How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« on: August 07, 2017, 09:11:37 PM »
Its crazy that the government would lie to everyone about the earth being flat but it doesnt surprise me. How does NASA all stay quiet their secrets? Dont lots of people work there? Youd think that someone in the know over there would be willing to come clean and tell everyone the truth but i have never heard of that happening.

Does anyone know how big the conspiracy is though? Does everyone over there participate in lying or are they only the people at the top? My cousin is a graduate student that studies astronomy, is he being lied to or is he in on it too? He's a really cool guy, I bet he would tell me the truth if he knew stuff.

This is all super freaky! can anyone help me understand whats going on and what I can do about it?

Re: How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2017, 09:18:27 PM »
*refrains from making a more overt joke about his name and where they are*

From my understanding: No one agrees how deep it has to go. In theory anyone who has to deal with calculations that would need to take into effect a round Earth has to be in on it, from sailors to astronomers. But many others claim that many of them could be simply given incorrect information and since they don't have to know how things work behind the scenes for their stuff like GPS, they don't need to know. How many are involved will likely vary depending on who answers.

Re: How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2017, 09:25:05 PM »
OK so what do you think about my cousin then? it sounds like he is just being lied too.

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Re: How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2017, 02:34:50 PM »
OK so what do you think about my cousin then? it sounds like he is just being lied too.

IF you hold with FE beliefs then you'd have to say that right now, he's being lied to - but once he gets more deeply into the subject, there is no possibility that he could not learn "The Truth" - so he'd either have to sign up to the conspiracy - or "come out" as a Flat Earther and give up astronomy, which he'd then know were a pack of lies.

There are a LOT of astronomers in the world...I don't think any of them gave it up when they discovered that they'd be lied to for all this for FE to be tenable, you'd have to believe that 100% of astronomers are intellectually dishonest people who signed up to the conspiracy...and that having done that, not a single one changed their minds and revealed the truth to the world.

That's not just true of the present day - the conspiracy must go back many hundreds of years.

Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2017, 03:26:16 AM »
OK so what do you think about my cousin then? it sounds like he is just being lied too.

IF you hold with FE beliefs then you'd have to say that right now, he's being lied to - but once he gets more deeply into the subject, there is no possibility that he could not learn "The Truth" - so he'd either have to sign up to the conspiracy - or "come out" as a Flat Earther and give up astronomy, which he'd then know were a pack of lies.

There are a LOT of astronomers in the world...I don't think any of them gave it up when they discovered that they'd be lied to for all this for FE to be tenable, you'd have to believe that 100% of astronomers are intellectually dishonest people who signed up to the conspiracy...and that having done that, not a single one changed their minds and revealed the truth to the world.

That's not just true of the present day - the conspiracy must go back many hundreds of years.

Astronomers aren't liars. They are merely mistaken.

Re: How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2017, 07:07:50 AM »
OK so what do you think about my cousin then? it sounds like he is just being lied too.

IF you hold with FE beliefs then you'd have to say that right now, he's being lied to - but once he gets more deeply into the subject, there is no possibility that he could not learn "The Truth" - so he'd either have to sign up to the conspiracy - or "come out" as a Flat Earther and give up astronomy, which he'd then know were a pack of lies.

There are a LOT of astronomers in the world...I don't think any of them gave it up when they discovered that they'd be lied to for all this for FE to be tenable, you'd have to believe that 100% of astronomers are intellectually dishonest people who signed up to the conspiracy...and that having done that, not a single one changed their minds and revealed the truth to the world.

That's not just true of the present day - the conspiracy must go back many hundreds of years.

Astronomers aren't liars. They are merely mistaken.
Mistaken about what exactly?  Observations and calculations are something you avoid, no details of how you would determine the shape and size of the earth.


Re: How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2017, 12:45:51 AM »
OK so what do you think about my cousin then? it sounds like he is just being lied too.

IF you hold with FE beliefs then you'd have to say that right now, he's being lied to - but once he gets more deeply into the subject, there is no possibility that he could not learn "The Truth" - so he'd either have to sign up to the conspiracy - or "come out" as a Flat Earther and give up astronomy, which he'd then know were a pack of lies.

There are a LOT of astronomers in the world...I don't think any of them gave it up when they discovered that they'd be lied to for all this for FE to be tenable, you'd have to believe that 100% of astronomers are intellectually dishonest people who signed up to the conspiracy...and that having done that, not a single one changed their minds and revealed the truth to the world.

That's not just true of the present day - the conspiracy must go back many hundreds of years.

Astronomers aren't liars. They are merely mistaken.

How about those Navy lookouts who can estimate the distance to the horizon ?
Are they merely mistaken ?


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2017, 01:45:44 AM »
OK so what do you think about my cousin then? it sounds like he is just being lied too.

IF you hold with FE beliefs then you'd have to say that right now, he's being lied to - but once he gets more deeply into the subject, there is no possibility that he could not learn "The Truth" - so he'd either have to sign up to the conspiracy - or "come out" as a Flat Earther and give up astronomy, which he'd then know were a pack of lies.

There are a LOT of astronomers in the world...I don't think any of them gave it up when they discovered that they'd be lied to for all this for FE to be tenable, you'd have to believe that 100% of astronomers are intellectually dishonest people who signed up to the conspiracy...and that having done that, not a single one changed their minds and revealed the truth to the world.

That's not just true of the present day - the conspiracy must go back many hundreds of years.

Astronomers aren't liars. They are merely mistaken.

How about those Navy lookouts who can estimate the distance to the horizon ?
Are they merely mistaken ?

Untrustworthy murderers for hire.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 04:29:32 AM by Tom Bishop »

Re: How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2017, 01:52:58 AM »
OK so what do you think about my cousin then? it sounds like he is just being lied too.

IF you hold with FE beliefs then you'd have to say that right now, he's being lied to - but once he gets more deeply into the subject, there is no possibility that he could not learn "The Truth" - so he'd either have to sign up to the conspiracy - or "come out" as a Flat Earther and give up astronomy, which he'd then know were a pack of lies.

There are a LOT of astronomers in the world...I don't think any of them gave it up when they discovered that they'd be lied to for all this for FE to be tenable, you'd have to believe that 100% of astronomers are intellectually dishonest people who signed up to the conspiracy...and that having done that, not a single one changed their minds and revealed the truth to the world.

That's not just true of the present day - the conspiracy must go back many hundreds of years.

Astronomers aren't liars. They are merely mistaken.

How about those Navy lookouts who can estimate the distance to the horizon ?
Are they merely mistaken ?

Untrustworthy murderers for hire.
Welp, that's some fucking gold. Thank you Tom. The Navy is a bunch of 'untrustworthy murderers for hire' holy shit. I love it. How can you bring yourself to trust a single person about anything they say then Tom? Oh wait, you don't appear to unless they say they believe in a Flat Earth. That's right. I guess that must mean every single one of us is a NASA shill huh?


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Re: How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2017, 02:45:57 AM »
How about those Navy lookouts who can estimate the distance to the horizon ?
Are they merely mistaken ?

Not sure if they are mistaken. You should get one or more of them to come discuss it and I guess we can decide then.


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Re: How Big Is The NASA conspiracy?
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2017, 01:57:01 PM »
I've split the off-topic discussion and moved it to Complete Nonsense. Feel free to continue it there, but please refrain from derailing upper fora threads.