if there is any life in its subsurface oceans. It is about science, not proving nut jobs wrong.
And yeah, printing money...sigh, I just can't.
They could take out loans and pay them back later.
They could sell tickets in advance.

If life abiologically evolved, the odds of it happening once would be 1 out of a 1 with a trillion zeroes after it, what makes you think it would happen in the same solar system twice?
If it happened in our universe twice, it would probably be on the other side of the universe, or since there may be no sides, far, far away from us.
If life abiologically evolved, then odds are we're it, all there is.
We were a complete and utter fluke, a one off.
Furthermore, if they found life, are you certain they'd tell you?

...well of course you are, that's the paradigm you're operating out of.
It's a big paradigm, right/wrong, a lot of intricacies went into forging this paradigm of yours, and we couldn't possibly unravel them all in a thousand threads, much less one.
Or you can also think of it as elementary, that anybody who challenges your paradigm is just dead wrong.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 02:08:42 AM by Antithecystem »

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2017, 02:53:52 AM »
Is money really an issue thou?
On their journey back to the moon or to mars, they could sell tickets to rich people who want to make the voyage with them for billions of dollars.
They could also collect rocks, and sell them for billions, or at least millions of dollars.
They could film their voyage, NASA could make their footage PPV.
Or the federal reserve could just print more money, I mean it prints trillions a year anyway, really as long as you have the resources, money shouldn't be an issue.

A few very obvious flaws here. The money needed to get to the moon is required well before any actual mission. You can't sell rocks or PPV on the back end. That isn't how it works. You have to design, build, and test all the systems and gear required to get there. You have to train the crew. You have to design the actual mission. All of this has to happen BEFORE you go anywhere. Now, you have to take all that money and ask yourself if it is better spent on other missions. The answer to that question is yes. The moon is a rock. We have been there. Short of using it as a test for a Mars mission, there isn't much reason to risk people's lives to go back. A far better place to spend that money would be on mission to Europa to see if there is any life in its subsurface oceans. It is about science, not proving nut jobs wrong.
And yeah, printing money...sigh, I just can't.
They could take out loans and pay them back later.
They could sell tickets in advance.

If life abiologically evolved, the odds of it happening once would be 1 out of a 1 with a trillion zeroes after it, what makes you think it would happen in the same solar system twice?
If it happened in our universe twice, it would probably be on the other side of the universe, or since there may be no sides, far, far away from us.
If life abiologically evolved, then odds are we're it, all there is.
We were a complete and utter fluke, a one off.
Furthermore, if they found life, are you certain they'd tell you?

...well of course you are, that's the paradigm you're operating out of.
It's a big paradigm, right/wrong, a lot of intricacies went into forging this paradigm of yours, and we couldn't possibly unravel them all in a thousand threads, much less one.
Or you can also think of it as elementary, that anybody who challenges your paradigm is just dead wrong.

A) See comments about the lack of a reason to go to the moon. The money is better spent elsewhere.
B) The whole point of exploring is to, you know, explore. Make discoveries. Europa is very interesting and yes, life could evolve there. Most likely microbial, but life nonetheless. I like your odds and bold assertions about the likelihood of finding other life. Kinda like your world view, you haven't got a clue. 
C) Keep living that conspiratorial lie. You FEers spout off about the Earth being flat without a single solid piece of evidence. Spare me the whole paradigm BS. I base my views on facts and the world around me. We have been in space, many countries have been. Private companies have been. Private citizens have been. They are all lying, right?? Good luck with that.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2017, 04:27:43 AM »
Is money really an issue thou?
On their journey back to the moon or to mars, they could sell tickets to rich people who want to make the voyage with them for billions of dollars.
They could also collect rocks, and sell them for billions, or at least millions of dollars.
They could film their voyage, NASA could make their footage PPV.
Or the federal reserve could just print more money, I mean it prints trillions a year anyway, really as long as you have the resources, money shouldn't be an issue.

A few very obvious flaws here. The money needed to get to the moon is required well before any actual mission. You can't sell rocks or PPV on the back end. That isn't how it works. You have to design, build, and test all the systems and gear required to get there. You have to train the crew. You have to design the actual mission. All of this has to happen BEFORE you go anywhere. Now, you have to take all that money and ask yourself if it is better spent on other missions. The answer to that question is yes. The moon is a rock. We have been there. Short of using it as a test for a Mars mission, there isn't much reason to risk people's lives to go back. A far better place to spend that money would be on mission to Europa to see if there is any life in its subsurface oceans. It is about science, not proving nut jobs wrong.
And yeah, printing money...sigh, I just can't.
They could take out loans and pay them back later.
They could sell tickets in advance.

If life abiologically evolved, the odds of it happening once would be 1 out of a 1 with a trillion zeroes after it, what makes you think it would happen in the same solar system twice?
If it happened in our universe twice, it would probably be on the other side of the universe, or since there may be no sides, far, far away from us.
If life abiologically evolved, then odds are we're it, all there is.
We were a complete and utter fluke, a one off.
Furthermore, if they found life, are you certain they'd tell you?

...well of course you are, that's the paradigm you're operating out of.
It's a big paradigm, right/wrong, a lot of intricacies went into forging this paradigm of yours, and we couldn't possibly unravel them all in a thousand threads, much less one.
Or you can also think of it as elementary, that anybody who challenges your paradigm is just dead wrong.

A) See comments about the lack of a reason to go to the moon. The money is better spent elsewhere.
B) The whole point of exploring is to, you know, explore. Make discoveries. Europa is very interesting and yes, life could evolve there. Most likely microbial, but life nonetheless. I like your odds and bold assertions about the likelihood of finding other life. Kinda like your world view, you haven't got a clue. 
C) Keep living that conspiratorial lie. You FEers spout off about the Earth being flat without a single solid piece of evidence. Spare me the whole paradigm BS. I base my views on facts and the world around me. We have been in space, many countries have been. Private companies have been. Private citizens have been. They are all lying, right?? Good luck with that.
They told you the money is better spent elsewhere, you don't have a clue.

Your paradigm doesn't add up, the exact number of 0s after the 1 is insignificant, the point is, if your paradigm is correct, there is no life but our life.
Of course your paradigm is incorrect, and we're intelligently designed.
Only God could create life from non-life.

If we keep thinking we're going to find a way off this plane, all the more reason to desecrate it, round earth theory is bad for the earth.

There are no facts, only interpretations, only God is a fact.

All governments are the same, they're all controlled by demons who want to raise hell.

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2017, 12:18:50 PM »
Is money really an issue thou?
On their journey back to the moon or to mars, they could sell tickets to rich people who want to make the voyage with them for billions of dollars.
They could also collect rocks, and sell them for billions, or at least millions of dollars.
They could film their voyage, NASA could make their footage PPV.
Or the federal reserve could just print more money, I mean it prints trillions a year anyway, really as long as you have the resources, money shouldn't be an issue.

A few very obvious flaws here. The money needed to get to the moon is required well before any actual mission. You can't sell rocks or PPV on the back end. That isn't how it works. You have to design, build, and test all the systems and gear required to get there. You have to train the crew. You have to design the actual mission. All of this has to happen BEFORE you go anywhere. Now, you have to take all that money and ask yourself if it is better spent on other missions. The answer to that question is yes. The moon is a rock. We have been there. Short of using it as a test for a Mars mission, there isn't much reason to risk people's lives to go back. A far better place to spend that money would be on mission to Europa to see if there is any life in its subsurface oceans. It is about science, not proving nut jobs wrong.
And yeah, printing money...sigh, I just can't.
They could take out loans and pay them back later.
They could sell tickets in advance.

If life abiologically evolved, the odds of it happening once would be 1 out of a 1 with a trillion zeroes after it, what makes you think it would happen in the same solar system twice?
If it happened in our universe twice, it would probably be on the other side of the universe, or since there may be no sides, far, far away from us.
If life abiologically evolved, then odds are we're it, all there is.
We were a complete and utter fluke, a one off.
Furthermore, if they found life, are you certain they'd tell you?

...well of course you are, that's the paradigm you're operating out of.
It's a big paradigm, right/wrong, a lot of intricacies went into forging this paradigm of yours, and we couldn't possibly unravel them all in a thousand threads, much less one.
Or you can also think of it as elementary, that anybody who challenges your paradigm is just dead wrong.

A) See comments about the lack of a reason to go to the moon. The money is better spent elsewhere.
B) The whole point of exploring is to, you know, explore. Make discoveries. Europa is very interesting and yes, life could evolve there. Most likely microbial, but life nonetheless. I like your odds and bold assertions about the likelihood of finding other life. Kinda like your world view, you haven't got a clue. 
C) Keep living that conspiratorial lie. You FEers spout off about the Earth being flat without a single solid piece of evidence. Spare me the whole paradigm BS. I base my views on facts and the world around me. We have been in space, many countries have been. Private companies have been. Private citizens have been. They are all lying, right?? Good luck with that.
They told you the money is better spent elsewhere, you don't have a clue.

Your paradigm doesn't add up, the exact number of 0s after the 1 is insignificant, the point is, if your paradigm is correct, there is no life but our life.
Of course your paradigm is incorrect, and we're intelligently designed.
Only God could create life from non-life.

If we keep thinking we're going to find a way off this plane, all the more reason to desecrate it, round earth theory is bad for the earth.

There are no facts, only interpretations, only God is a fact.

All governments are the same, they're all controlled by demons who want to raise hell.

It's all a lie and only you have the answer. Got it. I've heard you loud and clear. It isn't a God thing either, because no even relatively major Christian denomination teaches that the Earth is flat. They are all wrong, only you are right.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.


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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2017, 04:47:31 PM »
My mom wants me to come upstairs and get off the computer now.

In case you missed it elsewhere.

In other news: Is it entirely impossible for a government organization to overstate their accomplishments and provide flimsy reasons why they can't do something in order to embezzle money, avoid embarrassment or secure promotions?  I'm not implying that everything was faked.  Just that, in general, people are greedy and lazy.

Let's look at this from an outside perspective and assume that a trip to the moon is indeed plausible today.  There must be at least some market for private enterprise to attempt it.  Humans do dumber things for money every day and there are some really rich idiots out there to take advantage of.  This could happen, but it's not currently which is a tad odd.  It makes sense to me that maybe NASA isn't doing it because the average US citizen cares more about the Kardashians and fake space movies than real space.

My best guess based on the assumption that the moon landing did happen exactly as claimed is that there's another reason not to go out there besides money and I suspect it could have to do with unwanted long term side effects.  It's very normal for private enterprise to by risk adverse when it comes to losing customers.  If private enterprise were to cater to super wealthy, and let's be honest it would be a one and done flight for most people, they can't afford to lose a single customer.  It's easier to have former government employees end up with higher rates of terminal cancer than the average population because no one tracks it.

That's my $0.02 as to why we haven't gone back.  There are people that moved back to Pripyat after Chernobyl, but they didn't have many options either.  I don't think that you'd get J Lo to move there today even if you built her a mansion.  People are funny that way.

Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur

Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2017, 08:23:03 PM »
Is money really an issue thou?
On their journey back to the moon or to mars, they could sell tickets to rich people who want to make the voyage with them for billions of dollars.
They could also collect rocks, and sell them for billions, or at least millions of dollars.
They could film their voyage, NASA could make their footage PPV.
Or the federal reserve could just print more money, I mean it prints trillions a year anyway, really as long as you have the resources, money shouldn't be an issue.

A few very obvious flaws here. The money needed to get to the moon is required well before any actual mission. You can't sell rocks or PPV on the back end. That isn't how it works. You have to design, build, and test all the systems and gear required to get there. You have to train the crew. You have to design the actual mission. All of this has to happen BEFORE you go anywhere. Now, you have to take all that money and ask yourself if it is better spent on other missions. The answer to that question is yes. The moon is a rock. We have been there. Short of using it as a test for a Mars mission, there isn't much reason to risk people's lives to go back. A far better place to spend that money would be on mission to Europa to see if there is any life in its subsurface oceans. It is about science, not proving nut jobs wrong.
And yeah, printing money...sigh, I just can't.
They could take out loans and pay them back later.
They could sell tickets in advance.

If life abiologically evolved, the odds of it happening once would be 1 out of a 1 with a trillion zeroes after it, what makes you think it would happen in the same solar system twice?
If it happened in our universe twice, it would probably be on the other side of the universe, or since there may be no sides, far, far away from us.
If life abiologically evolved, then odds are we're it, all there is.
We were a complete and utter fluke, a one off.
Furthermore, if they found life, are you certain they'd tell you?

...well of course you are, that's the paradigm you're operating out of.
It's a big paradigm, right/wrong, a lot of intricacies went into forging this paradigm of yours, and we couldn't possibly unravel them all in a thousand threads, much less one.
Or you can also think of it as elementary, that anybody who challenges your paradigm is just dead wrong.

A) See comments about the lack of a reason to go to the moon. The money is better spent elsewhere.
B) The whole point of exploring is to, you know, explore. Make discoveries. Europa is very interesting and yes, life could evolve there. Most likely microbial, but life nonetheless. I like your odds and bold assertions about the likelihood of finding other life. Kinda like your world view, you haven't got a clue. 
C) Keep living that conspiratorial lie. You FEers spout off about the Earth being flat without a single solid piece of evidence. Spare me the whole paradigm BS. I base my views on facts and the world around me. We have been in space, many countries have been. Private companies have been. Private citizens have been. They are all lying, right?? Good luck with that.
They told you the money is better spent elsewhere, you don't have a clue.

Your paradigm doesn't add up, the exact number of 0s after the 1 is insignificant, the point is, if your paradigm is correct, there is no life but our life.
Of course your paradigm is incorrect, and we're intelligently designed.
Only God could create life from non-life.

If we keep thinking we're going to find a way off this plane, all the more reason to desecrate it, round earth theory is bad for the earth.

There are no facts, only interpretations, only God is a fact.

All governments are the same, they're all controlled by demons who want to raise hell.

It's all a lie and only you have the answer. Got it. I've heard you loud and clear. It isn't a God thing either, because no even relatively major Christian denomination teaches that the Earth is flat. They are all wrong, only you are right.
Actually this was a troll post, I'm an agnostic regarding God and earth's shape, just sympathetic to alt religion and alt science or what you'd affectionately refer to as, woo.

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2017, 08:25:12 PM »
Sigh, trolled again...
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2017, 09:15:57 PM »
That being said, God and/or the flat earth conspiracy is at least a possibility in my mind.

A) See comments about the lack of a reason to go to the moon. The money is better spent elsewhere.
We could've been spending money to go back to the moon, and money to go into low earth orbit.
We've only supposedly explored 0.0000000001% of the moon's surface, so it seems like negative faith, and a forgone conclusion to say: there's nothing else worth uncovering.
I mean so that's it, no more missions?
You explored 0.0000000001% of a thing, and there's no need to explore it anymore?
Or build bases on it?

B) The whole point of exploring is to, you know, explore. Make discoveries. Europa is very interesting and yes, life could evolve there. Most likely microbial, but life nonetheless. I like your odds and bold assertions about the likelihood of finding other life. Kinda like your world view, you haven't got a clue.
This sounds like positive faith, big foot has trillions of times more chance of existing in one of the rain forests of the world than the universe has of spontaneously generating life twice, so why not look for big foot?

C) Keep living that conspiratorial lie. You FEers spout off about the Earth being flat without a single solid piece of evidence. Spare me the whole paradigm BS. I base my views on facts and the world around me. We have been in space, many countries have been. Private companies have been. Private citizens have been. They are all lying, right?? Good luck with that.
We know secret societies where Odd Gods are worshiped exist: Bohemian Groves, Skull and Bones...
We know only the elite are permitted to attend these gatherings.
This is proof they're not really Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or Atheists like they pretend to be, they're sorcerers.
We know government is totally corrupt (nevermind Alex Jones or David Icke, scholar Noam Chomsky and many others of his ilk will tell you government is corrupt).
We know politicians receive almost all their funds from the rich mega banks and corporations who're also corrupt, and whose members are also members of aforementioned cults.
Therefore, we can conclude the world is being ran by a dark, criminal cabal.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 09:52:53 PM by Antithecystem »


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Re: 50 Years Later
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2017, 09:44:26 PM »
Is this SERIOUS?! Do people ACTUALLY believe the Earth is FLAT?!?!

Warned again for low-content in the upper fora.